Chapter 346: Fighting for Affection 4

The next morning.

Taxian-Jun sat under the loquat tree in the courtyard, peeling loquats for himself to eat while he squinted at what he was thinking.

After switching over, he couldn't remember anything else in the past three days. He vaguely remembered that he had got a wooden box, a ricecake. Ricecake Tyrant said something as if it had something to do with Chu Wanning's birthday gift.

But other than that, he couldn't recall anything.

Taxian-Jun dared not take it lightly. After all, he thought Mo-zongshi was a bird with deep intention. He seemed loyal and honest, but he was honest and respectful. He had a lot of flowers and intestines.

Unlike myself who is handsome, honest, domineering, powerful, and treating people sincerely.

An honest man like himself was really at a disadvantage.

Taxian-Jun sighed as deep light shone in his purple and black eyes. The loquat juice was very sticky. He raised his hand and licked his fingertips to taste the delicate sweetness. He said to himself, "You can't lose!" This venerable one was from the emperor's family. For the emperor's court, this venerable one knows so much more than the other one. That so-called "know one's friend and know the other" could win a hundred battles. As long as this venerable one sees Mo-zongshi's congratulations in advance, this venerable one can fight back and force him!

But longing to know Mo-zongshi's gift was one thing, how to know it was another profound knowledge.

He didn't expect to be able to communicate with his own soul. Mo-zongshi had no ghost until he understood him.

Well, if not... Then try to get Chu Wanning to talk like a routine?

No, No.

This idea was quickly rejected by Taxian-Jun himself.

Looking back on his past life, Song Qiutong would always dress up for every festival and tried her best to please him. She would come knocking around to find out if her sister Chu Fei had prepared any gifts for him.

At that time, he was holding an evil fire in his heart. Looking at Song Qiutong's seemingly shrewd but silly head melon seeds, he spent his whole life of self-cultivation to not shout abuse - what to do! Ask what! Chu Wanning was not to give this venerable one any festival gifts, are you satisfied?!!

But each time they did not roar out and instead, the anger was suppressed. He grinned and chanted the gloom, in a slow and orderly way: "Unexpectedly, the Queen was so concerned about Princess Chu, instead of giving him a gift to see him alike."

Song Qiutong's beautiful face flashed with apprehension. She showed more submissiveness and charm because of fear, hoping to win the emperor's pity.

So she busily said, "Concubines just can't make up their minds. They want to know about the wishes of Chu's sister..."

"Oh... So you want to know the mind of Chu Fei." Taxian-Jun slowly immersed these words in his lips for a while. He sneered and looked like a cold sword out of the box.

"So, you want to show that you, the queen, should have no opinions. Do you want to be a concubine like her, or do you want to be a concubine at all?"

She was so frightened that Song Qiutong staggered and fell to her knees, knocking her head in succession.

At that time, he only felt disgusted and angry at the same time in his heart, dragon and tiger were biting and fighting. Gong'e, who had witnessed the incident, said that the emperor was moody, but nobody knew why. Even Song Qiutong herself did not know why he was really offended by her. He had been under house arrest for so long and had only won people, but it seemed that he had never received hearts.

As for the obedience, obedience and love was what he longed for, it was more like a nine-day cold moon, beyond reach.

Even these years, he has not received any Festival ceremonies from Chu Wanning. Even when the snow is deep on New Year's Eve, his secret wish of "Happy New Year" was only delusional.

In that way, Song Qiutong accidentally pricked his self-esteem and poked into his troubles. Just like as if she was mocking him for having nothing, for receiving nothing, for being a lonely widow, a poor wretch who seemed to aspire to get what he really wants.——

How dare she... How dare she!!!

The emperor's face turned blue with anger, and Song Qiutong's face instantly turned white with fear. He looked at her sadly. The truth could not be said so quickly, so she had no idea what fault she had committed.

Neither the emperors nor the empress realized that, in fact, her struggle for favor was lost from the very beginning.


You couldn't ask Chu Wanning.

After the end of this memory, Taxian-Jun became more and more firm in his thinking.

The essence of the competition for favor lies in the light clouds and breeze, which seemed to be indifferent. In fact, it was the most undesirable to jump out and expose your concern at the beginning.

Though, how can we find out Mo-zongshi's actions lightly and indifferently?

There was not much time left for him. Tomorrow will be Chu Wanning's birthday. He had only the last few hours to win the war of defeat.

In meditation, Taxian-Jun saw Goutou running past him chasing a butterfly. The dog perceived his eyes, and made a sudden stop, tilted over his head, with its usual oblique eyes on the former Emperor who was trapped in trouble. Dogs' eyes were always full of wisdom and care.

Taxian-Jun had a good idea.


"Good dog, good dog, come on." Taking advantage of Chu's Wanning outing to explore the soul of plants in Nanping Mountain, Taxian-Jun took Goutou in his arms, put it on his leg, and then rubbed his dog's paws with a laugh that he thought was very kind and somehow frightening. "This venerable one knows that you are the smartest. What this venerable one said should be understandable."

