Chapter 280: [Sisheng Peak] Good and Evil Talk

The next morning, the sun shone through the window.

Chu Wanning opened his eyes. The bedding was warm. The temperature of one person could warm the bodies of two people. He quietly looked at Mo Ran's face. In his eyes, this was the most handsome person in the world. He was the best person.

He didn't move. He was thinking, what kind of porridge should he cook today?

Yesterday's porridge had been finished. Mo Ran ate four bowls like a reincarnated hungry ghost. There wasn't a single bit left.

He kissed Mo Ran's cheek and asked, "I'll make some more for you, okay?"

The man was in deep sleep. His dark eyelashes were as gentle as two rolls of cattail leaves. He was so gentle that it seemed like he would open his eyes in the next moment. He pulled him over with a smile and said, "I'm hungry. Wanning, go cook a bowl of porridge for me."

He also seemed to tell him affectionately, "Whatever Shizun does is good. I'll like it."

The corpse had long been cold. The cheek was cold when he kissed it. There was no warmth at all.

Chu Wanning didn't cry.

He got up and covered Mo Ran with a blanket. Then he went to the courtyard to collect firewood to start a fire. He cooked seriously and cooked properly.

The water boiled and the mist filled the air. The porridge bubbled and bubbled. He used a slotted spoon to remove the foam. He added some salt and covered the porridge with a wooden lid to cook.

A person who had been reborn once couldn't be saved a second time by the Art of Rebirth.

Chu Wanning stood by the stove in a daze. There was a moment of clarity in his consciousness. This moment of clarity almost took his life. He hurriedly stopped the trembling of his fingertips and raised his hand to open the lid.

When the porridge was cooked, someone would drink it.

He now had fragmented memories of Mo Ran. When Mo Ran was a child, he was very poor. He didn't have enough to eat. Just a steaming hot biscuit was something that could make him happy for a whole day.

Mo Ran wouldn't waste it, so he would wake up sooner or later.

When the porridge was ready, he went to the courtyard to clean up the snow. Afterwards, he broke off a new branch of wintersweet and brought it back. He cut off the branch and soaked it in a small clay bottle to raise it.

The fragrance of the plum blossoms spread for ten miles. With this, Mo Ran could still smell the human world as he walked.

No, his mind was in chaos again.

What walking on the road, what smelling the human world … Mo Ran was clearly still lying there, exactly the same as yesterday, the day before, and a few days ago, except that his face was thinner and paler.

He would wake up again.

It had been two lifetimes. No matter if it was hatred or hate, love or pity, ever since they met, Mo Ran had never taken the initiative to leave her. So gradually, Mo Ran soaked into his life. He became the wind, the hour, the spring that flowed through his fingers, the light that draped over his long hair.

He was his day and night, his morning and evening, his lifetime of mortal affairs.

Chu Wanning strolled in the world of mortals. In this mortal world, the snow would still fall, the cicadas would still sing, the autumn lotus would still die, and the summer flowers would still be born. Everything was the same as before. So how could Mo Ran leave?

He was willing to guard him and accompany him, day after day, waiting for him to wake up. Just like in the previous life, Mo Ran had made a contract with Chu Wanning's corpse. In this life, the yin and yang were reversed. Chu Wanning also did the same thing as the Emperor Ta.

"You will only leave on the day I leave."

Once, standing in the Red Lotus Pavilion, Mo Ran, dressed in a black robe, said this to the sleeping Chu Wanning.

"Stay with me."

Now, in the deep valley of Nanping, Chu Wanning, dressed in white, actually overlapped with the Emperor of the past.

He stretched out his hand and touched Mo Ran's bloodless face. "… Stay with me."

With a golden light, his spiritual energy flowed into the corpse. From then on, even if it was in heaven or on earth, as long as Chu Wanning was still in the world, Mo Weiyu's corpse would not decay. Only many years later, when Chu Wanning passed away and the flow of spiritual energy stopped, would they die together.

Turning into ashes, scattering into fine powder, scattering into mud, and crushing into dust.

He left together with him.

The charcoal fire in the Divine Sound Pavilion's Sacred Hall burned fiercely, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Mu Yanli stood alone in the center of the hall with her hands clasped behind her back and her eyes closed.

Suddenly, the hall door opened, and a person walked in.

Mu Yanli did not turn around. She said lightly, "You're here?"

"I'm here." That person took off the hood of his cloak, revealing a devastatingly beautiful face. It was Shi Mei. "Sister Mu, aren't you going to the back hall to take a look?"

"There's nothing to see," Mu Yanli said. "It's just something where you cut open people's chests and brains. The smell of blood is too strong, I can't stand it. "

"What can I do? The path of medicine has always been like this." Shi Mei smiled. "Even if it's Jiang Xi on a moonlit night, the room won't be filled with the smell of blood when I cut open a dead person."

