Davien and Arnold

"No, it isn't. Let go of me," Bel cried as she tried to struggle out of his grip again. 

"No, not until you agree to come with me," Davien replied.

"She's not leaving," Arnold said.

"I am not leaving with you," Bel said simultaneously.

Davien's eyes darkened, but he didn't address Bel. He locked eyes with Arnold. "Well, I am not leaving without her."

"You can't barge into someone's home and do as you like," Arnold replied.

"Well, this home has my wife, who has been missing for almost a week now. Give me one reason why I should think you have nothing to do with it, Arnold. How did she get here?"

Arnold's face hardened. "What are you insinuating?"

"I am simply asking a question. This situation is not only bizarre but completely unbelievable. If you have nothing to do with it, why is my wife not on a ship back home to her father's kingdom?"