Goutou: "..."

"This venerable one asks you, do you know that a wooden box was found here a few days ago?"

Goutou: "Whoop..."

"Can you obey me and bring the box to this venerable one? Can you do that?"

"Whoop..." It can't be done.

Taxian-Jun's face sank a little, but he still laughed and said, "How about rewarding you with a meat bone?"

"Wang Wang!" Two!

"Yes, two it is."

As a matter of fact, the man-like dog-like immortal monarch was better at communicating with his peers than the man-like Mo-zongshi. One man and one dog could have reached the consensus of adultery so quickly without being able to speak at all.


The dog wagged its tail and jumped out of the arms of Taxian-Jun. It ran into the depth of some humble grass. After a short time, he became a traitor of Mo-zongshi. It pulled out the thoughts of Mo-zongshi into boxes, and sent them to Taxian-Jun through the mud.

"So fast?"

"Wang Wang Wang!" That's right. You don't want to see who I truly am.

Taxian-Jun was very satisfied, smiling and touching Goutou: "This loved one is really a good dog, this venerable one will call you -"

Why didn't the phoenix think of it? Suddenly he heard familiar footsteps outside the courtyard door. As soon as his ears captured the sound, Taxian-Jun's face changed, he immediately raised his hand and kept his thoughts. He received the box in his arms in a flash of thunder.

Then he looked back calmly as if nothing just happened: "Wanning is back."

Goutou wagged his tail calmly pretending nothing had happened, flatteringly spitting his tongue at Chu Wanning.

Chu Wanning, who came back from the mountain tour, looked at the man and the dog, and always sensed that there was a kind of mysterious conspiracy breath running and hiding between them: "...What are you doing?

Taxian-Jun quickly changed to the topic: "How was the harem of this venerable one?"

Chu Wanning replied, "Your Xiao Cui and Xiao Hong are dead."

"!!!" Taxian-Jun was shocked, "What?!"

"In the storm last night, your planted Xiangfei bamboo and red crabapple on the south hillside were blown down. I told you before that you should not plant them in the windward part of the rock wall. If you refuse to listen, you can only learn from this lesson."

Taxian-Jun was instantly sad, and he quit.

When he arrived to Nanping Mountain, he rushed to pull the grass planted by Chu Wanning together. Although he had been playing tricks on Chu Wanning by calling the flowers and plants his harem. There were not only concubines in the empress palace, but in fact he was quietly trying to seal the trees they planted together as princesses and princes.

Now that their children have died, what will he do?

"No! This venerable one is going to take a look!"

"Look at what." Chu Wanning was amused to watch him taking it so seriously. He immediately pulled him over and said to him, "I have applied magic, and I have connected all the broken flowers and plants back."

"All ready?"

"It's all ready."

Taxian-Jun stared at him, and after a moment, Chu Wanning didn't respond when he suddenly opened his arms, and firmly embraced him.

"..." Chu Wanning was unexpectedly surrounded by arms embracing his waist. He gave a pitiful and helpless laugh, "What are you doing...?"

Taxian-Jun sat while Chu Wanning stood. Taxian-Jun's head rested on Chu Wanning's abdomen, wanting to rub against it, but didn't have the face, and only then he finally muffled: "This venerable one... Is happy."

This was Chu Wanning's heart. He would be distressed. Even if he expected that all the plants and trees planted would be destroyed by the wind and rain, he would save them without saying a word. The withered wood was still in the spring, and his once withered heart, accompanied by Chu Wanning, gradually had a bright red color, with blood, affection and love.

At last, he was able to walk carefully into the light.

In order to let the light shine a little more for himself and a little less for Mo-zongshi, Taxian-Jun became more and more firm in his determination to solve the mystery of Mo-zongshi's gift. Unlike Mo-zongshi, who was very conscious, Taxian-Jun still refused to admit that they were one. Thus, Mo-zongshi was not hostile to the other, but he became red and fought with Mo-zongshi roughly every day.

Taxian-Jun stated that "This venerable one is in a good mood today. This venerable one will cook in person." as the reason to shut himself quietly in the kitchen and began to study the idea of what was in the box.

The Emperor's experience told him that as long as he could open the box, Mo-zongshi's secret would be exposed under his eyes.

But the problem was that the box was seamless. How on earth can it be opened?

"Open the box!"


"I know you want it!"

It was still closed.

"I will show you this handsome face."

The box stayed motionless.

Taxian-Jun tried all kinds of statements, all of which were incomprehensible. At last, he became a little manic. He planned to harden his palm, hitting it so the box can be split into two.

As soon as his fist slammed down with full force , he could only hear a crash!

The bench under the box was broken.

But the box was still in good condition.

"Funny, this venerable one doesn't believe this is evil..." Taxian-Jun was crossed and called out for his Divine Blade to cut it horizontally and vertically using more than twenty knives. But he could not freely release his full potential of his spiritual power in the kitchen, in order to prevent the house from being destroyed, so he could not exert one-tenth of his strength. After half a day of attempting to split it, the box was still safe and sound.

