
Bel felt as though she had been plunged into warm water, but because of the back-and-forth with her emotions, she didn't know how to react at first. Her body chose for her: she lost her footing as the pain in her knees worsened and she face-planted onto Davien's chest for the second time.

Davien didn't hesitate; he wrapped his arms around her shoulders quickly, holding her to him. "I can smell blood," Davien said. "You're injured, aren't you?"

Bel nodded.

"Any broken bones?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Just a minute. I'll get you out of here. Is there anywhere I shouldn't hold that hurts?"

Bel shook her head again.

"Okay," he replied, and one of his hands moved from around her shoulders to her waist. "Hold tight," he ordered.