Capital Walls

Bel didn't know how Stelian paid for the horse, and frankly, she didn't care to ask. Just like she didn't care when she rode off as he tried to stop her. She knew she would have to ride for a while before reaching the capital walls, and there was a chance she might lose her way. But since she was already in Greenham, she knew she would figure something out one way or another.

"Who is that?" a guard yelled as he stood at the top of the two towers that guarded the entrance to the capital.

"I don't know," another guard standing in front of the gates said.

"Let me through!" Bel yelled.

"No, you don't have a paper or pass. We can't let you in."

"I am Princess Beryl. What do you mean you can't let me in?"

"Very funny," the guard closest to her said with a sneer on his face as he held onto the reins of her horse. "The Princess is miles away, married to a vampire prince. Think of a better lie."