Panic Attack

The platter was empty except for the apple cores. Bel hadn't been that hungry, but it was easy to just eat as she chatted with Mallory. Well, it mostly involved her talking and Mallory nodding along. She told her about her home in Landerfell and her sister. Mallory listened raptly, humming and nodding her head when needed.

Bel did try to ask Mallory about her parents and why she was here, but she only got that Mallory's parents were dead. Mallory didn't seem to like the topic, so Bel was quick to let it go and just ended up filling the silence with her words.

She was laughing with Mallory when the door suddenly opened, and they both froze. Stelian stood by the doorway, and his eyes quickly turned in their direction. "Princess," he said. It was hard to tell if he disapproved of her presence.