Chapter 322: Xue Meng's Blind Date: Mystery Matron 1

Recently, Master Ma of Peach Bud Manor, renowned in the cultivation world, has crafted an enchanting artifact that has taken the realm by storm - the Soul-soothing Scroll.

The instruction manual was adorned with eight glistening golden characters that read:

With the divine artifact in hand, worries over fate and romance vanish.

Xue Meng was first introduced to this magical artifact while practicing his saber techniques on the Sword Dancing Platform at the Peak of Life and Death. He took out a white handkerchief, wiped Longcheng clean, then turned his head with a sour expression to address the Peach Bud Manor disciple who had recommended it to him. "What nonsense is this? Why would the Courtesan Horse recommend such junk to me?"

"Well, um... Our Master Ma has said that you, Sect Leader Xue, have been working tirelessly day and night, likely leaving no time for socializing with female cultivators. In the past two years, he has received much guidance from your esteemed Master, Master Chu, and his craftsmanship in crafting magical artifacts has significantly improved. Hence, he wished to express his gratitude to the Peak of Life and Death with something special... This Scroll of Worry Dissipation was tailor-made for you, Sect Leader Xue."

Xue Meng's anger flared, and a radiant glow surged from his Longcheng sword as he sliced the white handkerchief in half. "Tailor-made for me? How absurd. Do I look like someone who lacks women?"

The disciples of Peach Bud Manor cautiously sized up the majestic and youthful Sect Leader Xue, swallowing their saliva before cautiously suggesting, "Lacking... lacking men can also be found, if there is fate..."

Lacking... lacking men?

Xue Meng froze, his face turning livid with fury. He sheathed his sword and stood amidst the rustling wind on the sword practice field, shouting, "Someone, come here!"

"Master, I'm here!"

Xue Meng's handsome brows rose as he sternly declared, "Send this guest away!"


Xue Meng was not at all wrong to chase the guest out. A prominent businessman like Ma, who ran the Welcoming Stables, couldn't possibly only know how to pair up beautiful women with their lovers. It was true that Ma, the stable owner, had developed the "Worry-Free Scroll," and that it could match cultivators with their immortal partners. However, to say that he had created it solely for Sect Master Xue was a colossal lie.

His motive for recruiting Xue Meng was pure and simple – there was only one:

To attract female cultivators.

After the Sky Splitting Battle, the landscape of the cultivation world had undergone a dramatic shift. The Peak of Life and Death had risen to become one of the leading sects on the Nine Provinces Continent, and many rankings on the Enigmatic List had been reshuffled. Unsurprisingly, Xue Meng found himself topping several lists, becoming the dream lover of many young ladies.

As an astute businessman with a keen sense of popular trends, Ma, the stable owner, must have been highly attentive to the Enigmatic List, a best-selling collection. Thus, on a dark and stormy night, while happily picking his feet and joyfully munching on melon seeds, he flipped through the latest rankings, emitting a series of tsk-tsk sounds.

"The Heroes List, first place: Chu Wanning. Current status: Retired."

"The Heroes List, second place: Mo Weiyu. Current status: Same as above."

With a series of crunching sounds, he spat out watermelon seeds. Lord Ma and his trusted aide sighed, "Ah, if only these two were unattached, we could devise a way to bring them into our fold. Who knows how many female cultivators would go mad vying for the 'Scroll of Solace'? It's truly a pity."

Finished speaking, he even showed the other person the small portrait of Chu Wanning painted in the book. "Look, I didn't notice it before, but the more I look, the more attractive he becomes. Just look at this Master Chu—how ethereal and enchanting, how handsome. Sigh…" The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was to give up. In the end, he straightforwardly suggested, "Why don't we discuss it with Grandmaster Mo, speak highly of him in front of his master, and ask if he could persuade his master to play matchmaker for us?"

Subordinate: "Sect Leader, you asked Master Chu to meddle in our affairs. Aren't you afraid that Grandmaster Mo might develop a split personality?"

"..." The amiable Horse Lord rubbed his neck, feeling a chill. "You have a valid point. Let's change the subject then."

