Chapter 350: Fighting for Affection: End

When Xue Meng thought about all this, Chu Wanning sneezed in Nanping Mountain.

Not yet.

There was still one last hour before his birthday.

However, Chu Wanning didn't realise that. He and Mo Ran had been staying in Nanping Mountain for only two years. During his previous two lives, the tens of millions of years were too difficult for him to live happily. Those who were accustomed to bitterness to suddenly taste a drop of sweetness would feel unused to it.

—— He was Xue Meng's eye, the kind of person who had never been spoiled.

At least in the past.

It was late at night, and it was about to be midnight soon. Though, the ink has not returned back yet.

It's late at night, and it's going to be midnight soon, but the ink hasn't come back yet.

Chu Wanning stood in front of the green bamboo wood and put on a single inner robe. He held Goutou and searched for a while, but he could not seem to see Mo Ran. In the evening, when he was dewy, he rolled up his hands and coughed a few times before frowning. The dog raised its head and patted his side face, making a "whine" pleasant sound.

Chu Wanning glanced down and asked, "Are you sleepy?"


He placed it down and said, "Go back to the house and sleep. I'll wait a little longer."


The pagoda lanterns woven from the bamboo sticks were covered with silk paper, swaying gently under the eaves of the courtyard door. The bright yellow candlelight spread onto Chu Wanning's elegant and smooth face, shining glitters on his brows, eyes and shoulders, making him look more sharp and gentle rather than plain. Goutou moved to the corner of his robe and barked around him.

"Don't want to go back?"


Chu Wanning then lifted it up, pointed at its small, wet and cool charcoal nose using the tip of his nose: "Okay, then you can continue to wait with me."


But Goutou was not reluctant. Chu Wanning and the dog had poor communication with each other, so he didn't know how every time Mo Ran and Goutou communicated, they could quickly understand each other's meaning, while he was much slower.

He pondered for a while before he realized, "You want me to go to bed, and not stand here?"


Goutou was happy because the owner finally understood what he meant. He wagged his tail and jumped in place.

"Wait a little longer."

"Wang Wang Wang!" It's been a long time!

"Don't you want to go back to bed alone?"

"Wang Wang!"

Chu Wanning saw that it was shaking its head and tail and could not help but to think of the day, where Mo Ran left with his own words - rest early, don't wait for him.

"...Night does not end, when the wings are really hard." Chu Wanning sighed, looking somewhat displeased. Watching how Goutou was pleading to him eagerly, he finally turned back at the path up the hill, clenched his hands behind the yard door, and took Goutou back into the house.

Who knew that sleepiness was not that easy to obtain.

Chu Wanning left a lamp so Mo Ran could light it up. He curled up in the bed and shut his eyes as he began to dream dimly. Despite his usually calm and plain appearance, his body which bears the souls and memories of two generations was still uneasy in the end.

For the first few months of his retirement on Nanping Mountain, he woke up almost every night.

After a while, he would dream of the pale face of the Emperor Taxian-Jun, who was assassinated by Xue Meng in the Wushan Hall. It was ghostly and gloomy against the thunderstorm that was occurring outside the hall.

He would then dream that outside of Tianyin Pavilion, Mo Ran would kneel on the ground, blood pouring out from his chest as he choked trying to ask, "Shizun, have I paid off? Have I finally become clean?"

He dreamed of the death of the SiSheng Peak, of the silence of guilt.

In his dream, Taxian-Jun spoke these words to Chu Wanning, "This venerable one hates you very much."

In his dream, it was Nanping Mountain. On the snowy and frosty night, Mo Ran said softly, "Wanning, I will always love you."

However, after Mo Ran spoke this sentence, his heartbeat was gradually fading, leaving Chu Wanning alone in the night of sadness and despair. He could never forget that unspeakable painful feeling at that time. Everytime he would dream about it, it would always wake him up with a grieving pain. He couldn't even recognise the geometry of the years. He could not help but rely on the past, repeatedly confirming that the one sleeping beside him was always breathing, and his heartbeat was beating normally. That was the only way for his pain to fade away.

But in the latter half of the night, he could no longer sleep soundly. From time to time, he wanted to open his eyes and gaze towards Mo Ran's face, watching him sleeping peacefully.

Later, he found something strange about Mo Ran.

That day was the personality of Taxian-Jun, a lonely man who would wander through the empty Wushan Palace for many years. With just a glance, he could understand why Chu Wanning was suffering and wasn't able to sleep at night. So Taxian-Jun said nothing, only opened his arms and embraced him tightly.

