
"Do you want to shake on it?" Davien asked, extending his hand. Bel glared at it, and for a moment, he feared she wouldn't take it, but then she did.

Davien kept his composure as her warm palm touched his. He didn't react when she shifted her glare from their hands to his face. He maintained a straight face, knowing that if he showed even a hint of how he felt, she would jump to the other side of the room and never come near him again.

She pulled her hand away and wiped it on her dress. Unfortunately, Davien couldn't hide his reaction to that. It irked him that Bel disliked any skin contact with him. Forcing a neutral expression, he flashed a bright smile and said, "May the best one win."

Bel scoffed and sat down. "I only went along with this to shut you up. The fact that you would even make a bet like that is ridiculous."