After pondering for a tea's time, Master Ma had a new plan in mind. "What do you think about involving Mei Hanxue in this?"

Subordinate: "Submissively, our scroll signifies lifelong commitment, but if Senior Mei were to come, it would imply a fleeting dalliance. That wouldn't do, that wouldn't do at all. We're reputable merchants."

"Thinking too much! I'm referring to the larger one."

"You're not worried about the smaller one impersonating the larger one? He's done that trick quite a few times."

"…You have a point."

They pondered for another tea's worth of time.

"Then how about Jiang Xi? He's good-looking and can bring in capital. Plus, he's quite astute when it comes to business."

The subordinate continued obediently, "But he's a shady businessman. Sect Leader, you're an upright and kind person. It's best not to deal with someone like him, or you might risk losing everything. With his temperament, if he finds out that you plan to use him as bait to lure female cultivators into buying the Worry-Free Scroll, he might turn you into a human piglet and throw you into Solitary Moon Night's pigsty to spend your youth with sows." Recommended Reading: Biqugetv

Master Ma patted his trusted dog on the head with a smile. "Young brother, I appreciate your straightforward honesty."

After flipping through the options several times, Master Ma finally said, "How about... dragging Xue Meng along instead? Although he doesn't have a name on the rich list or the height list, he's still quite high up on the looks list. Besides, he's a newly appointed sect leader, and it's about time for him to start considering marriage... Let's give it a try? Send someone to talk to him."

And thus, the absurd phrase "secretly asking the sect leader if he needs a man" came about among the disciples of Peach Bud Manor.

Sect Leader Xue Meng was furious.

He was so angry that his lungs felt like they were about to explode—did he look like someone who needed a man? If anyone was lacking, it was men who lacked him—damn it! Saying that men lacked him wasn't right either! He was so angry that he was losing his mind!

Ever since Xue Meng became sect leader, he had become more restrained in his temper. The people of Death's Peak rarely saw him this enraged. Hence, Elder Xuan Ji asked with concern, "Master, what's wrong? Is there something bothering you?"

Xue Meng gritted his teeth. "I just don't understand. There are plenty of people in the world who don't have Dao partners. Why does that Ma fellow have to fixate on me?"

Elder Xuan Ji, sharp-witted as ever, immediately realized that he must have hit a sore spot. She quickly reassured, "As a sect leader, you're under the spotlight, so it's only natural to be noticed. Don't take it to heart."

Xue Meng angrily retorted, "Then why doesn't he pay attention to Jiang Xi?"

"… Although Sect Leader Jiang still retains his youthful appearance, his age and experience are undeniable. In fact, back when he was young, he wasn't short of admirers either."

Upon hearing this, Xue Meng felt even more frustrated for some reason. As he thought about his mother, the pain in his heart grew, and he couldn't help but imagine Jiang Yichen's cold and unfeeling demeanor in his youth – how much it must have hurt his mother.

However, he didn't want to share his secret with others, so he muttered curses under his breath and changed the subject, "Why doesn't that Ma person care about Mei Hanxue?"

Elder Xuan Ji smiled subtly, "My Lord, you know what kind of person Immortal Mei is. If he were to start a family, it might provoke another bloody storm throughout the cultivation world."


"That, that, that…."

After stumbling over his words, he couldn't think of a third person to use as an excuse. Back when Xue Zhengyong urged him to settle down, he could always use Chu Wanning and Mo Ran as shields. But now, mentioning them would only emphasize his loneliness and bleak situation even more.

Xue Meng's frustration felt like a giant boulder lodged in his chest, making it impossible to regain his composure.

As his anger mounted, his head began to ache. Finally, he simply said:

"No way! Whether this Sect Leader gets married or not, and when, is none of anyone else's business! Everyone has too much free time on their hands! I'm leaving!"

With that, he imitated his master's proud demeanor and swept away, sleeves flaring.


Xue Meng sincerely hoped that Lord Ma's creation would end up a disastrous loss.

However, fate had other plans. Despite his absence, the "Sorrows Relieving Scroll" became wildly popular across the land in just a few months.

Xue Meng was indignant. "What kind of world is this? Are people nowadays really that idle?"