Over the years, across the flesh and blood, the heartbeat was strong and was powerful enough to pass onto the people in his arms.

It dispelled the shadow of the nightmare.

Taxian-Jun kissed the top of his hair and coaxed him in a low voice: "...It's alright. Waning, it's all over."

Chu Wanning didn't say a word, his face indifferent. He didn't want to lose face.

But Taxian-Jun could feel the wet skirts of his obscene clothes. There were warm tears spilled near his heart. It was clearly cold during that time, but his heart was bursting hot as he trembled fiercely.

He was in great pain and love, but he didn't know what to do.

He used to possess it roughly and made it difficult.

He clumsily patted on Chu Wanning's shoulder and back before rubbing his lips against the top of his hair and ears. He then finally lowered down to cover Chu Wanning's cool lips.

"Wanning, I will always love you."

During the kiss, he murmured to him vaguely. He felt the obvious tremor of the man who had never been cruel in his palm. He could not help it. He then went to sink with him again with a tender rhyme of the past.

And since then, everyday no matter what kind of consciousness Mo Ran was sleeping with Chu Wanning, he would always say it once, "I will always love you" before going to bed.

Today;s sweet would wash away the bitterness from the past.

This sentence made Mo Ran incapable of sleeping without repeating it. It had become a promise he had always kept.

For two years, no matter what reason Mo Ran would go out alone, he would always return before dark, because he knew that even if Chu Wanning didn't admit it, his Shizun didn't love the cold night of Nanping Mountain. He needed Mo Ran's company. Though, it was the first time something like this happened tonight.

Mo Ran had not returned before sunset for the very first time.

Chu Wanning always had a calm good face, and would not cross-examine it. But even if his mouth didn't ask and his face was always strong, it doesn't mean that he would feel any better.

So after such a long time, he fell asleep and was pulled deeply into a nightmare again.

He returned to that year's Nanping Mountain, the day Mo Ran died.

He dreamed that no matter how many times he tried to wake Mo Ran up, the scar left by Tianyin Pavilion on his lover's chest was so fierce and cruel that just by watching him made him choke.

He kept repeating his lover's name: "Mo Ran..."

Mo Ran.

And in that cold dream, it seemed that a man took his hand suddenly, caught it and kissed it gently on his lips.

The man said to him, "Shizun, it's alright. It's all over."

It's all over…

Chu Wanning felt his eyelashes were moist from the tears. As soon as he woke up, he let out a low sigh and tried to calm his heart. He wanted to sleep again but suddenly found himself leaning on a familiar warm chest.

He was startled to the point that his blurry and hazy mind from the sleepiness disappeared. The wet curtain of his eyelashes lifted, staring at the pair of purple and black eyes.

"Mo, Mo Ran...?"

Mo Ran didn't know when the nightmare had returned, with some deep night dew glazing on his body, he laid beside Chu Wanning. In order not to disturb his Shizun's deep sleep, Mo Ran didn't hold him tightly, only carefully grasped his hand and placed it close to him.

When Chu Wanning woke up, his eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Well? Is this venerable one still waking you up?

Chu Wanning wanted to apologise, but unexpectedly, Taxian-Jun placed his arm around him forcefully: "You woke up just at the right time, simply letting this venerable one to hold you well."

"...Get out of here."

Taxian-Jun knew that he had not much time left for today. He had to fight Chu Wanning on weekdays. But this time, after he hugged, he went straight in and leaned over Chu Wanning's ear as whispered with a deep smile, "This venerable one has prepared a surprise for you, fearing that you will hurt me when it's too late."


This man's face was growing as each day passed.

Chu Wanning had just been woken up from a nightmare. His body was still heavy at the moment, but he could feel the hotness between their bodies. His eyebrows slightly raised and noticed that Mo Ran's robes were still a little wet from the tears of his sad dream, but he couldn't help but ask with hints of sleepiness and anger: "Are you not going to sleep?"

"No sleep."

Chu Wanning started to be more angry: "What do you mean no sleep?"

Taxian-Jun lifted Chu Wanning's chin, rubbing it carefully. His eyes wandered from the slightly ascended eyebrows before landing onto the partially opened lips.

The man hugging his bosom was obviously somewhat fierce and imperfect, but even after two lifetimes, every time his eyes landed on him, he felt hot inside and would always be secretly happy. Once upon a time, he refused to admit it, but deep down he always knew that in his heart, the only person who could light fire within him in an instant was only Chu Wanning.

