Davien is Back

"Welcome, Davy," his mother cried and rushed into his arms happily.

Davien frowned as he looked around the entrance. He had at least expected Bel to be one of the people to welcome him. She was the reason he had rushed Alexander and they had made it back two days earlier. However, only his mother, his father, Stelian, and a few guards were around. He caught sight of Fletch at the back with his head bowed.

He absentmindedly returned his mother's hug before asking, "Where is Bel?"

"Well, about that," his mother started to say as she pulled away from him.

Davien's heart dropped to his stomach. He didn't know what he was about to hear, but for some reason, he could tell he wouldn't like it one bit. "Yes?"

"She left," she said.

"What?" Davien yelled. He had expected to hear she was sick or something along those lines. Never in a million years would he have guessed this was the reply he would get. "Why?"