Or a Variety of Bad Things

Bel sat on her bed. She sneezed, once, twice. She had stayed outdoors too long and ended up with a little cold. Isaiah wasn't very pleased when he returned to the castle and vehemently scolded her. He even went as far as to tell her father, who had given orders to the guards that she shouldn't be allowed out of her room.

Bel had tried to argue that it was just a little cold and that she would be better once she got some warmth, but Isaiah wasn't having it, and neither was her father. She gave in to their demands and was now stuck in her room for the next two days. Not that it mattered—she didn't leave her room much these days anyway.

She heard she had gotten a few visitors since word got out that she had returned to Landerfell, and among them was the man she had impulsively decided to marry in a fit of rage, the Duke of Wellington. Her father had turned him and everyone else away, saying she was too ill to see anyone.