Chapter 336: Xue Meng's Blind Date: Tea-Selling Little Sister 6

Tragic, indeed.

That very evening, Mei Hanxue sat before a copper mirror, sighing as he gazed at the injuries on his face.

He couldn't even recall how he managed to carve out a path of survival from under Xue Meng's grasp during the day.

Observing Xue Meng's posture, it seemed as if he was eager to strip him of all his clothes and subject him to the extreme punishment of being roasted alive. Fortunately, it was the cat who was loyal enough, considering the numerous dried fish he had fed it these past few days, to bravely leap out and loudly meow, preventing Xue Ziming from almost devouring him alive.

It's utterly heartbreaking.

"He really did go too far," Mei Hanxue rubbed the bruise on the corner of his lip, hissing as he furrowed his brows. "I only disguised myself as a woman to tease him a bit; he didn't need to take it so seriously and risk our lives."

In the chamber, Mei Hanxue said coldly, "Serves you right for always bullying him."

Mei Hanxue glared at his sibling through the copper mirror. "As if you don't bully him either. Who's the one who seizes every chance to criticize him relentlessly? Besides, I don't just tease him; I also help alleviate his worries."

"What burden have you shared with him?" Mei Hanxue said coldly. "He was clearly on the verge of being driven mad just now. Didn't you notice?"

"I see," Mei Hanxue paused, then suddenly chuckled. "But honestly, his angry demeanor is incredibly amusing. Although my intention was to make his life more enjoyable, I couldn't resist teasing him."

He spoke and got up, swaying to lean against the wooden table, bumping into Mei Hanxue. "I was just playing around. Even though I play, I still know how to protect him."


"You see, he's been happy ever since I came to the Peak of Life and Death these few days. He was only angry today. Three happy days for one angry day—I think I'm doing pretty well as his life partner." Mei Hanxue blinked his emerald green eyes like a cat, his brows and eyes curving. "So stop being unhappy."

Mei Hanxue's face darkened. "Don't ever trick him like that again."

"Phew, alright then, next time I'll find something else to play with."


"I'll include you this time."


Mei Hanxue said sternly, "All this trouble is because of you. You better figure out how to explain to Lord Ma tomorrow. I'm going to sleep."

"Shouldn't we go out and tease Xue Meng one more time?"

"Don't you think you have enough scars on your face already?"

Mei Hanxue pouted, then boredly sprawled on his brother's bed with a sigh. "Sigh, what's the point in life if you can't tease people?"

Mei Hanyue's face darkened. "Who gave you permission to lie on my bed with your shoes on?!"

Since Xue Meng and Mei Hanxue were responsible for the mess, Peach Bud Manor was now in a frenzy. As the catalysts, whether intentional or not, they had to help Master Ma resolve this disaster.

Thus, despite his irritation, Xue Meng had no choice but to join the Mei brothers the next morning as they took to the skies on their swords, heading for West Lake.

Upon landing and arriving at the entrance of Peach Bud Manor, which was adorned with a large night cat totem, Xue Meng was stunned.

Beyond the grand and majestic manor, painted with wandering dragons and phoenixes, stood a crowd of common folk holding red wooden signs, shouting fiercely. Their voices were too jumbled to make out the words amidst the chaos. Just as he was staring in disbelief, a row of women in red dresses and green sleeves, heavily made up, turned the corner from the street. They were the madams from every brothel in Lin'an Prefecture.

These usually competitive madams, who would normally claw each other's hair and step on one another's toes, were now united in their efforts, shouting in unison, "Return our top courtesans!"

"Return our beauties!"

"Return our daughters!"

"Give me back my Tea Serving Maiden!"

Xue Meng had never encountered such a scene. He was fearless, but today, he found himself somewhat intimidated by these women. Mei Hanxue noticed his unease and patted his shoulder with a smile. "Don't worry. Ladies are delicate creatures; they won't devour you."

As she spoke, a madam slammed her ample bosom with the force of breaking stones, creating an impressive display that left Xue Meng's eyes wide in astonishment.

The madam roared, "Peach Bud Manor must deal with this demonic cultivator!"

"That's right!" Some commoners in the crowd joined in, "Restore our daughters' dignity!"

"He called my wife a pancake! She cried because of him!"

"…What on earth is going on here?" Xue Meng muttered to himself.

Mei Hanshuo tapped him on the shoulder with his Cold Wind Sword and said, "Follow me through the back door."

Xue Meng had been angry and didn't want to talk to his brothers, but seeing that the front entrance was indeed completely blocked, with the disciples of Peach Bud Manor desperately trying to appease the crowd, he could only roll his eyes and reluctantly follow the Mei brothers to sneak into the manor through the back.

"The leader of Death and Life Peak, Xue Meng, and the disciples of Kunlun's Treading Snow Palace, Mei Hanxue and his brother, request an audience with Lord Ma."


The disciple guarding the back entrance was on the verge of tears.

"Headmaster Xue! Senior Immortal Mei! You've finally arrived!"

