Chapter 3: Man's Best Friend

I continued my way through the hospital and realized that it's big as heck. Is this an asylum or something? Ok, enough complaining. I have to think...

This place is clearly a hospital and from the looks of it, it was attacked by those zombies. But what about that parasite from earlier? It seems to merge itself with multiple Undead, making it bigger and more powerful but how? Is it like those failed experiments from the movies? Is it from a mutation? I don't know. There is a lot of things I don't know. Now about my body. I'm not an ordinary zombie obviously. I seem to get stronger when I ate other monsters. With how much I ate, I wonder how strong I am now? I went to a nearby cement and tried to punch it. My fist ram through it like a wrecking ball. Ok, I'm like a super soldier now. Wow, this is so cool. I could probably lift a small van at best. I'll test that out when I'll have the chance. Now the question about the world I got reincarnated to...I have to be really careful here. Despite my strength now, there might a hundred more deadlier monsters that can just splatter me to the ground. Good thing I can just eat them to get stronger. But still, I still need to be very careful. Can't let my hubris be my downfall.

I can do this but first...armory or thick clothing protection.

I went to to a few rooms until I discovered a body of a police. And just my luck, he's wearing a riot gear. Nice. Thank you, God. I put on the riot gear and looked myself in the mirror...

My face...

...I quickly put the helmet to save myself of the torture. Now that I looked myself in the mirror again, damn. I look vicious.

Now I need a weapon. Sorry steel chair, you just won't cut it. Every hospital has an emergency ax for fire emergency. There should be around here somewhere...ahah!

I grab the ax and gave it a few swing. Nice, with this, I feel a lot safer. But not enough...

I walked through the entire hospital, taking anything that can be used as a weapon. Luck must be on my side cause I found a shotgun with a few bullets nearby. After a few hours of preparing I finally deemed myself ready. I have two axes strapped to my back, a small bag filled with knives, shotgun bullets, and a few grenades, and lastly, a shotgun on my hands. With this, I went to the exit to see the outside world.

Destroyed buildings, cracked roads, destroyed cars, basically a wasteland. I'm in an apocalyptic world that's for sure. I continued my walk with vigilance. My shotgun ready at any moment. Strangely, there are still no sign of other zombies. The streets are quite except for the noise of a few birds.

I continued to walk until I finally heard a few different noises.



Zombies. I searched the noise to know where it come from then saw two of them trying to barge at the door. I look around and concluded that they have no more companions.


I put my shotgun at the back to save some bullets and pulled out my two axes. I slowly approached them and decapitated the two. Heads rolled on the road as their bodies dropped. I quickly went to eat them and felt myself boost in strength a little.

I looked at the door their barging in and saw a small hole being made. I took a peek and saw...a dog? It looks scared and malnourished. I moved back and broke the door with a kick. The dog skipped away but ran itself to a corner. I could hear it whimper, its tail right behind its legs.

OK, I just wanna help the little guy or girl? Anyway, I took out a little junk food and opened it. Traveling around the city gets me bored easily so I sometimes found myself collecting junks like this. The dog turned its head when it smelled the food but it's still anxious to approach me. Ok, gotta think through this. Gotta think through this. I have to appear friendly. No need to look intimidating.

I spread my arms in an inviting gesture and tried my best to sound sincere.


The dog quickly ran to get away from me


Alright then.


The noise didn't came from me this time. I took a look outside the window and saw many zombies heading here. It must have heard us.

"Arf! Arf!"

Oh crap. The dog! I pulled out my axes and ran straight to where I last heard the noise. When I got there, I saw the dog again doing its best to avoid being grabbed by 3 zombies. I dashed the unsuspecting two of my presence and quickly killed them. The last one noticed me but before it could do anything, I opened mouth and bite its head off. Got a little power boost from that but I didn't mind it too much when I heard the multiple howls of zombies heading our way. If I was alone, I could probably take them but with the dog here, I might not be able to protect it.

I grabbed the dog despite its protest and quickly dashed away. As I went though the halls, zombies started to barge through each walls. I move with extreme precision to avoid them hurting the dog. I pulled my ax with my unoccupied hand and quickly made short work of those that tried to get in my may.





Bodies of the Undead laid at the floor every time they tried to pounce on me until finally I saw a door. Yes! Finally we are out of here but when I got there, I almost fall to our deaths with how high it was from above. What floor am I now? The dog barked at my arm in alarm. I turned at my back and saw many zombies approaching us. Good thing they're slow. Saving me a bit of time.

I look around and saw a stair a few feet from me at my right. It leads downwards from here. However, it's too far away for me to reach. I took a look at the dog. Ok little guy, please trust me on this one.

"Traaasths mreeefh?"


I held the dog with both arms and threw it to the stairs.


Sorry buddy! Now for me. I took a leap and just barely made it. I saw the dog now glaring at me. Hey I save your life. At least be grateful about it.


Yeah, yeah. Stupid cute dog. I carried it again and went down to get away from the zombies. When I look back, I saw them falling from such height. Heh, stupid. Each zombies pushed through each other, making their companions at the front, fall to their deaths. I could see them being splattered to the ground below.

That is just nasty. When I finally made it to the ground floor, I put the dog down and saw some of the fallen still alive. I beckoned the dog to follow me and together, we made it out of the whole fiasco.

We are now miles away from those flesh eaters. The place is relatively empty of those things so we can rest easy for now.

"Arf! Arf!"

Hmm? What now? I saw the dog looking at me while wiggling its tail at the back. Ok? What does it want?


"Arf! Arf!"

Curious. I took out the junk food from earlier.

"Arf! Arf!"

Ah. So that's why. I put it to the ground and watch the dog eating it rapidly. Wow, how hungry are this little fella. I took a peek behind it and confirmed that it's a boy. Hmm. What should I call you? Bouncy? No. Marley? No.

Hmm. Eh, I'm just gonna call him Whity. Probably helped with its unruly white fur but I don't care.


The dog gave me a confuse look so I point at it and said...



Seems he like it. Ok, Whity. Let's go. I pulled out my shotgun this time and walk through the city with my little companion. Hours later, we finally made it out of the city and are taking a rest in the shelter right at the woods. Guess I'm not as a stamina freak as I thought. My body needs rest like a human so I laid out with Whity right beside me and sleep the night off.

Morning came by and we woke up from our slumber. I feed Whity some chips and resumed our journey. The forest is vast from here. Though, lots of bodies are scattered to the ground. Good thing, this things stay dead. I wonder what the humans do at this time. Probably trying to survive everyday from those flesh eaters. Do they stay in groups? Do they make settlements in here? What about the government? Man, so many questions. But we'll see. As we walk, whity suddenly looked alarmed. Ok, what is it now?