"That's not entirely fair to say," Elder Xuan Ji remarked impartially. "The past two months have included the Lunar New Year festivities, which you, Lord, are well aware of. During such joyous occasions, elders in every family are wont to press their offspring about marriage. Manor Lord Ma's Scroll of Solace, I would surmise, has alleviated the pressing concerns of many a young wanderer in the jianghu, so it comes as no surprise that it sold out so swiftly."


"I've also heard that the scroll is ingeniously crafted, so much so that even if one were to disregard the search for a companion, it would still be immensely intriguing simply as a novel and peculiar artifact."

"Like what, for instance?"

"I couldn't say for certain," Xuan Ji replied gently. "But Elder Tulang, out of idle amusement, purchased it for a bit of fun. He claims to be bored, but out of ten times I visit his chambers, he's engrossed in that scroll nine times."

Xue Meng was quite astonished. "Isn't Elder Thriving Wolf not interested in remarriage?"

"Mm-hmm. He has no intention of it," Xuan Ji replied with a slight smile. "He's just like a child, fond of new toys to amuse himself, so he uses that scroll to pass the time."


Is Thriving Wolf like a child?

Silently, Xue Meng said nothing. Xuan Ji and Thriving Wolf had become elders of the Peak of Life and Death almost at the same time. Normally, Thriving Wolf spoke in a sardonic tone and didn't get close to others. He was particularly at odds with Chu Wanning. Yet, only Xuan Ji could not only talk to Chu Wanning but also coax Thriving Wolf into submission.

Only Xuan Ji, with his composure, could so casually compare the mocking Ta Lang to a child.

Elder Xuan Ji chuckled and said, "If Lord is curious, why not try one yourself?"

"Ahem." Xue Meng cleared his throat, answering haughtily, "I am the respected leader of a sect. Why would I be intrigued by such a crude object? I wouldn't try it for anything!"


Yet, on the following night...

The Heart of Dan Hall on the Peak of Life and Death was brightly illuminated, but its sandalwood doors stood firmly closed.

Patriarch Xue had announced that he would be in seclusion for cultivation tonight, instructing all senior disciples assigned to serve him to stay outside the door. None were to disturb him, not even if Elder Yu Heng visited from South Screen Mountain, unless the heavens themselves were collapsing.

The disciples held great admiration for their tireless Patriarch Xue. Touched by his dedication, they vowed to guard diligently and ensure no mishaps occurred.

Little did they know that at that moment, Patriarch Xue was sitting on the newly restored high seat in the Heart of Dan Temple, earnestly studying the jade scroll in his hand. Boldly inscribed across it were four significant characters:

Scroll of Worry Dissolution.

Indeed, it was none other than the popular magical artifact belonging to Lord Ma.

Arriving only today, this artifact had been ordered specifically by Xue Meng in the name of Elder Xuan Ji, out of respect for the Lord.

The young Sect Leader, Xue Meng, held the Scroll of Worries Begone with immense curiosity, examining it from all angles. Crafted from a unique jade material, the artifact was imbued with abundant spiritual energy, causing delicate golden calligraphy to float on its surface. Its appearance alone was captivating.

Following the instructions on the accompanying letter, Xue Meng silently recited the incantation to unlock its power, preparing to harness the magic of this celebrated artifact that had swept across the cultivation continent.

"In the chamber above, a lone lamp shines through dawn frost, as one wakes from a bed of shared bliss. A night of longing, how much affection does it hold? The corners of the earth and ends of the world cannot compare to its length."

Following a poignant stanza of poetry, new lines appeared on the jade slip with a hint of coquettishness:

"As spring returns to the earth, even swallows fly in pairs. Immortal Sir, are you still alone in your chambers?"

Xue Meng: "…"

Jade Slip: "Place your trust in Peach Bud Manor and give yourself a chance. Spare yourself the awkwardness of matchmakers' prattling, bridge the gap between junior and senior cultivators. The Worry-Free Scroll will free you from envy towards others' romantic moments, helping you find true affection amidst the sea of humanity."

Xue Meng, once again: "…"

Jade Slip: "Before using, Immortal Sir, please give yourself a name."


