Good Boy

Bel slowly opened her eyes to Cerberus' two heads panting mere inches from her face with drool dripping on the bed. If she had so much as moved, she would have been slobbered on. "Cerberus!" she cried, quickly moving backward.

He barked in response and wagged his tail. He moved even closer, ready to put his paws on the bed, but she stopped him. "No! Cerberus, don't!"

He gave her a disappointed look and then reluctantly moved away. Bel sighed in relief as she watched him walk to the corner, just as she heard a desperate knock and realized that was the reason she had woken up.

"Come in," she mumbled.

The door opened slightly, and a maid peeked into the room, though she didn't attempt to step in. "My lady," she said, her eyes darting around the room. She quickly found what she was looking for and jumped in fright.

"Come in," Bel repeated.

"The creature," the maid said, pointing.