The end and the other perspective

"Y-you aren't going to kill us?" the girl stuttered out clearly surprised.

"Nope, Still got to knock you out though rules and all that, no hard feelings yeah?" i said with a smile before sucker punching her just hard enough to put her out but not enough to serious hurt her.

I holstered my weapon under the confused gaze of gods and mortals alike before walking over to the nearby stairs and taking a seat. 

"What are you planning monster!?" the captain dude demanded.

"Not a thing but unless he fucks up this next part, but otherwise its got nothing to do with me." I said casually while pointing at Bell.

"You think HE can defeat me, What a joke! The last time I fought him he couldn't even keep up with me!" the man said clearly insulted at the implication.

"He's not the same as when you fought him previously. Besides if I have to fight you I'll be a lot less nice about it than he will. Might disfigure you out of irritation and we certainly wouldn't want that now would we?" I asked casually but meant every word.

He clearly picked this up as he shuddered and decided to deal with Bell first after all. I meanwhile turned my attention to quelling the chaotic cursed energy in my reserve. It did NOT like that penalty I took so now I had to calm it back to relatively normal as otherwise I'd need to vent it near constantly rather than allow it to regenerate and cause me problems. Now that I had a moment to focus on this task it wasn't particularly difficult as I just had to force it to sit still for a few moments which chilled it out.-

Once that was done I started to pay attention to the fight between Bell and the captain dude. It was fairly even as the guy was only just a bit faster than Bell but more limited since unlike Bell who had magic AND aerial movement ability the guy just had magic. His magic also took longer to prepare than Bells and was less useful as well.

"My name is love, precious child of light. I offer my body to my sun. My name is sin, jealousy of wind. I call a gust of wind to my body. Released ring of fire - Come, wind of the west!" he chanted while fending Bells attacks off.

When he was done a discus of fire formed and shot after Bell but unexpectedly homed in on him so he couldn't just dodge it. When It got close enough the captain dude spoke again.

"Rupele!" he called and the discus exploded throwing Bell sideways with a few burns.

Bell wasn't just going to take that though and held up a hand.

"Light-bolt!" he called and white energy rapidly gathered in front of his palm before exploding in a blinding flash.

"ARG! My eyes!" the captain dude screams while covering his eyes.

I couldn't exactly blame him either as Bells magic was as vicious as it was versatile if used right. See the way it worked was that he had a total of six elements he could add in front of the word "bolt" to create different effects. Wind, fire, water, earth, light and dark. Wind created a blast of high pressure wind that was good for knocking things away. Fire created a straight up explosion of the stuff directed where you point. Water released a thin beam of fast pressurized water that cut anything it hit. Earth spawned a literal stone that got launched at the spot pointed.-

Light was effectively a flashbang without the bang and dark was basically a curse of slowness if you got hit with it as it suddenly felt like you were moving underwater. Yeah Bell's magic was broken as hell when he actually used it right. That short chant time also meant that he was able to spam that shit if he wanted to though it was a bad idea due to the cost involved. Anyways with the dude blind Bell rushed in and started slicing him up like a christmas ham.-

The guys armor was some decent stuff and so held up against the rush pretty good so that by the time the guy could effectively defend himself again rather than flail his sword around in a panic he had only taken surface level cuts. He played off being blind longer than was actually true to try and hit Bell while he was in midair only for Bell to create an air platform to move away without a scratch.

"Wind-bolt! Dark-bolt!" Bell chained two spells back to back that knocked the captain off balance and then weakened him.

Bell didn't use any more magic for the rest of the fire after that but he also didn't need to as the captain dude was now the one getting overwhelmed and soon enough dropped from blood loss at which point Bell knocked him out. 

"Tap Tap Tap Tap!"

I clapped slowly while Bell panted tiredly but had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Very good job, you probably could have finished it faster if you hadn't toyed with him a little but I think I'll let it slide this time." I said teasingly congratulating him.

The boy just smiled and scratched his head in embarrassment at being called out. Still like this the war game was over and it was time to collect the spoils of our victory.


(3rd person POV denatus hall, hours ago)

The gods had gathered in the denatus hall at the upper floors of Babel to witness a war game between the Apollo familia and the Hestia familia.

"I hope you are prepared to pay when you lose Hestia." Apollo said with a lustful smile.

"Enjoy the last moments in Orario you pervert!" Hestia shot back before choosing to ignore him.

"The appointed time is upon us my compatriots. Ouranos I request permission to use the divine mirrors!" Hermes called and an older heavy voice spoke up from nowhere and seemingly everywhere.

"Granted!" It spoke.

Hermes glowed golden for a moment as he released his divine power and snapped his fingers. Immediately several "screens" displaying both the fort from different angles and the trio from the Hestia familia appeared in midair both in this chamber as well as all over Orario for those watch from elsewhere.

"What is that!?"

"A monster!?"

"Some sort of helm?"

"How fitting.~"

Gods in the chamber immediately were immediately drawn to Alex's current appearance as he walked with Bell and Lili towards the fort.

"My goodness what a frightening visage the captain of the Hestia familia has chosen to wear! How does he see out of it without any eye holes?" Hermes commentated through the "mirrors".

"The inside is transparent I'd wager, his workshop is very similar. Such a wicked appearance he chose though, I love it!" Ptah said with an excited smile.

"Forget that I want to know what he has wrapped up?" Loki said and they all finally noticed the thing resting on his shoulder wrapped up to conceal it.