Hubert's Accusation

Bel couldn't believe the lengths Davien was willing to go. What did he want with her? Was this a way to appeal to her father? But why? Did her powers have anything to do with it? The more she thought about it, the more confused she became, and the more she wanted him out of her sight.

"No," she replied.  

"Take Cerberus and leave. I have condoned your actions long enough. I should have chased you off last night. I can't believe I've let you do as you like."

"I'm sorry," Davien said without hesitation. "I truly am, but right now, all I really care about is getting you home and safe."

"Hah," she laughed. "Yeah, right. I told you about what Mi—never mind," she shook her head. She wasn't going to go through this. She had cried enough and made her conclusions about the matter. 
