Her Bedroom

"How you get in situations like these needs to be studied," a familiar voice spoke very close to her.

Bel opened her eyes and couldn't help the stream of tears that poured out of her face as she caught sight of Isaiah. "Isaiah," she whispered.

"Bel, you are awake!" her mother cried and fell to the floor, resting her head on the corner of the bed.

"Daughter," her father said, standing behind his wife with an arm on the Queen's shoulder.

"I am so glad you're okay," Hazel said, standing beside Isaiah, who was studying Bel. Hazel looked like she was ready to jump on her sister but managed to hold herself back.

Bel immediately noticed she was lying down in her bedroom, surrounded by family. She could feel the tight knot in her chest loosen a little; however, it tightened when she noticed Davien wasn't in the room.