Chapter 187: Shizun, Tiu Are My Lantern. Shizun, You Are My Light

Seeing that Chu Wanning had turned his head, Hua Bi'nan seemed to have a smile in his eyes. He stretched out a white and delicate hand from under the wide sleeve of his green silk robe and gently spread it forward, indicating that Chu Wanning should accept the brocade box in front of him.

Chu Wanning nodded and said to the mute servant, "Many thanks."

Seeing that he had accepted the box, the mute servant bowed low and returned to his master's side.

Xue Zhengyong said in surprise, "Yu Heng, you know the Cold Scale Divine Hand?"

"I don't know him." Chu Wanning looked at the box in front of him, "If I knew him, I wouldn't have to spend two million and five hundred thousand gold at the Xuan Yuan Club to buy his Xianxiang Dew."

"Then why did he give you this?"

"I don't know either." Chu Wanning said, "Open it and see."

The brocade box was opened. Inside, there were five bottles of lustrous fragrant nectar and a letter.

Chu Wanning opened the letter and read it. The contents of the letter were simple. It said that it knew that Grandmaster Chu had spent a high price to buy the dew at the Xuan Yuan Pavilion and felt that the Xianxiang Dew was not worth the price. It had always wanted to offer five more bottles, but had never had the opportunity to meet Grandmaster Chu. Now that it had met with such a good opportunity in Ling Mountain, it hoped that Chu Wanning would accept it.

Xue Zhengyong immediately said, "I think he wants to make friends with you."

"… …"

If he did not accept this kind of gift, it would be a slap to the other party's face. Chu Wanning thanked Hua Bi'nan from afar, but handed the bottom of the brocade box to Xue Zhengyong.

Xue Zhengyong said happily, "For me?"

"… … For Elder Tanlang." Chu Wanning said, "I always felt that this Hua Bi'nan was a bit strange. Every year, the Xuan Yuan Pavilion auctioned off so many expensive medicines for him, but they were all inflated. Could it be that he would compensate for them one by one?"

Xue Zhengyong muttered, "I don't think it's strange. After all, there are high prices, but it's the first time I've heard of one as high as yours."

Chu Wanning's face showed a bit of anger, "It's just a need, what's so outrageous about it? Anyway, give these five bottles to Tanlang. I think that there shouldn't be any poison here, but it wouldn't be a waste to let Tanlang learn how to concoct the Xianxiang Dew. "

"You don't need?"

"I … …"

Speaking of which, it was strange that those absurd yet incomparably realistic dreams were becoming fewer and fewer recently. Apart from the few days when he had just left the Scholarly Wind Sect, when he occasionally dreamed of some fragmented scenes, the rest of his nights were all good dreams.

Xianxiang Xianxiang didn't Xianxiang..........

After staying in Spirit Mountain for two or three days, when he returned to the peak of life and death, Mo Ran was no longer there.


.... was a........ ...

"They all escaped from the Golden Drum Pagoda of the Confucian Wind Sect." Xue Meng sighed, "We caught a lot of them and locked them in our Sky Pagoda. But the Sky Pagoda isn't like the Golden Drum Pagoda. It's smaller, and the spirit stones and talismans embedded in it aren't as powerful as the Confucian Wind Sect's. If this continues, I'm afraid the Sky Pagoda won't be able to hold on."

Xue Zhengyong said, "Next time we come back to Li Wuxin, let him take some to the Jade Pool Mountain Manor and suppress it in his Holy Spirit Pagoda."

Xue Meng smiled, "That's a good idea."

Xue Zhengyong said, "Lonemoon can get some too. I heard that his Starseizing Pagoda is bigger than the Golden Drum Pagoda of the Confucian Wind Sect … …"

This time, Xue Meng wasn't willing. He raised his dark eyebrows and said angrily, "No!"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like that Dog Jiang. He's very annoying. Even if the Sky Pagoda explodes, I won't be willing to give him the demons caught by my sect!"

Chu Wanning shook his head. He didn't want to listen to the father and son bickering anymore, so he left first.

He returned to the waterside pavilion to sleep. Sure enough, he had a good night's sleep without any old dreams to disturb him. When he woke up, the setting sun was already as red as blood. The color of night filled most of the sky, and only a trace of blood remained on the horizon.

At this time, there was no more food in the Meng Po Lobby, but he was a little hungry. He tidied up his clothes and pushed open the door, preparing to walk around Wuchang Town and eat some snacks.

In the end, he happened to see Mo Ran returning from killing demons. He was walking on the long limestone steps that led to the Red Lotus Waterside Pavilion.

When he saw him, Mo Ran smiled, "Master, I heard from Uncle that you were sleeping, so I wanted to wake you up."

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing," he said, "I just wanted to find you and take a walk together."

It was really a coincidence. Chu Wanning felt a little happy because of the coincidence between them. In love, a little bit of congenial affinity was worth a person's mood being carefree.

"Where are we going?"

But they asked at the same time.

Chu Wanning stared blankly for a moment. Mo Ran also stared blankly for a moment.

Then he said, "We'll listen to you."

Again, they said at the same time.