Xue Meng said, "Where's Master Ma? With such a commotion outside, he should at least be out calming the situation. How can he just stay hidden?"

Upon mentioning this, the disciple guarding the door burst into tears and snot, nearly leaning against Xue Meng. "M-Master... He... He..."

Xue Meng always underestimated the mindset of a host, and believed that Master Ma was a man who loved nature. Thus, he grew anxious again. "Did he jump into West Lake?"

The disciple wailed, "N-No! It was l-last night... Master Ma turned into a Bliss Butterfly and flew away!"

Xue Meng became alert. "...This Bliss Butterfly you speak of... What is it?"

"A Bliss Butterfly! It's not that thing you're thinking of, it's just a butterfly that can fly, the kind everyone loves!" The disciple gestured frantically with both hands. "A prosperity butterfly!"

Xue Meng was still confused. Suddenly, Mei Hanxue asked, "Are you from Fujian?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!" The gatekeeper disciple nodded repeatedly.

Mei Hanxue turned to Xue Meng with a cold expression and translated, "He says it's a butterfly."

Xue Meng: "..."

However, when they arrived at Peach Bud Manor's reception hall and saw the heart-rending Master Ma, Xue Meng asked a soul-stirring question, "The hell is this called a butterfly?!"

A tiny honeybee buzzed around, flying left and right, up and down.

It flew so swiftly that Xue Meng couldn't resist the urge to swat it, but an elder from Peach Bud Manor promptly stopped him. "Absolutely not! If you hit it, our Manor Lord will die!"

The hospitable horse, transformed into a diligent honeybee, circled around before landing steadily in the center of the purple sandalwood table. Its pair of bee eyes stared at Xue Meng as if silently complaining to the Sect Leader about its plight.

Xue Meng was utterly baffled. He pointed at the bee. "No. Is this really the Hospitable Horse? Are you sure he didn't just come up with a story to avoid the criticism outside?"

"The truth is as plain as day," the elder mournfully said. "I witnessed Manor Lord transforming into a lucky butterfly last night!"

Xue Meng: "...Are you also from Fujian?"

"I'm from Fulan!"

"..." Xue Meng sighed with a headache, "Alright, go on then."

After the Manor Lord transformed into a blessed butterfly, he continued to hover around Taobao Manor, pollinating and bestowing flowers, doing what he could to contribute.

Xue Meng gritted his teeth and said, "...This is a bee."

"Supreme Leader Xue, there's no need for doubt. Have you ever come across such a dedicated and intellectually brilliant Fortunate Butterfly?"

Xue Meng was on the verge of suffocating. "I'll say it one last time! This is a damn bee!!"

"The Lord of the Manor, transformed into a graceful butterfly, dances on this day, unable to personally attend to your needs, noble guests. Thus, it falls upon me, humble Chen Xuyuan, Elder Chen, to temporarily oversee the manor's affairs in his stead." With a polite bow, Elder Chen continued, "I extend to you the utmost respect and welcome."

Xue Meng: "..."

He realized that Chen Xuyuan might not understand human language.

Peach Bud Manor's disciples promptly served them tea and pastries, and the three of them engaged in conversation with Elder Chen while they ate. Master Ma, in his transformed state as a gentle bumblebee, perched obediently on the teapot lid. First published on BiqugeTV website: or

Turned out, the Scroll of Worry Relief had absorbed the yearnings of the lovesick men and women in the cultivation world, developing a deep desire to find a compatible partner. Upon taking human form, this longing became an obsession.

In itself, this wasn't a significant issue. It only needed to find another little monster seeking companionship to pair with, and they could be partners. However, the problem arose from the fact that its mannerisms and behavior were mimicking Xue Meng and Mei Hanxue. Thus, this scroll demon became exceedingly picky, deeming no one, whether noble-born ladies or humble beauties, courtesans or tofu sellers, worthy of its company.

It declared the most beautiful matron in Lin'an City "too plump."

The prettiest maiden "too flirtatious."

And the renowned courtesan "had leg hair."

Referring to the Bean Curd Beauty as "Stinky Foot."

Logically, with its venomous tongue, it should have been flattened into a meat pie by angry maidens long ago. Yet, it used Mei Hanxue's enchanting charm to forge its magic. No matter how harshly a maiden was criticized, she would eventually fall ill with longing for it. If the maiden it flirted with already had a beloved, it could transform into that person's likeness, eliciting floods of tears.

Upon hearing this, Xue Meng exclaimed indignantly, "How outrageous!"

He then turned to glare at Mei Hanxue, "Look what you've caused!"

Mei Hanxue was speechless.

Xue Meng inquired, "But Elder Chen, why did Lord Ma turn into a bee?"

Chen Xuyuan sighed. "It's like this. That scroll monster has caused trouble for many citizens of Linan City, from the market stalls to the brothels and even to the homes of noble ladies. It seems to have a peculiar effect on women. All the girls it has approached have experienced significant changes in their personalities. For instance, the leading courtesan at the Spring Teahouse was originally a witty and charming lady, adept at pleasing her guests. But after encountering the scroll spirit, she turned into an honest and straightforward person, as stubborn as a piece of wood."