He wanted to hold him, kiss him, touch him. He wanted to bully him, but he knew it would hurt his Shizun terribly.

Nowadays, he felt that there were many beautiful people around the world similar to clouds, and even if all the clouds gathered together, it would be worth less than half an inch of the glory of his evening tranquility. Chu Wanning looked good when he was feeling murderous and angry.

Taxian-Jun then laughed and said, "There are still many things to do, so how could I sleep in the middle of the night? Haven't this venerable one taught you this before?"

Chu Wanning: "......"

Watching how Chu Wanning couldn't sleep while feeling bitter and helpless, it touched deep within the Immortal Emperor, making him unable to control himself as he bowed his head and kissed him.

"Mo Ran-!"

"I'm kidding." After the kiss, Taxian-Jun touched the tip of Chu Wanning's nose intimately. "The time for this venerable one is almost up. Today, you owe this venerable. I will ask you to pay back in three days."


"Tonight, the only thing I want to say is…" Taxian-Jun paused for a moment before laughing, with dimples appearing on his cheeks. Three points of evil and seven points of pity:

"Happy Birthday, Wanning."

Chu Wanning was instantly stunned.

At that time, the distant Jingci Temple Bell sounded leisurely. It was the alternation of childhood and bamboo leaves.

At the end of 1911.

It was the beginning of his new year.

Mo Ran pupils were still displaying Taxian-Jun's pride, but he couldn't say anything as he changed into the gentle Mo-zongshi. Mo-zongshi slowed down and tried to adapt the memories of yesterday shared with him by fate. He was puzzled for a moment because he didn't know what he had done under the condition of Taxian-Jun.

But seeing the person in front of him was his sweetheart, Mo Ran's heart was filled with joy. He then leaned against Chu Wanning's forehead and whispered, "Wanning."


"Happy Birthday."

After he thought about it, he then said, "I have a gift prepared for you."

He planned to do some repairs during the daytime tomorrow, only then lead Chu Wanning into the 'box of thoughts'. However, he didn't know that when he switched back, Chu Wanning wasn't asleep, nor did he think that he would say that sentence naturally.

He had too much affection for Chu Wanning, as if he couldn't wait another minute at all.

It was clear that he had lived for two lifetimes. He had married Chu Wanning twice whether it was for real or fake. His past life lasted eight years day and night, and his present had been accompanied for two years. But at that time, he was like a rash young man who showed his heart by offering his treasures to his beloved for the very first time. He was impatient, even his fingertips were drenched with sweat and he was trembling slightly.

"I… I haven't finished all of it yet, but… Shall I show you around it first?"

Chu Wanning then thoroughly recalled that today was his birthday.

But then, he remembered Mo Ran who was extremely busy during the daytime, most likely didn't go home so he could prepare the gift.

He was lost in confusion for a moment, but when he figured it all out, he felt amused but also guilty. He couldn't help raising his hand and cupped Mo Ran's face. His heart went soft.

"You've been busy recently, because you were busy doing this.."

A smile appeared on Mo Ran's handsome face.

"Does Shizun want to see it now?"

Chu Wanning sat up and gathered his long black hair to tie it up into a high ponytail, then followed him: "Okay, but what did you prepare?"

"An extraordinary surprise."

After Mo Ran said that, he led Chu Wanning out to their courtyard, while the dog was sleeping soundly, with its face buried under its paws, not a single hint of waking up. Mo Ran dived into the grass, intending to dig out his 'box of thoughts' that he hid here.


A scream pierced the silent atmosphere in Nanping: "Come one! Where's my box?!!!!!!"

The dog continued to sleep peacefully.

Nothing would happen, the head of the dog said, you can never wake up a sleeping dog, bah ha ha ha!

It took him a long time with his eyes closed, trying to recall what had happened when he wasn't in control. After forcing himself to remember for a while, a few fragments of memory started appearing.

Shoved Jiang Xi into a sack.

Covered Xue Meng with the sack.

Gave Mei Hanxue an attack of a sack.

It was all over, it was all fucking over!

Chu Wanning frowned before asking, "What's wrong with you?"

Mo Ran hugged his own head: "I… It seems that I did some very absurd things yesterday…" He said as he continued looking around the house, and finally found the 'box of thoughts' from his own sleeve.

"Was this the thing you were planning to give me?"

"Originally, it was..."


Now... Now I'm afraid I don't know what was going on inside.

