Chapter 2



Name: Alex Mori

Level: 0 (exp 0%)

HP: 99%

MP: 0.1/0.1

Str: 10

Vit: 9

Dex: 10

Int: 10

Mag: 0

Abilities: Light magic(lvl 1)

Skills: -

"Okay! Let's see if I can get those numbers up today."

It's probably the first time I was this excited to get up and do something. When I got up the first thing I did was repeat the light magic trick. It went the same, my body hurt quite a bit but it was fine. Going to get some food I realize I need to go restock, there was enough for breakfast but there won't be enough for dinner.

After I was done eating I dressed and left the apartment. My apartment was pretty respectable in size especially when you consider that only one person is living there. A 63 sqm apartment in Shanghai, it's quite close to the center and there is a large shop about a kilometer away. All in all it's convenient. I then went to said shop, there isn't really anything crazy here food, some electronics, some clothes, and more food. I bought what I needed, food for like 4-5 days, and went home. When I arrived the first thing I did was check my HP and MP.

HP: 97%

MP: 0.2/0.2

I was happy to see that it increased. And I guess my MP reserve is so pitifully low that it doesn't take long for it to recover. My HP is recovering nicely too.

(14 hours later(1 a.m.))

I was repeating the same process whenever I healed up, four times that is, the fourth being just a moment ago. My entire body was in pain, I went too hard this time but I did it because I'm going to sleep now anyway. I carefully laid down in my bed and checked my status.


Name: Alex Mori

Level: 0 (exp 0%)

HP: 90%

MP: 0/2.3

Str: 10

Vit: 9

Dex: 10

Int: 10

Mag: 1

Abilities: Light magic(lvl 1)

Skills: -


Saying I was delighted would be a massive understatement, I finally got a point in magic! My head hurt too much for me to scream in excitement but I was smiling like an idiot. I might have gotten a bit too excited because my vision blurred and my migraine intensified. For the next couple of minutes, I was trying to calm down while thinking about the possibilities with my new mana pool and the confirmation that my magic stat can increase through training alone. But tomorrow I might have to chill out a bit because my HP is dropping a bit too low. My whole body hurts and I feel weak, it feels similar to a high fever, but with pain. So I just put up an alarm to wake me up at 9 a.m. and went to sleep.

(9:30 a.m.)

After waking up I immediately checked my HP; it was only at 93%. Without even getting up I immediately lifted my hand and conjured myself a light bulb to shine brightly towards the path of my future. Well, not that brightly it's more like a phone flashlight that shines in all directions.

HP: 93%

MP: 0/2.3

I emptied my MP and as I expected my HP didn't drop. Good, since my MP recovers much quicker than my HP I can pick up the pace now.

After eating my MP still wasn't full so I just sat on the sofa and contemplated my life in the near future. I'm not exactly sure what to do now, other than rinse and repeat what I was doing for the past... two days? At least I think so, it's hard to remember since I've been doing something different for the first time in years.

Anyway, I don't know what to do next. Like experimenting with magic and stuff should be the next step, and I know I don't have enough MP to really get crazy but I mean in the future. Near future. My MP reserves are growing, I think I need like 10 MP at most to try some new stuff so I guess I'll just wait till then before trying to think up some shit.

(4 days later(morning))


Name: Alex Mori

Level: 0 (exp 0%)

HP: 100%

MP: 5.7/5.7

Str: 10

Vit: 9

Dex: 10

Int: 10

Mag: 1

Abilities: Light Magic(lvl 1)

Skills: -

The improvement feels good, though I don't know if it really is. I didn't get any stats nor did my light magic level up but my MP has gotten better. Even my HP is full again, it took longer this time. But we've derailed from the topic, since you're here it must mean that something happened right? Yes, it does mean that. I don't quite know what to think of it yet but I think it's really important. I can feel mana in the air. I felt something wrong for a while now, and it got clearer every time I used magic. It feels different than the mana inside me but very similar, it felt raw. I tried to get it to move but I couldn't, at least until now.


The air started moving slightly around me, though not that impressive it was quite an achievement for me after all I don't have any textbook for magic and my mana reserves are kinda shit but I feel amazing after actually doing something with magic other than what I started with, that being light that couldn't do anything yet. And the system seems to agree that that was something important.


Name: Alex Mori

Level: 0 (exp 0%)

HP: 100%

MP: 5.7/5.7

Str: 10

Vit: 9

Dex: 10

Int: 10

Mag: 1

Abilities: Light Magic(lvl 1), Mana Manipulation(lvl 1)

Skills: -

Mana Manipulation(lvl 1): Increases effectiveness of magic by 10% and reduces MP cost by 5% when using magic.

Great news for me, now I've got more to work with. And a good thing is it doesn't take any MP from me.