Mu Yanli frowned. She didn't want to talk to him about dissecting a corpse, so she asked, "Speaking of which, you have been using this technique for a few days. When will the Celestial Emperor Treading Celestial be completely reborn?"

"It can't be considered rebirth. There's only a piece of soul in his body. At most, he's a living dead."

Mu Yanli looked at him and said, "What we want is a living dead. The more obedient, the better. … What about the fragments of the Spiritual Nucleus? Are they still useful? "

"More or less. Although they're not complete, they're still terrifyingly powerful," Shi Mei said. "Mo Ran is indeed worthy of being the cultivator with the greatest talent. He's enough to open the way for us."

Mu Yanli sighed. "I hope there won't be any accidents this time."

"It's hard to say whether there will be any accidents." Shi Mei said, "I'm currently using the technique to restore the Spiritual Nucleus in the Emperor Ta's body. It'll take at least ten days. In these ten days, I hope Sister Mu can do two things for me."

"Tell me."

"First, when the Emperor Ta is completely restored, we'll have to do that big thing. At that time, no matter how stupid those cultivators are, they'll know that Mo Ran is telling the truth. I'm afraid they'll join hands to stop us, "Shi Mei paused." Although small fries and crab generals aren't a problem, it's always a headache if there are too many people. "


"Although the Upper Cultivation World is strong, they don't have enough experience. The key is the Peak of Life and Death. I hope Sister Mu can release some news to provoke a dispute between the Peak of Life and Death and the other sects, so that this sect can be disbanded ahead of time. "

Mu Yanli said, "Chu Wanning broke out of prison, Mo Weiyu escaped. These two were originally at the Peak of Life and Death, so it's not difficult to make a fuss about it. Moreover, the Peak of Life and Death has already been attacked before, and many people want to force them to disband. This is easy to say. What about the second thing? "

"The second thing." Shi Mei sighed, as if he was regretful. "Kill someone for me."



Mu Yanli suddenly turned around and glared at him. The light of the flames illuminated Shi Mei's gentle face. "You from your previous life?"


"Are you crazy? Are you serious? No matter what, he's still … "

She paused and didn't continue speaking, because she saw Shi Mei lift his soft and thick eyelashes, revealing a pair of black eyes underneath. His murderous intent was strong.

"No matter what, he's still still me?" Shi Mei smiled. "That's right. But he's also a traitor. "


"If he didn't let Chu Wanning go, would anyone come to break out of prison?"


"If he didn't disturb the Emperor Ta's divine sense later on, would Chu Wanning be able to take away that half-dead Mo Ran?" At this point, Shi Mei's eyes flashed with a trace of coldness. "Fortunately, he learned some spells behind my back. A blind man can hide his tracks and run fast, so I didn't skin him alive."

Mu Yanli couldn't help but say, "I know what he did wasn't right, but he's still a member of our clan."

"He's me. These two are destined to overlap in the end, and I'm enough." Shi Mei walked up the stairs and stood beside Mu Yanli. "Just like you, in your previous life, you died of illness. But with the help of the current Sister Mu, it's the same. "

"But you don't have to kill him. Our clan has suffered enough." Mu Yanli anxiously stared into Shi Mei's eyes. "Ah Nan, we swore that as long as we're from the same clan, we should help and support each other. We can't kill each other."

Shi Mei turned his gaze away. He didn't say anything and just looked at the dancing flames. After a while, he said, "That's what I thought when I was on Jiao Mountain. I was suspicious of everyone, but not him. That's why I gave him a chance in the end. In the end, he's already different from me. "

"… …"

"I'm still Hua Bi'nan and Shi Ming Jing," Shi Mei said indifferently. Finally, he closed his eyes and sighed. "But what about him? He only remembers that he's Shi Ming Jing. He doesn't remember who Hua Bi'nan is. "

The flames crackled and orange sparks splashed out.

Mu Yanli finally shook her head. "I can't do the second thing you said. He's already lost his eyes because of us. Now, we can't accept him anymore. Chu Wanning and the others won't accept him either. He can't go anywhere and can't do anything. Why are you in such a hurry to kill him? Just because he betrayed you? Just because he chose a different path from you? "

Shi Mei didn't say anything. After a long time, he smiled. "You've always been decisive. Why are you suddenly so soft-hearted?"

Mu Yanli suddenly raised her head. Her eyes flashed with pain. "Because he's also my brother. He's also you."

Because of the emotions in this secular world, her face finally became less cold. She no longer looked like a stone statue or an ice sculpture.

"Ah Nan, whether it's the previous life or this life, no matter what you've become, I can't do anything to you. I can't do it. "

The flames in the charcoal pot rose faintly and danced like intertwining red silk.

