Maybe She Deserved It?

"I told you not to fight it," Bel could hear Nera's voice through all the pain she felt, but there was no way she wouldn't fight it. It felt as though her soul was being pulled out of her body, and she was not about to make it easier for them to kill her.

"You're making this longer than it should be. It would have been done long ago, and the pain gone."

The witch was on her knees, her eyes red, and an arm hovered over Bel just as she knelt in a circle of her own, which was equally glowing. However, the less Bel's circle glowed, the more hers did.

Bel's body was on fire—or at least it felt that way—but that wasn't the only problem. Aside from being lit ablaze, it also felt like someone had stuck tiny pins in every pore of her skin. To say it hurt was an understatement.