A Personal Request

Lucas pulled his fangs from a young girl and looked up at one of his men who had dared to interrupt his feeding session. "You better have a good reason for this, Jack," he said, blood dripping down the sides of his lips.

Jack was the newest member of the group, but in just a few months, he had proved his worth and had climbed the ranks; he was now Lucas's most trusted second in command.

"A message from Arnold Vancaster. He wants us to move immediately."

Lucas grabbed the young girl's hair, and she let out a scream, but this only made Lucas tighten his grip. It wasn't until she went quiet that he released it. "We are not his errand boys," Lucas snarled. His bloody mouth gave him a grim look.

The girl's neck was pouring blood, but she knew better than to try to cover it; it would only piss off Lucas more, and then only death would save her. So, she stood stiffly, not making a sound.