On the contrary, Chu Wanning knocked on the door: "Mo Ran? What are you doing? Why is it so noisy?"

"...Cutting stuff!" Taxian-Jun casually said, "I'm making pies!"

Chu Wanning waited for a while: "Alongside in the day before yesterday's remaining, I had not used up the wrapping hands."

"Yes, I see."

After answering the voice, only then Taxian-Jun reacted sensibly afterwards - no! Chu Wanning helped wrap hands for Mo-zongshi again?!

Why would he!!!

With this thought, Taxian-Jun became more angry, feeling more powerless in letting go of Mo-zongshi. He would never let the other party invite a contribution on his birthday! That hypocrite villain!

Strived for favor with him? Why don't you try your best?

Taxian-Jun's eyes were covered with a layer of darkness. He stared at the box as his slender and smooth fingers were rubbing the rough texture of the box's head. Bad water rose within his heart. He was deep in thought, if not... Why don't you just drop this box at the bottom of the cliff?

Wasn't it a birthday gift? He could have found a better one for Chu Wanning before sunset today.

He was the Emperor of the cultivation world. What could he not do if he wanted something unique in the heavens and earth?

Although he was exhausted from the days when he was a noble king and loved the warmth of returning to the world again, he always liked to dress up and sniffed the fireworks in the mountains. He even felt that he secretly disguised himself as a "Gou Master" to collect the miscellaneous money, which was way worse than in the silent and cold palace during that time. The rare treasures presented should be much more precious and meaningful.

Such a vulgar sweetness was good, but he was reluctant to show his love.

Taxian-Jun has a face, especially in order to distinguish himself from the poor Mo-zongshi. Even if he secretly loved the cabbage and boiled tofu of the farmer's family, he would hum and pretend that his favorite food was still the grand parade, which is a precious seafood.

This kind of swollen face and fat man's prestige was also good occasionally.

For example, Taxian-Jun firmly believed that as long as he risked being sucked to death by Chu Wanning, he would arrogantly return to the rivers and lakes, and search for treasures everywhere. He would be able to quickly find the kind of luxurious and exquisite on the stage, novel and meaningful congratulations!


After this idea had taken root in his mind, Taxian-Jun stood up, intending to put away the wooden box and throw it away in the afternoon.

But in retrospect, if he really wanted to do something like that, his recovery conscience was somewhat disturbed.

...Well, that's one less gift for Chu Wanning. What if we couldn't find a better one? Chu Wanning would really like this box that would soon be destroyed by this venerable one, wouldn't it? Er... Aren't you going to make trouble with this venerable one? This venerable one is now his favorite, if he were to really make trouble, then what should be done? How does one coax? Would it be useless to cajole?

In this way of thinking, he felt a little sad.

Since ancient times, the Emperor's family was ruthless. Once the emperor was in love, he could only fall into the family with his lover.

Even such a trivial matter, though Chu Wanning may not be happy, his heart hardened.

This venerable one was not promising!

Taxian-Jun sighed in his heart.

But at that moment, he suddenly found a white figure passing by the small window of the wooden grate. He knew something was off and immediately tried to grab it, however it ran so quickly that he could only see a small blue lamp held by a white tail. Without seeing its whole picture, it had disappeared into the grass.

A rolled green lotus leaf was stuffed between the cracks of the window-only wooden fence.

...a ricecake spirit!!

A sudden flash of inspiration in the mind of Taxian-Jun suddenly aroused the memory of another adventure that belonged to him two days ago.

He immediately raised his hand to pull out the lotus leaves left by the rice cake essence, and smoothed them out by the sunshine sprinkled outside the window. He could not help but be overjoyed, but then he immediately became angry.

Taxian-Jun scolded himself angrily: "Mo Weiyu, how daring you are! How dare you mock this venerable one!"

Seen only on the lotus leaf, wrote a few lines askew:

Good Emperor! I'm the ricecake of the Emperor's personality. I sneaked out of the village to report to the Emperor. It's a box of thoughts and in there is a fairyland. Mo-zongshi's personality is the key to opening the curse. It's called "It's foolish to send gold." I can only help you here! Come on. You can do it!

Although Taxian-Jun did not know what "jigger" meant, he felt that the demon had not learned the common people's Mandarin very well, and there were also some demon words mixed in his speech, but he understood that the other must be praising himself with his witty mind and context.

This ricecake was very good! He knew the current affairs very well! He intended to make it a master of Nanping Mountain after his mission had been accomplished.

Taxian-Jun finished thinking those thoughts and paused. In order to accomplish great things, he suppressed the humiliation which was despised by another man himself and gnashed his teeth at the wooden box.

"It would be foolish to gift gold."

A golden light flashed and Taxian-Jun disappeared in the kitchen.

He was sent into the box too.