Mo Ran gathered his throat and wanted to leave Chu Wanning outside so he could check what was in there first. But the helpless words have been spoken out, and he felt that it would not be appropriate if he left his Shizun outside and entered the box alone. So in the end, he had to pray in his heart that he didn't do any drastic changes to the box yesterday. He was hard-headed.

"I can't explain it now for a while… Anyway, let's go in and take a look at it first."

When Mo Ran and Chu Wanning entered the box of thoughts, they were both shocked by the present situation. Especially the poor Mo Ran. When he left the day before yesterday, the box was still in a normal state. But at the moment, his house was rebuilt and repaired, and there were many more glittering and magnificent ornaments than last time.

In addition, the sky was flying, clouds and mists were dim, wheat waves were rolling, and the nebulae were scattered beautifully in the sky. Originally, it was already very interesting as there were white mountains and rivers in the countryside. Now, it was filled with so many stiffly colors, and it was too dazzling making it a little difficult for people to cope with it.

Where was the Pillow Water Family?

It was the style of the local landlord!!

What was more, five wooden figures erected in the flower fields of the small courtyard. They were all tied up, Jiang Xi, Mei Hanxue, Xue Meng, Tan Lang, and Xuan Ji, just like five scarecrows.

Chu Wanning looked at the five sacrificial-like people and froze: "...These things… Are they the ones you called… Gifts?"

Mo Ran in shock. He turned to peep at Chu Wanning's face. After reading his expression, his heart was beating like a drum. He hurriedly said, "Shizun, no, it's not what you think it is! That's not it!"

Before the words fell, a soft rice cake jumped from the roof.

Ricecake Tyrant flickered his small tail that was shining with bright blue lights. It came out clattering, looking up above its head and stars were flashed in its eyes. It stretched out two small claws, trying to reach Chu Wanning. "Lord, Lord Shenmu Xianjun!"

However, before it could embrace Chu Wanning, it was instantly lifted up by Mo Ran's hands around the creaking nest. Mo Ran almost collapsed out of anger, shaking it hard: "Ricecake Tyrant! What the hell's going on here?"

"Huh?" Ricecake Tyrant didn't know what to respond to the Mo Ran whose personality had been switched again. It was very confused, "You've, you've seized five of your own high-level people? You then come to exchange them into idyllic landscapes!"


Mo Ran jumped in shock. After a long silence, he finally understood.

He then closed his eyes, wishing to lift his hands to kill himself.

—— What on earth did he do yesterday!!!

Taxian-Jun was fighting to win Chu Wanning's favor against himself again!

There was nothing to say to him. Xue Meng on the other hand, who was tied up on the wooden frame, was furious and yelled, "Mo Ran you dog! What the hell are you doing? Let me down now!"

Ricecake Tyrant's eyes twinkled before looking at Xue Meng and the others for a moment. He then explained to Mo Ran, "This was what you did an hour ago. After you caught all of the five high-levels in total, you were afraid that they would make trouble. So you tied them up after capturing them."

Mo Ran: "..."

Xue Meng was still shouting, "Shizun! Shizun save me!"

Chu Wanning flicked his sleeves: "...Look at what you've done!"

After that, he immediately went forward and untied all of them from the bondage of the Immortal Monarch one by one.

After releasing everyone, Xue Meng rubbed his wrists that had a red mark, which was grieving and very inexplicable: "Mo Ran! You, you and you, what the hell were you doing?!"

"Yes." Tan Lang elder was not as angry. "Why did you gather us all into this box?" He said as he glanced at the ricecake essence, "And what is this tofu ghost thing?"

The ricecake overlord protruded furiously and said, "Wrong, wrong! I'm the Older Master's Four Ricecake Tyrant!! Not the four bean curds!"

Mei Hanxue and Xuan Ji didn't speak a word, though their eyes were also questioning the intentions of Chu Wanning and Mo Ran.

Jiang Xi's face was so gloomy that he had to tidy up his expensive and delicate sleeves, smoothing out the wrinkles one by one before raising his eyes and said, "You better give me an explanation."

Mo Ran hoped for Jiang Xi to give him a free pass, as he raised his hand and laughed, "Er, this was all just a misunderstanding, sorry…"

"Excuse me?" Jiang Xi sneered. "Your sorry isn't worth anything."


He narrowed his apricot eyes and spoke with a rude tone, "Mo-zongshi, did you know that I have business to discuss with Huohuangge today?"

"I, I'll compensate…"

"You'll compensate for ninety million Golden Leaves?"

Mo Ran: "..."

