
Bel slowly lay back down at Davien's comment. "Hostility? What are you talking about?" she frowned.

Davien gave her an unimpressed stare. "Do you intend to feign ignorance, or do you really not know you've been hostile towards me?"

"Hostile? No, I haven't. I haven't stabbed you yet, have I?" she asked with a light shrug.

"What are you talking about? You've tried to! With a stake, for that matter."

Bel blinked. She had completely forgotten she had tried to pierce his heart, and at the time, she didn't plan on missing. If he hadn't stopped her, he would have ended up with a gaping hole in his chest.

"It doesn't count if it didn't happen."

"You've kicked me three times."

"Only half of those count—you caught the rest," she replied.

"I didn't count the ones I caught."

"I don't think you've let me kick you three times. That's an exaggeration."