"How so?"

"Well, before, when she met a guest, she would always say something like, 'Your Excellency, you look so healthy today. Your face is glowing; I'm sure you'll soon receive a promotion or good fortune.' Or, 'Sir, you're truly full of vigor despite your age. Even with eighty concubines, I believe you could handle them all. I admire your energy.'"

Mei Hanxue commented, "That's quite excessive flattery."

"Ah, but the guests loved it," Chen Xuyuan said. "But now it's different. To the same guests, she'd say, 'Corrupt official, your forehead is dark, and you have a sinister aura. You should stay home more often. I don't want to be tainted by your bad luck.' And, 'Old man, others can perform seven times a night, but you can only manage seven strokes. Look at how wrinkled you are, like a turtle. You should be ashamed of yourself, coming to a pleasure house at your age!'"

Xue Meng: "...."

Mei Hanxue: "...."

Only Mei Hanxue found it hilarious, chuckling as she asked, "So, did the teahouse continue operating?"

"It was smashed. That's why it came to Peach Bud Manor causing trouble."

As Chen Xuyuan spoke, he sighed, "Our sect leader's investigation revealed that all the ladies suffered the same fate, their personalities utterly swapped. Those who were once so shy they dared not step out of their doors now delight in streaking through the streets. Those who were once coquettish beauties obsessed with their own charm now prefer to wield a brush before the mirror, drawing chest hair on themselves. And those who would exclaim how adorable rabbits were, wondering why anyone would eat them, now devour five rabbit heads, five duck heads, and five chicken heads in one go."

Chen Xuyuan's emotions escalated as he covered his face, exclaiming, "This life has become unbearable. That's why our Master Ma took the lead and decided to—"

"He's off subduing demons?"

"No, this Scroll Demon cannot be subdued forcefully. For one, it isn't an inherently malevolent demon; it merely lacks sound judgment and has never taken a life. Secondly, our Manor Lord has discovered that if the Scroll Demon is violently subdued, it will self-destruct, scattering all the messages ever exchanged on the Worry-Free Scroll throughout the cultivation world. This would be a breach of customer confidentiality. Our Peach Bud Manor is a reputable business; should such an incident occur, our esteemed reputation would be utterly ruined."

Mei Hanxue shook his head. "It's more than that. It might even cause chaos and turmoil among the common folk. Who knows what unspeakable words those married men and women might have whispered behind their spouses' backs?"

Xue Meng groaned, "So, what did the Courtesan Horse ultimately do?"

The master of the manor, in his scheme, personally arranged to meet the scroll demon. He disguised himself as a woman, intending to seduce it with his charms, hoping to win its affection and persuade it to abandon the treacherous path, turning back towards redemption.

"…You want to use yourself as a honey trap?" The corners of Xue Meng's lips twitched. "Does Peach Bud Manor lack a mirror? Death and Life Peak can donate one – no need to be polite about it."

Upon hearing this, the little bee flew up in a rage, beginning to circle around Xue Meng again, buzzing disapprovingly.

Chen Xuyuan cast a glance at the little bee and awkwardly explained, "Well... um, although our Master Ma is a charismatic figure, he is well aware of how ridiculously strict Scroll Spirit's requirements are. Thus, besides cross-dressing, he also purchased Hypnotic Incense from Jiang Yechen. This incense is exceptionally potent. As long as the person willingly stays inside a room for a mere tea's time, they would be utterly enchanted, seeing even a sow as a celestial beauty."

He added nervously, "Of course! I didn't mean to call the Lord of the Manor a sow!"

Mini Bee: "Buzz buzz buzz!!"

Xue Meng inquired, "Then what happened? Did the Bewitching Incense lose its effect? Did that brat Jiang Xi sell fake goods again?"

"No," Chen Xuyuan replied, even more embarrassed and stumbling over his words. "It's... It's that when Master Ma first saw the scroll monster in women's clothing, it exclaimed, 'Ugh—!' and then stormed off without staying in the room for even a cup of tea..."

It sounded like quite a miserable situation.

Yet, surprisingly, Xue Meng found himself wanting to laugh. Just as he was struggling to suppress it, Mei Hanxue couldn't hold back and chuckled softly. Xue Meng turned to glare at him. "Don't laugh! Be serious!"

"Women rejected by Scroll Demons often undergo a great change in personality, but men rejected by Scroll Spirits turn into a specific animal," Chen Xuyuan said pitifully, looking at Master Ma's bumblebee. "All our elders have spent the entire night trying every method they know, but they can't reverse the transformation. We've exhausted all our options and have already sent for help."

"Help?" Xue Meng was taken aback, a sense of foreboding creeping over him. "From whom?"

No sooner had he asked than a disciple outside the reception hall called out dramatically, "The esteemed Lord Sovereign of Medicine Sect, Solitary Moon Night, and Sect Leader Jiang, have arrived!"