Xue Meng was also crossed. "Didn't you say that you wanted to surprise me? I thought this was… was…" He thought it was a birthday gift for him - it was embarrassing to say it again, even in retrospect.

Xue Meng finally said angrily, "What on earth were you doing?"

Mo Ran was being questioned by a group of people around Xingshi. It gradually became overwhelming and he had to apologise. Even though these people themselves had no bad relations with him, they still provoked to seek an explanation. But the situation was inexplicable and naturally hard to understand. Mo Ran didn't know what to do before suddenly hearing Chu Wanning who was beside him.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't handle another kind of spleen."

The mountains and rivers were quiet in the countryside.

Only the Ricecake Tyrant was excitedly clicking and clapping its feet around Chu Wanning.

Mo Ran turned to Chu Wanning and said, "Shizun…"

"I will try to compensate for the delay, and I hope you will forgive me."

Xue Meng waved his hand and said, "Shizun, I don't mean that... I was just wondering…"

After that, he turned to Jiang Xi and scolded, "Hey! You and your ninety million Golden Leaves can't be owed by my Shizun. He and my Shizun have no money…"

Jiang Xi: "..."

The world's richest man seemed to have ignored Xue Meng's words as he stared at Mo Ran for a moment. His sharp eyes then stared over to Chu Wanning again.

As soon as he opened his mouth to say something, he watched as Mo Ran blocked in front of Chu Wanning and said in a hurry, "Lord Jiang, I will try to make up for it. I also request you to not embarrass Shizun today, because… because…"

Mo Ran hesitated for a moment, and the volume of his voice gradually faded down into a whisper, "Because today… Is it actually my Shizun's birthday…"

Jiang Xi: "..."

"He never had a good birthday, so… I will try to make up for Lord Jiang's loss, and will personally go to Huahuangge to apologise for it."

The youth was blocking between Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi, pleading almost pitifully: "Just ask Jiang Zunzhu Haihan tonight, will you?"

Today was Chu Wanning's birthday?!

Everyone here was shocked, especially Xue Meng. His face was like gold paper, his lips would sometimes open and then close for a long time, but he couldn't utter a word. Chu Wanning didn't expect Mo Ran to reveal about his birthday, so for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Finally, Tan Lang Elder who never saw eye to eye with Chu Wanning broke the silence. He spoke these words with his arms crossed, "But Yuheng, why did your disciple capture all of us for your birthday?"

"No, no!" The Ricecake Tyrant wanted to explain as he pointed his little claw towards Mo Ran. "He caught, caught, four or four because you five are high-level people that can be exchanged into good instruments and decorations for this idyllic mountain dwellings in Zeli!"

Xue Meng was shocked and said, "Take us to exchange?"

Mei Hanxue rubbed his chin and responded: "...No wonder every time a person enters, another effect will be added. It was all because of this."

It was only Jiang Xi who felt incredibly angry and flicked his sleeves: "...Love is really, really sickening!" He looked at Mo Ran again and made a diagnosis without hesitation. "Mo-zongshi, you are so ill that you're hopeless! Hopeless!"

Mo Ran laughed and held Chu Wanning's hand. "There's no cure for it."

Jiang Xi could no longer bear it. He turned his gaze away from them holding hands and was silent for a moment. He then caught a glimpse of Xue Meng staring at Chu Wanning, his face was a little red. It seemed to be that he was embarrassed that he almost missed his Shizun's birthday as a disciple, and was blaming himself for not being able to give Chu Wanning a gift.

Even though Jiang Xi was a bit heartless and thought that Xue Meng was really disgraceful, he was in no place to attack him. His eyes looked at Xue Meng for a moment in silence. He finally said, "Forget it. Forget the ninety million Golden Leaves."

Mo Ran: "???"

Xue Meng: "???"

"There's no need to pay for it. It's not even enough to shine shoes."

Mei Hanxue: "..."

Chu Wanning: "..."

Xue Meng: "How dirty are your shoes?"

Jiang Xi turned around and looked with his eyes all brightly lit with fire. He sneered and said, "Xue Meng, don't speak. It's not like people will treat you like a dumb man if you didn't."

"You --!"

In the midst of the uproar, the whole story about this absurd farce was explained clearly, and the birthday of Chu Wanning was eventually known by these people. Although in the end they all promised that they wouldn't tell another soul about this story, nor tell others when the birthday of the Beidou Immortal was, now that they have gathered, it was natural for them to stay and to celebrate.