Chu Wanning's ten fingers clenched in his sleeves. There was sweat between his fingers. His eyes were black and hot, but he looked at Mo Ran calmly and steadily.

Mo Ran couldn't help but grin.

"Anywhere is good."

Chu Wanning was actually very happy, but he was still used to being indifferent. Even if his happiness wasn't indifferent, it was very rich, like the light red begonia flowers of the West Prefecture.

He said, "Then let's go. We'll go take a look around town and eat something."

He didn't even ask Mo Ran how the demon slaying went, or if it went smoothly. Now that they were fated and had feelings for each other, they had a tacit understanding. When he stood outside the bamboo door and saw Mo Ran's black clothes fluttering in the wind, and the dark golden curly grass pattern on the edges of his clothes, he understood that everything was fine. There was no need to say more.

They arrived at Wuchang Town together.

These past few years, Wuchang Town had been getting better and better. From the original three horizontal streets and three vertical streets, it had expanded to six horizontal streets and five vertical streets today. It was almost a full circle.

"When we first came to the Peak of Life and Death, before night fell, every household's wooden door was already closed. Outside the courtyard, there were incense burners, on the door hung the Bagua Mirror, and under the eaves hung the Soul-Calming Bell." Chu Wanning looked at the people coming and going in front of him and the scene of the early evening lights. He said, "Now, except for the name of this town that hasn't changed, I almost can't recognize the rest."

Mo Ran laughed and said, "With the Peak of Life and Death, the future will only be better."

The two walked along the newly paved bluestone main street of the town. Along the way, there were people blowing candy, people playing shadow puppets, stalls selling snacks and barbecue, and people eating gudong pots. There was a dazzling array of things, and it was bustling with noise and excitement. Rows of lanterns hung on the Heavenly Street, illuminating the lively night market.

When Mo Ran saw the gudong pot stall, he remembered that he, Xue Meng, and Xia Sini had eaten here together before. He smiled and pulled Chu Wanning, "Shizun, eat this. This place has your favorite soy milk."

They sat down on the small bamboo chairs that made creaking sounds. The weather was very cold, but the chef in charge of the dishes was extremely hot. He was shirtless, and while wiping his sweat, he moved over and asked, "Immortal monarchs, what do you want?"

Chu Wanning said, "Mandarin duck pot."

Mo Ran said, "Mushroom clear soup."

"… Don't you want to eat spicy food?"

Mo Ran lowered his eyes and smiled. His voice was gentle and low, "I want to quit."

Chu Wanning was stunned for a moment. He vaguely understood why Mo Ran suddenly didn't want to eat spicy food anymore. It was like a fish swimming in the lake and bubbling in the pool of his heart, causing the water to ripple slightly.

"You don't need to quit …"

Mo Ran said, "No, I just like it."


"I like to quit. I want to quit." He looked at Chu Wanning. His thick eyelashes fluttered and fell on the tips of his reddish ears. He smiled.

He didn't continue the second half of his sentence.

I want to be like you. When eating hot pot, two pairs of chopsticks can reach into a lively pot. I don't want to be like you.

Mo Ran ordered some stir-fried dishes. Unfortunately, the small stall didn't make exquisite desserts. He asked for three cans of soy milk in a fat porcelain pot and then sat down to wait for the dishes to be served.

There were people eating all around, men and women, old and young, with black hair and white frost. The steam from the soup pot rose up, and the fire from the pot rose up. Shouting and playing finger-guessing games, talking and laughing, and selfish desires all gathered into a lake and a sea of gentleness amidst the boiling smoke, the fragrance of the dishes, and the warmth of the wine.

The world was so ordinary, and the world was so lively.

Before Mo Ran was 15 years old, he was starving and couldn't eat good wine and good food.

After becoming the Immortal Trampling Monarch, he was above everyone, but he still couldn't find such true peace.

Now he had it.

Suddenly, a tongue of fire rose. It turned out that the man in charge of cooking put the food in the pot. The fire rolled up from the big pot and reflected a layer of fine copper oil on the shirtless man's body. The oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar were added one after another. The strong muscles on his arms trembled. A plate of stir-fried food was ready in an instant.

It was hot and immediately served to the table.

"Fried Double Crispy Oil!" The waiter who was helping shouted.

In the previous life, the Emperor Ta was unsatisfied with all kinds of delicacies, but for some reason, he laughed out loud when he saw this "fried double crispy oil". His slender fingers overlapped and touched his smooth chin. A pair of long and thick eyelashes moved slightly. At this moment, the brilliance of the five lakes and the four seas gathered on those two black curtains, dyeing the darkness very bright.

Chu Wanning asked: "What are you laughing about?"

"I don't know, I'm just very happy."

Chu Wanning didn't say anything, but the handsome man opposite him smiled so charmingly. Inexplicably, it made his heart feel bright and cheerful.

After eating, they looked up at the sky. It seemed like it was going to rain, but the people below didn't seem to care. They were still methodically enjoying this brilliant night.

They walked past a lantern shop. Mo Ran suddenly stopped and stood there looking.

Chu Wanning followed his gaze. It turned out that the old craftsman was attentively making a pagoda lantern. There was another very similar one that had already been made. There was a support at the bottom, it was a river lantern.

