Alicorn glove

As I had expected it wasn't so simple to create a domain. Merely thinking about it wasn't enough, you needed something more. Whether it was a spark of inspiration or perhaps even some sort of external pressure I suppose I'd only figure it out at a later date. I didn't try and force the issue either as I knew that it wouldn't work and instead turned my attention to a different direction. Grabbing the refined unicorn horn I began experimenting with my cursed technique to try and extend it's effect to level five or six materials.-

While Ogun and Hephaestus both agreed that the weapon I made for the dark skinned god was first class I considered that not to be the case. I was a perfectionist honestly so knowing that true first grade weapons were made of much better materials usually made me unwilling to accept my own creation being classified the same. My crafts were as good as they were because I directly purified and refined the materials I used to levels that were thought impossible or next to for others. Hell I was the first person to figure out that materials could be ascended to a higher state if refined enough.-

Now that sounds pretty mundane but I fucking guarantee that if I were to make this discovery public the whole world would collectively lose their shit. Even worse was that when people finally realize that I ALONE was the only person able to pull it off it would become open season on my ass in every sense imaginable. My whole warning during the war game would cease to be all that effective as the possible gains outweighed the losses dramatically. That doesn't even begin to cover the sheer amount of threat to my life by those who don't wish to see what would come about by me growing into my potential.-

I could maybe survive a fight against a level four that was decently far along that stage but if even a single level five or gods forbid higher were to show up my chances of survival plummet DRASTICALLY. I shook my head to chase these thoughts from my head and focused on the block of glowing unicorn horn. Normally I just sort of overwhelmed the material with my energy to get my technique to work but clearly that didn't work for materials after level four.-

This time I decided to take a different approach and refine my own energy into a sort of cursed energy thread, like surgical needles for precise work. This was a new way to use my energy so it took me a couple of days to get a rough grasp on it and finally get a reaction from the block. The precise use of my energy meant that I wasn't just brute forcing the material to do as wished while it heavily resisted. Instead it was a though I was only facing a much smaller portion of it's resistance that while I couldn't outright ignore also didn't prove all that challenging to work around.-

I suppose the best way to describe it was that my cursed energy was sort of a Trojan horse that once inside quickly eliminated any resistance it faced without so much as touching the robust defensive wall of the material. Don't get me wrong this was not fucking easy at all. It took serious concentration and time to maintain but it was totally worth it when I finally managed to transform the block of glowing horn into an ornate pearly white mesh glove with a plated backside and detailed depiction of a Alicorn(Winged unicorn) on the back of the palm.-

Once I was done I left my workshop to find Cassandra who should still be in the area since today was a rest day for Bell and the others. I found her unsurprisingly tending to the flowers in her casual clothes. 

"The flowers are growing well, good job." I said with a smile as I walked up.

"Thank you." she said embarrassed about the unexpected praise.

"I'll let you get back to it in a bit but I was wondering if I might get your help in finishing this piece here." I said presenting the glove.

"How pretty! I don't mind helping." she said clearly liking the items appearance.

"Great! So all I need you to do is put this on and then cast both of your spells, nice and easy right?" I said with a grin.

"But..." she looked at her dirty hands reluctantly.

"You need not worry about getting it dirty since it's made of unicorn horn and will repel any dirt off it." I said reassuringly.

She reluctantly slipped the glove on and shuddered a little when I grabbed her now gloved hand and went to work changing the gloves size and shape to fit her perfectly. When I gave her a nod she started chanting her first spell and as the energy traveled through her hand for it I used it to start forming a set of restrictions and a cursed technique. I could have ended it there but then the item would be incomplete in my opinion so I waited until she had started casting her second spell to add more restrictions and change the technique into a bigger more comprehensive one.-

Finally however I completed the item and it burst into a bright pearlescent glow while humming for a moment which startled the girl but merely made me grin maniacally.

"It's even better than I had hoped! A solid fifty percent boost to any spell you cast and even has an additional utility ability as well! This lovely thing will also let you store your excess mana to be used for a one time three hundred percent boost to a single healing spell before you need to recharge it!" I said thrilled to pieces with how it turned out.

"That sounds useful." she said offhandedly as she admired the gently glowing glove on her hand.

"I'm glad you think so since it was made for you after all." I said with a chuckle when she stiffened in shock.

"What!? No! I-I can't...!" she panicked and tried to deny the item.

I held up my hand to stop her though "Easy there, this was always the plan so you aren't imposing or anything. Besides you are the only true healer in the familia so if you don't take it it would just sit uselessly on a shelf somewhere. Also I sorta kinda made it so only you could use it anyways so you're stuck with it, sorry not sorry." I said with a grin.

___________________________________________ treon_loskro

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