According to Xuan Ji, this was fate.

When the Ricecake Tyrant saw the people finally in a harmonious atmosphere, it felt that it had completed the mission in the Ricecake Village. It walked over to them happily and wanted to join in the lively gathering, but Xue Meng turned around and stared at it.

"Mo Ran, was this the little monster you said about catching it on the back of the hill?"

Mo Ran laughed and said, "Yes."

Xue Meng rubbed his chin and inspected the ricecake carefully. "It's really made out of sweet osmanthus sugar cake."

The Ricecake Tyrant flicked its blue tail lamp, "I, I and I are the prettiest babies in our village!"

"Coincidentally, I am also the most beautiful kid in the lower cultivation realm."

Ricecake Tyrant: "Let's be friends then."

Xue Meng: "Then I'll cook you and eat you."

One man and one demon spoke those words at the same time. The Ricecake Tyrant immediately went still, retreated two steps back with its little feet for a moment before turning around and ran: "Xue Meng is not four people, ah! Help! He's a monk monster!! Ouch ah ah!!!"

Xue Meng burst into laughter and finally avenged himself for being caught and was tied up as a scarecrow.

On this peaceful night, there were many old friends that gathered in the box. Being together, it wasn't all intimate with Chu Wanning, but just how Xuan Ji said, it was probably fate.

In that case, since all of them had gathered around, they weren't afraid of making much noise. They simply enjoyed the night in the 'box of thoughts', set off some fireworks and sat around a table in a lively manner, drinking like there was no end to it.

The golden pond picked up the fish, the rice wind blew away the late smoke, and the milled was washed like pearls and was boiled in a pot. The sweet fragrance of the meal drifted away between the ridges. In the kitchen, Mo Ran was cooking the meal. The pot was hot and the stir-frying was intense. The fire under the stove was lit up when the pot was turned, causing the bright light to reflect onto his handsome face.

When he turned to look back, he saw Xue Meng and Xuan Ji were talking outside, in the evening. Xuan Ji and Tan Lang were also helping, picking fresh fruits of the demon race. Meanwhile, Jiang Xi was roaming in the field, waiting for dinner. Mei Hanxue was teasing the demon that was playing piano among the flowers, teaching them the Kunlun melody.

Mo Ran was suddenly in a good mood.

Although he wanted to monopolise everything in Chu Wanning's evening, his Shizun was an amazing man. He wanted to make his Shizun earn a few more wishes, maybe three, or two more to accompany. However, it seemed like yesterday's own miscalculation of Yin and Yang had fulfilled his wish.

Inside the 'box of thoughts', eel fats were flowing like peach blossoms. Mo Ran's smooth fingers touched the white tender meat and plump shoots that were on the desk, cutting them into fine pieces, looking just like silk. Using the fern to heat up the soup until it was boiled, as he patiently handled the fresh fish and shrimp. Suddenly, the bamboo curtain behind him fell as Chu Wanning entered the kitchen.

"Shizun has to wait a little longer, it's almost finished."

"No need to hurry. I'll bring some melons and fruits to the yard first."

Mo Ran laughed and said, "Alright then."

Chu Wanning went to the corner of the kitchen to pick up the pile of fresh and sweet fruits that were in a small basket made out of bamboo. When he got there, he suddenly spotted a porcelain jar that had a seal on it, embarrassingly written "Happy Birthday".

He grabbed it and examined it. Looking at the brush strokes, that jar was obviously left by the personality of Taxian-Jun.

Chu Wanning opened the sealed pottery altar and couldn't recognise what was in it. He asked himself, "This is…?"

Mo Ran saw what Chu Wanning was doing and blurted an "ah" sound from his mouth. He then started laughing: "The carmine pear flower goose that was preserved. It actually was a success?"

"What is that?"

"It's a dish that I've been working out under my other personality. It took quite a lot of time to make it. First, we need to marinate goose meat with some salt. Then, we have to wrap it in lotus leaves and steam it in the kettle. Then using cold spring water, pour it well onto it and add some ice. After the ice and the water loses its temperature, it will be sealed in the atar and brewed with pear blossoms. He said to take out the goose meat from the jar, and you'll end up getting a nice fragrance of wine from it, cool and drunk.

"Looks like it's all in one's mind and is now ready to go." Mo Ran weighed the degree of the goose curing and laughed, "He's not all bad."

After he said that, he took out the fat and rich goose meat and placed it onto the cutting board. His fingertips pointed towards the full goose breast and using a knife, he sliced the meat, only to be greeted by the insides of that soaked pear blossom white and salted goose, colored like rouge. Its flesh was rich and tender.