He had to give himself a name?

Xue Meng, being an honest man, held it up and replied earnestly, "My family name is Xue, my given name is Meng."

The jade slip remained silent.

Xue Meng continued earnestly, "You can also call me Xue Ziming."

The jade slip finally reacted, displaying another line of golden characters:

Lord Ma's Friendly Reminder: When using the scroll, please use a nickname, such as "Host Ma" or "Wall-Evader Liu." This magical artifact was painstakingly crafted by Peach Bud Manor on West Lake. We respectfully decline any names similar to "Solitary Moon Night somebody," and hope for your understanding.

Upon reading this, Xue Meng frowned and muttered, "That Jiang Xi is stealing Lord Ma's business again?"

Despite his grumbling, Solitary Moon Night's enemies were none of his concern. Seeing his mother's orange cat lounging on the carpet, grooming its paws, Xue Meng casually chose a name for himself, addressing the jade slip, "Then I'll be called Steamed Bun." He patted the big orange cat's head. "Sorry to borrow your name."

The big cat coldly turned its face away, resuming its grooming.

Xue Meng sensed a hint of disdain in the feline's gaze, as if it was trying to convey something. After careful consideration, he realized his mistake – everyone in the Cliffs of Life and Death knew that his mother's cat was named Steamed Bun. If he used that name, wouldn't it be easy for people to identify him? Definitely not a wise choice.

Feeling wistful, Xue Meng stroked the orange cat. "Clever Steamed Bun, you always think things through."


Thus, Sect Leader Xue pondered deeply once more. Finally, he glanced at the pot of Asarum his mother had planted in the hall before her passing and at the water village painting that his father had once hung on the wall. Ultimately, he settled on a unimaginative name –

"My name is Wang Xiaoxue."

The inability to come up with names seems to be an inherited trait in the Peak of Life and Death, from Xue Zhengyong's naming Shi Mo as "Xue Ya," to the mountain peaks named "Ahh Ahh Ahh" and "Wah Wah Wah," then to Mo Ran's divine weapon "See Ghost," and finally to Xue Meng's nickname "Wang Xiaoxue."

No one has the right to laugh at anyone else.

Initially, Wang Xiaoxue's nickname was already unpleasant enough. However, fatefully, the jade slip created a delightful misunderstanding. After receiving Xue Meng's nickname, it inscribed a few new lines of shimmering golden characters:

Very well, Immortal Lord Wang Xiaoxue.

Xue Meng: "..."

Xue Meng: "???"

Xue Meng: "The name you mentioned is a female's! I said my name is Wang Xiaoxue! The 'Wang' from my mother Wang Chuqing, and the 'Xue' from my father Xue Zhengyong!"

More golden characters appeared on the jade slip: "The name-changing incantation is being adjusted. Apologies, Immortal Lord Wang Xiaoxue, but renaming is temporarily unavailable."

Xue Meng grew frustrated: "It was your mistake, why can't you fix it?"

Jade Slip: "Immortal Sir, please don't be upset about this. If you insist on changing your name, I can send a message to Lord Ma and ask him to make the alteration for you personally."

...He definitely didn't want to contact Ma Yun!

He could already picture Lord Ma approaching with a grin, teasing him – Sect Leader Xue has come out of his shell? Sect Leader Xue is feeling more open-minded? Does Sect Leader Xue need a man or a woman today?

...A nightmare.

Xue Meng had no choice but to say, "Fine, fine. If you say Wang Xiaoxue, then Wang Xiaoxue it is. Your scroll is terrible, by the way. It's deafening."

The jade slip wasn't bothered and remained gentle. "Very well, Immortal Wang Xiaoxue. To better understand your temperament, please follow the instructions on the Worry-Relieving Scroll and complete the following questions. After this, the scroll will present you with the most compatible talented and handsome individual. May you find your ideal match soon and always have a companion by your side."

Xue Meng wasn't particularly interested in finding a partner anytime soon, but he was curious about who, in the vast world of cultivation, the Worry-Relieving Scroll would consider worthy of his attention.

So he said nonchalantly, "Go ahead and ask."

"First question, have you ever experienced heartbreak?"