Shi Mei sighed. "… … Forget it. This is a private matter. If you don't want to, it's up to you. But the first thing is a matter of success or failure. Sister Mu, please do it properly. "

Mu Yanli closed her eyes. At this moment, the evening bell rang, solemnly descending from the turret at the top of the pavilion. The old bell of the Heavenly Music Pavilion had been established for thousands of years, but its sound was still vigorous. Mu Yanli slowly opened her mouth amid the lingering sound of the bell.

"I understand. … … Don't worry. "

The second night after this conversation at the Heavenly Music Pavilion, a series of murders suddenly occurred in the Upper Cultivation World's Bi Tan Village. Before this matter was thoroughly investigated, similar cases occurred one after another in Fire Phoenix Pavilion, Wubei Temple, Lone Moon Night, and other sects.

Soon, a single incident of terror became a cycle. People quickly found the crux of the problem — —

Precious Dragon Chess.

Precious Dragon Chess everywhere.

Villages, alleys, and Huadu Immortal Sects. None were spared.

These chess pieces that had lost their minds were increasing in number. They killed and set fires everywhere. The Cultivation World's sects could barely take care of themselves. They no longer had the spare energy to care about the lives of the common people.

Day by day, blood dyed the rivers red. Cities after cities became deserted. This disaster was more terrifying than any of the previous Heavenly Rifts.

Because people weren't even sure who the mastermind was, they didn't know how to end this sudden massacre. But most cultivators believed that this disaster was planned by Chu Wanning and Mo Ran, whose whereabouts were still unknown. But there were also people who had doubts. For example, a group of refugees gathered in the ruined temple at this moment. They discussed, "It's believable that Mo Ran is behind this. But why is Chu Wanning helping him? "

"Who knows? Maybe it's to get a share of the pie?"

Another person said, "I think it's not as simple as getting a share of the pie. You all saw the execution ground of the Heavenly Tribulation. If it was just an ordinary master and disciple, why would they be so emotional? In my opinion, the relationship between Chu Wanning and Mo Ran is not normal at all. "

"Ah … you mean?"

"Homosexual love, master and disciple betray each other."

Their lips and teeth touched, and they were not stingy with their filthy words.

The people sitting around the table all showed extremely shocked and disgusted expressions, murmuring, "It can't be? He's the Northern Dipper Celestial Venerable … "

"Then don't forget that when Chu Wanning accidentally died while mending the Heavenly Rift, his disciple Mo Ran risked his life to save him in hell. Although the relationship between master and disciple is deep, this is a matter of life and death. If it were you, would you be able to do it? "

The other party fell silent.

A bean pod cracked in the bonfire, emitting a crisp sound.

"And that time on Jiao Mountain, did you hear? Before Shi Mingjing was taken away, she said something. "


"I don't remember the details. At that time, the situation was critical and many people didn't think about it carefully. After thinking about it carefully, I felt that there was a hint of ambiguity between the lines. "

Someone frowned and said, "But I heard that Shi Mingjing is Hua Bi'nan. Can his words be trusted?"

"A bunch of nonsense!"

Everyone was startled by this angry shout. They turned around and saw a man with angry eyes. "How can you believe such words! It's clearly Mo Ran who is slandering Shi Mingjing! "

"Brother Li, why are you so agitated …"

The man said, "Why shouldn't I be agitated? My life was saved by Shi Mingjing! "

"Ah …"

"At that time, I was on Jiao Mountain. Hua Bi'nan gave us a type of Gu called the Heart Drilling Worm. If not for Shi Mingjing's Eye Healing Technique, I would have died on the spot! If Shi Mingjing is Hua Bi'nan, why would he help us break the curse? "

The more the burly man spoke, the more agitated he became. In the end, his eyes were wet.

"In order to save us, Shi Mingjing's eyes were injured by Hua Bi'nan. We don't know if he is still alive, but he was slandered by Mo Ran. I … I feel bad for him."

As he spoke, he burst into tears. The other people in the ruined temple didn't know what to do. They looked at each other —

On one side, it was Shi Mingjing and Tianyin Pavilion. On the other side, it was Mo Weiyu and Chu Wanning. Both sides were suspicious, but the latter was obviously more suspicious and more suspicious.

A female cultivator in the crowd looked at the flickering fire pit and suddenly said in a low voice, "Actually … that day on Jiao Mountain, when we fought against Xu Shuanglin, I was also in the team. I saw what Shi Mingjing did and what Mo Ran did. They didn't look like bad people. "

"But one of them must be lying, right?"

The female cultivator shook her head. "Who is lying is too important. I don't dare to judge. But I want to tell you something I saw with my own eyes. "

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she was a little embarrassed. She coughed lightly and said, "At that time, everyone was injured. Mo Ran and Chu Zong … Chu Wanning were also not in good condition. They were sitting by the side to rest. I accidentally saw Mo Ran secretly reach out his hand … to touch Chu Wanning's face."