"Uncle, can I trouble you to bring me this Pagoda Lantern?"

He didn't ask for the price, nor did he ask if Mo Ran liked it.

Chu Wanning walked over and handed the golden leaf to the old man who was seriously making the lantern. Then he casually handed the river lantern to his disciple who was standing behind him.

"Take it."

Mo Ran was surprised and happy at the same time. He was even a little confused: "For me?"

Chu Wanning didn't say anything. He carried the half bottle of wine that he hadn't finished during dinner and looked left and right. His gaze fell on the small river in the distance. He walked in that direction.

The light of the lantern flickered and then brightened again. The lantern was resplendent, winning the solemnity of the pagoda.

Mo Ran held the river lantern and muttered: "I wanted to light it up once since I was young, but I didn't have the money every year."

"Yes." Chu Wanning looked at him lightly: "You're the poorest."

Mo Ran smiled.

The river flowed quietly and slowly. Chu Wanning didn't want to go down the stone steps. He was lazy, so he just leisurely crossed his arms and leaned under the covered bridge. The white-clothed Taoist leaned against the black pillar of the bridge, holding a wine bottle with a bright red tassel. He raised his head and drank a mouthful. Then he slightly turned his face. The dim light of the red lantern shone on his delicate face. His expression was indifferent, but there was an unconcealable warmth in his eyes. He looked at the happy man holding the river lantern by the river bank, his hands and feet slightly clumsy.

Idiot, what's so fun about this?

But he still didn't blink as he watched Mo Ran walk to the river bank and talk a lot with the pagoda lantern. Finally, he bent down and gently placed it on the river. A ray of golden red light reflected in the sparkling river. Mo Ran paddled twice on the water, sending the pagoda away.

That day, Mo Ran stood by the dark river bank for a long time.

It was not a festival. Other than him, no one else put a lantern on the river.

Only that tiny pagoda lantern emitted a weak but stubborn radiance. It traveled far and wide in the boundless night and cold water before turning into a trembling and bleak spark. In the end, it was swallowed up by the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

Mo Ran stood there silently. No one knew what he was thinking.

He saw until the end.

Until there was no more light on the surface of the river.

It rained, a thunderstorm.

The raindrops hit the duckweed and knocked on the white walls.

Everyone laughed and exclaimed as they scattered. It was rare to see such a sudden downpour in winter. The stalls and peddlers scrambled to cover their pots and pans, tools and utensils. They pushed their small carts and hurriedly fled in all directions to hide from the heavy rain.

Chu Wanning was also a little stupefied. Although the Hibernation Awakening Festival was not far away, it was still not winter yet. This rain was too heavy.

He stood under the covered bridge. The rain and wind only wet the corner of his clothes a little. Mo Ran hurriedly ran up from the river bank. His clothes were wet, his face was wet, and his eyes were wet. It was very dark.

Looking at him, he smiled gently and embarrassedly.

"Cast a spell and dry yourself."


Such heavy rain did not hinder the immortals from going out, especially great masters like Mo Ran and Chu Wanning. A small enchantment could make them return to the peak of life and death.

But none of them opened this enchantment. Instead, they stood side by side under the pillars, waiting for the rain to stop.

After waiting for a long time, the rain showed no signs of slowing down. The world was foggy and turbulent. The lively night market disappeared in an instant. It was like a watercolor diluted by the cold rain, a wet ink painting.

Mo Ran said, "This rain doesn't seem to be stopping."

Chu Wanning said lightly, "This rain seems to be sick."

Mo Ran laughed out loud. After laughing for a while, he turned to Chu Wanning and said, "What do we do? We can't go back."

"… …"

Chu Wanning knew that he should answer him, "Don't you cultivate?" "Don't you know how to cast a enchantment?" "Why can't we go back?"

But he was silent for a while. For some reason, he did not say anything. But he also did not respond. He only raised his head and looked at the boundless night rain.

His palms were slightly warm. There was a little sweat between his ten curled fingers.

Just as he was thinking about how to answer, his hands were held by Mo Ran. Whether it was his slight trembling, his slight heat, or his slight sweat, they all fell into Mo Ran's hands.

Mo Ran looked at him. After a while, his Adam's apple moved, "Shizun, I, I want to … …"

The words were at the tip of his tongue, but he could not say them. But his heart was numb and he could not swallow them.

In the end, his black eyes were wet and hot. His words were warm and reserved, obscure and intimate. He said in a low voice, "I mean … … the rain is too heavy. Don't go back to the sect tonight. It's such a long journey. You'll catch a cold."

Chu Wanning did not react. He was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm not cold."

"Then are you hot?"

"I'm not hot either … …"

Mo Ran's breath was hot. His chest rose and fell. Without waiting for Chu Wanning to answer, he held his hand and pressed it against his throbbing heart. He said in a low voice, "I'm hot."

The rain hit the duckweed.

But Chu Wanning saw fire in his eyes. He saw lava and summer.

This young man was so anxious that he was almost pitiful, but also very cute.

His voice was a little hoarse, "Let's go to the nearest inn, okay? Let's go now. "