Mo Ran thought about it for a moment then said to Chu Wanning, "Shizun, look in the sauce cabinet again. There should be another sauce jar."

Chu Wanning walked towards the cabinet and searched for the said jar. After a moment, he found a yellow glazed pot with a seal on it. It was still written with embarrassing and awkward five words.

"I have my throne for the rest of my life."

Chu Wanning shook his head, but inside, he felt infinitely soft and gentle in his heart.

He handed the pot to Mo Ran and watched as he carefully ladled out some pickle sauce that was prepared by Taxian-Jun yesterday. The sauce was cautiously poured onto the carmine goose which had been neatly arranged. When the sauce and the texture of goose meat that had been marinated with wine collided, it produced a strong peculiar fragrance.

Chu Wanning asked, "How did you come up with such a dish?"

"When you were feeling hot in the summer, I once cooked you a dish. However, you only took a few bites of what I cooked… Do you remember?"

Chu Wanning remembered that not long ago, Taxian-Jun patted his head and cooked him a table of delicacies. However, Chu Wanning was so tired of the scorching heat that he didn't eat that much. Although Taxian-Jun didn't mention anything in the end, he still looked a bit disappointed during that day.

"I thought that it was sad that I couldn't even take care of the taste of the people I like." Mo Ran smiled before turning around, rolling up his sleeves around his elbows. "So I thought about it day and night, and went outside to steal a chef. Then I could finally come up with such a dish."

His eyes stared at the roll of carmine pear blossoms brewed goose preserves. With some fears and some meritorious expectation, he carefully asked:

"Will Wanning like it?"

Chu Wanning was silent for a while before he laughed.

He placed away the two notes left by yesterday's Mo Ran. He then picked up the plate that served camine goose with clear sebum, fresh meat and thick sauce before walking towards the kitchen hall. Before went to serve out the dishes, he turned to look at the handsome young man that was standing beside the kitchen counter and said, "...Thank you, Mo Ran."

Thank you for your past lifetime, for your personalities, and for your soul. Thank you for being here.

Thank you for giving me the best birthday of my life.

I used to have a Shizun, but the celebration during that time was not sincere. In the past, you even had a wife, but the days were too bitter to even consume a full meal.

Now that that is all over, I will always remember the day when I was born, the day when I was still in the Zen Temple, clueless of what the world was really like, nor did I know that there were people who were willing to spend their lives with me.

But every year after that, I will accompany you.

From now on, with you.

The banquet was not as luxurious, but Mo Ran's craftsmanship was rarely tasted by others. He was good at cooking, and the food that was on the table was made just for Chu Wanning's birthday banquet. It was delicious and quite unusual. Even Jiang Xi, who was accustomed to all kind of delicacies of mountains and seafood, reacted with his apricot eyes slightly opened, looking a little surprised across the wine table.

It seemed that Jiang Xi would like to ask Mo Ran whether he would like to come back with him during a lonely moonlit night, accompanied by a frightening salary price.

However, Jiang Xi was a clever man. He glanced for a moment at Chu Wanning and swallowed his invitation back into his throat. He was a little nauseous, and thought maybe one day in his lifetime, it would be necessary to develop a type of medicine that could completely cut the roots of human relations.

It was really sickening to talk about love. Looking at the case of Mo Ran, a good cook wasted by the feelings of love.

Forget it. Just eat a few more pieces of the meat since there won't be another chance in the future.

Jiang Xi lowered his lashes quietly as his chopsticks stretched gracefully and quickly.

At the banquet, Xue Meng suddenly caught a glimpse of small white shadows flashing through the fields. He thought he was just hallucinating. He rubbed his eyes before squinting them, trying to look closely, so stunned that he couldn't even make the sound of "ah".——

"Years of ricecakes!"

They were running very fast, some were peeping among the grasses, fields, ridges and rocks, doing their interesting "human observation". However, they were reluctant to let these humans see their own features, so they only shook their little blue light on their tails, making a slight creak. Only the most beautiful cub, Ricecake Tyrant, stood on the tree that Xue Meng couldn't reach easily, and translated the evil words that came between the grass.

Although, its Mandarin was miserable.

"Shenmu Xianjun, Sen Censen Joy Day!"

Xue Meng stared at it: "Did you mean happy birthday?"

"Do you want a gift? I am proficient in the human language! The verbose words are not wrong, they're very standard!"