Xue Meng stroked his chin and replied, "No."

"Second question, have you ever been in love with someone?"


"Third question, have you secretly admired anyone?"


"Fourth question, have you ever been confessed to?"


This time, the jade slip didn't continue with another question. It hesitated for a moment before new words appeared: "Immortal, please don't tease this scroll with repetitive answers."

"Who's using repetitive answers?!" Xue Meng instantly became unhappy. "No means no. Do I need to invent something out of nothing?"

The jade slip promptly responded: "My apologies, it was my mistake. Fifth question, may I ask how old you are this year?"

Xue Meng wasn't too keen on revealing his age and mumbled vaguely, "Somewhere around twenty."

"Very well. Immortal Master Wang Xiaoxue, in your two decades of life, you have never been in love, never secretly admired someone, never received a confession, and never experienced heartbreak."


Jade Slip: "Very well, Immortal Master Wang Xiaoxue. Before I ask my sixth question, I would like to know if you prefer straightforward people or those who beat around the bush."

Xue Meng raised his eyebrows. "Nonsense, of course I prefer straightforward people. Who likes ambiguity?"

"Very well." So Jade Slip asked outright, "For the sixth question, are you extremely unattractive?"

Xue Meng: "..................."

After a brief silence, the senior disciples waiting outside Danxin Hall heard the sound of the Sect Leader angrily smashing things, followed by Dajiu's terrified meows.

It had to be said that Peach Bud Manor's art of refining had improved over the years. Despite being battered by Xue Meng, the Worry Relieving Scroll remained intact, undamaged. It stubbornly continued to lure its target with shimmering golden text, tempting the Sect Leader to answer the remaining questions. Eventually, twenty illusionary leaf cards floated out of the scroll, one by one landing in Xue Meng's hands.

Actually, they weren't leaf cards at all. They merely resembled them; there were no bamboo tubes depicted on their surfaces. Instead, they presented the conditions of twenty cultivators in a very surreal and hazy manner.

"Immortal Lord Wang Xiaoxue, who is not unattractive but has been single for two decades, congratulations. Through my divination, the soul most compatible with you lies hidden within these twenty leaf cards, awaiting your discovery."

To be honest, Xue Meng didn't really believe in such superstitions.

He believed that back when he was trapped in the Seductive Gourd, he could only see his own reflection, so surely no one in this world could catch his eye. However, his curiosity got the better of him, and he eagerly began to examine the twenty leaf cards.

The Sect Leader had named himself "Immortal Fairy Wang Xiaoxue," and naturally, others on the cards wouldn't reveal their true identities either. The first one Xue Meng saw was an immortal fairy with the nickname "Ruo Ying."

The Scroll of Worry Relief described her like this:

Venerable Fairy Ruo Ying, veiled in misty silk, her body adorned with radiant pearls, exuding subtle fragrance, composed and serene in demeanor.

This individual holds a high rank, with a mansion filled with treasures, skilled at managing complicated finances and maintaining the household. She keeps to herself, maintaining a virtuous lifestyle, though often courted by admirers. Yet, Venerable Fairy Ruo Ying possesses an inner dignity, indifferent to all enticements. She is a flower on a lofty mountain, admired from afar but difficult to pluck.

Interests: Cultivating flowers, caring for the sick and weak.

Reading just this one card, Xue Meng was astonished.

She seemed to be an enchanting beauty, cold yet untainted by the world, self-reliant, not dependent on men, sensible, and kind-hearted... Her main interest was strikingly similar to his mother, Madame Wang!

How extraordinary!

As an obedient son who worshiped his mother on a pedestal, Xue Meng had always believed since childhood that marrying a girl with a disposition like Madame Wang would never lead to any mistakes. Just look at how well she took care of him and his father.

Surprisingly, Xue Meng found himself somewhat captivated.

Yet, he still harbored some doubts. Firstly, how could he have never heard of such a rare and exceptional fairy in the cultivation world?

Secondly, there was a subtle, peculiar intuition nagging at him.

He held the golden-leaf token, reading it again. Strange, the more he read, the more he felt as if he had indeed encountered someone similar somewhere before.

...Who could it be?