A big Cynic

It was fascinating to me and shocking to everyone else in the familia when I explained it to them. 

"Why doesn't it work on you then if what you say is true?" Daphne demanded disbelieving me.

"Probably because unlike everyone else I can actually see the thing thanks to my skill [Soul gaze]. It's very hard to convince someone they hadn't seen something when they are staring right at it. My guess is that whatever part of it it is that makes others disbelieve her about it uses the fact it has no tangible proof beyond her never being wrong. It's a rather cruel gift if I'm being honest as you can save so many lives, change destiny itself but only by your own actions as no one else will believe you." I said with a shrug.

"Sounds like a curse more than a gift." Hestia said with a pitying look at Cassandra.

"That sounds all well and good but I still don't believe that she can see the future or you for that matter." Daphne said bluntly while Cassandra looked sad.

"What exactly is so hard to believe? I have the power to play with flesh, bone or anything else from a living source like it was clay. Bell literally warps reality to accelerate his growth simply because his feelings are strong and Hestia is a literal goddess. How is my ability to see souls or her ability to see the future in a cryptic way but still the future any harder to accept?" I asked seriously.

"Yes but what proof do you have about any of that? Gods are there, you can see them and talk to them and touch them but you can't do any of that with everything else you have said." the red head said stubbornly.

"Are you stupid? That stuff minus her ability is written on our backs for anyone who can read it to see. It's there in undeniable fashion or is the falna not enough for you?" I asked getting a little irritated at her ridiculous argument.

"I won't believe it until I see it for myself." she insisted.

"Fine then look for yourself then." I said while removing my shirt to show off my falna.

"I don't know how to read hieroglyphs, that could say anything." she said with a scoff.

I rolled my eyes but had Hestia copy my status onto a piece of paper in front of her.

"There satisfied and if you say that Hestia messed with it I give up since you clearly won't listen to logic and reason." i said flatly.

She looked over the paper with a frown and clear shock but at least finally seemed to accept that I did in fucking fact know what I was talking about.

"Lets say I believe you, what changes?" she asked clearly worried about my intentions.

"Not a damn thing." I said with a grin.

"What!?" she exclaimed dumfounded.

"Yeah not a thing changes because of her ability. I didn't invite you two because of that I did it because both of you are sinless, not a trace of sin on either of your souls. You wouldn't know it cuz you can't see the things like me but that is incredibly rare in this city. Keep in mind that having sin on ones soul doesn't necessarily mean one is evil just that they have done things they shouldn't have at some point. A common one for example is a lot of men have the sin of lust on their souls because they went to the pleasure district for an obvious reason. Are they evil? Not really but what they did was sinful." I explained honestly.

"You mean to tell me that you stopped in the middle of a war game to give your enemy at the time an invitation to join your familia, because we had sinless souls?" Daphne asked dumbfounded.

"Yep that sounds about right." I said with a grin.

"Are you insane?" she asked genuinely concerned.

"Just a little more than usual. Oh right probably a good time to mention it but don't try to break into my workshop, the door literally eats fingers." I said with a laugh at her expression.

With that conversation out of the way I can finally explain all those materials I said I would before. Unicorn horns, Vouivre's tears, Mystic crystals, Jack bird eggs, a treasure tree, deep crystals and a draconite. The first four were guaranteed drops from four rare monsters that are as I just said RARE. Treasure trees were a sort of special dungeon specific trees that for some reason or another grows precious gems on it's bark that have a plethora of uses, It is a literal tree full of treasure.-

Unicorn horns had a few uses with the most common being ground up and turned into high level healing potions. By themselves Unicorn horns have poison purification properties and are highly prized healer catalysts. Vouivre's tears are the red gems that adorn the foreheads of the dragon women monsters and are once again highly prized catalysts for mages. Mystic crystals come from the cat like Carbuncle monster and follow the same uses as Vouivre's tears though much more potent. Jack bird eggs are just solid golden eggs dropped from killing a Jack bird. They have uses in alchemy and enchanted jewelry but that was about it.-

Deep crystals were a sort of crystal that were considered amongst the pinnacle in terms of catalysts for mages. Finally last but certainly not the least was the single draconite. These hard metal ores were born within a dragons body and only when it has lived a certain amount of time or reached a certain level of strength. Naturally this meant they were stupid rare to drop and even when they did they were considered almost useless for a single reason, they were impossible to forge.-

The things were extremely potent magical conduits and held enchantments of vast power while being durable as hell but therein lied the issue, they were TOO durable. No amount of flame could so much as soften them and no other methods seemed to work either whether it be alchemical or magical. As a result the things while naturally valuable were little more than curiosities for most people unless some idiot chose to stick one on the end of a staff as a conduit. I say that but the things do work well enough for that role I suppose.-

It just seemed like such a waste to treat the stuff like a mundane conduit when it held such potential. Potential that I rudely discovered was beyond my ability to tease out of the fucking thing. It was simply TOO high level for my cursed technique to accomplish anything on at my current level. As I had stated before level four dead materials was my limit at the moment and this thing was more likely than not WAY higher.