Mei Hanxue laughed and held on to Xue Meng, who was currently shouting at the ricecake, "You don't understand. It's really hard to practise Mandarin. Don't laugh at it, it's a really lovely ricecake."

Xue Meng looked back at him before saying, "If you have something to say, don't just pull me!"

In the midst of the bustle, there were Ricecake geniuses on the opposite of the hill, igniting the fireworks of the demon tribe. The brilliant fireworks were exploding gorgeously in the night. Within the starry sky, colourful flowers were scattered in a magnificent way all over the mountains.

Xuan Ji watched the situation and felt that the atmosphere was just right. He raised his wine and laughed at Chu Wanning then said, "Yuheng, happy birthday."

Chu Wanning has never responded to such wishes before, so he didn't know how to reply. He stiffly answered the unexpected congratulations: "The same goes to you."

Xuan Ji's eyes widened. He wanted to laugh at that response, but he didn't dare to.

"Happy Birthday." Tan Lang grunted.

"...Thank you very much.

Mei Hanxue wanted to follow them and said his wishes but he was pulled to the back by Xue Meng, who rushed towards Chu Wanning and said, "I'll come first, I'll come first! Shizun, I wish you a happy life, peace and joy! Always come visit to see me at Sisheng Peak!"

"Naturally, I will visit. I missed your birthday for a long time. A month ago, Mo Ran even prepared for you a—"

Before the word "gift" was uttered, he was interrupted by Mo Ran, who was coughing.

Chu Wanning: "...Nothing was prepared."

As a matter of fact, the Master of Mind and Taoism would not lie, so it would be better not to say so.

Jiang Xi also bowed his head and said lightly, "Master Chu, Everlasting Immortal, congratulations."

Xue Meng pouted his mouth before crossing his arms and said, "What congratulations do you even offer? You better give money."

After everyone said their good wishes, Chu Wanning felt embarrassed as he wasn't used to it - no, it should be said that he didn't know how to face such a blessing.

After all, he never received it.

At that moment, Mo Ran quietly grasped his hand that was already slightly soaked by his own sweat under the table. It was a bit wet due to him being nervous. When Mo Ran felt Chu Wanning's hand, he laughed in his heart. Sure enough, his Shizun was displaying such a calm face outside, but underneath, his fingertips were slightly trembling.

He clasped his ten fingers with Chu Wanning's tightly, delivering the tenderness in his grasp, slowly smoothing Chu Wanning's uneasiness.

Mo Ran stared at him, in the wind and the wheat waves, under the beautiful starry night, in the drifting rain and magnificent fireworks before solemnly said, "Calm down."


The man with inky eyes burst into laughter. The dark purple eyes were carrying the deep feelings of two lifetimes.

This time, in the brilliant stars and rivers.

"I wish you… Happy birthday, and joy for the rest of your life."


For thirty years, the two lifetimes were intertwined.

In the brilliance of the spark tree and the silver flower, Mo Ran's eyes were bright and moist. His face was filled with the sincerity of Mo-zongshi, the paranoia of Taxian-Jun and the gentleness and obedience of the young man who stood in front of the Tower.

They have walked beside each other for two lifetimes, and finally arrived at this idyllic fairy house, pillow water in the south of the Yangtze River. There were Chan sounds in Nanping, the bells ringing in the evening temples, and the two lifetimes were crossing. Their misfortunes have gone through, but their fate was still deeply entangled, making them inseparable.

They eventually calmed down.

In that year, Mo Ran regretted that he was too late to realise that Chu Wanning was his reason, and that with him, he would have a peaceful life for the rest of his existence.

This voice, "Happy Birthday, may you live a happy life." Mo Ran knew that he would tell Chu Wanning for all his life.

Till it is snowy and frosty.

He will keep this flame. Chu Wanning was no different either.

They may not be the best people to ever live in this world, the most beautiful people, the richest, the greatest, the most powerful nor the broad-minded people, but for Mo Ran, in his eyes, Chu Wanning was his everything.

It was the same for Chu Wanning. No matter what fragments of Mo Ran appeared, or what kind of personality was taking over him, in both lifetimes, there wasn't anything needed to argue. Those were the souls that have gone through two lifetimes of ups and downs together with him. They were the wounded and fragmented lover who wanted to protect him. He would always love him deeply, illuminate him, cherish him, and spoil him.

Every lifetime.

I have given you all I have, and I will give you all I have.

I love you.

—— The End of the Extra Competing for someone's favour ——