Chapter 10: Improvisation Part 2

I sat at my chair inside the barn. Around me are numerous piles of broken machines. You could say that this place is similar to a garage. Just a really big one.

At my table is the prototype of my battle drone. It's as big as a human torso and was Hexagram shaped. Right now, I still didn't put any weapons yet. I still need to a add a few parts to make it functional. Now I just have to twist a few more and done...

I put my tools away and started to power my first creation. I saw a green light slowly shining bright inside its singular scope. Alright, now for the test drive...

I pressed its thrusters on and saw it slowly starting to float. I check the data on my computer and saw that the systems are fine, the thrusters are fully operational, and there are no early signs of errors. Now to make this thing fly up high...

I command it to go further up but I suddenly saw black smoke coming out of its thrusters. I quickly turned the power off and it slowly came back down at my table. I checked the damage thrusters and saw a few parts of it got fried...

Oh man, that doesn't look good. Might take a while to fix this. I might need a stronger element to handle the thrusters heat and those chips...haah. Good thing I still got spare parts left. Well, trial and error I guess. I grabbed my tools and resume my work until its time to feed Whity.

I put a couple of Undead bodies on a massive bowl and gestured Whity to come. He wiggles his tail and happily ate his food. I observed the weather and realize that it's already noon.

Alright then.

I went to the nearby clearing where I mostly trained. The surrounding that was once a wide field of plant life is now littered with holes and training materials. I made this place my training ground to help myself practice my ability and further improve it.

Right now, I trying to limit my black breath. I opened my mouth and let out my attack. It burst outside my mouth like a hose and hit the training dummy I built right on its side. I slowly decrease my open mouth and the torrent of my attack also slowly decreases in size. I tilted my head to the side like an arm swinging a sword in hand. My black breath moved like a blade and sliced the training dummy in half.

Seeing the result made me nod with satisfaction before I lose the feel of my legs and fall to the ground.

Damn, I'm gonna need a few hours of rest before I regain my strength. Hours later, I stood up and resume my training again.

The darkness of the night came soon after and I quickly stopped my training. I went back to my trailer truck and grab my machete. After that, I went to the front of my newly made home with Whity standing by my side. His face looks fierce and I could hear him growling a little.

I look at the wide forest in front of me. Determination filled my soul. My eyes surveying in every corner of the place.

A few minutes later, we heard the sound of unholy screaming. Screams that are very much inhuman or in this planet's term, not hanni.

We could hear the sounds of flesh being pierced, being ripped apart, the screams of agony, and the violent movement of bushes and trees. Soon, the noises stopped and we readed ourselves.




Multiple sounds of Undead reached my ears and soon, a small group of zombies slowly came out.

All of them looks worse for wear. Every single one of them had a large number of damages. Some of them had a hole in their stomach, the other one is missing an arm, and even a few of them lost half of their bodies, making them use their hands to get to this place.

Whity and I immediately pounced on them like a bunch of predators. I got close to the first one and immediately decapitated it on the spot. It's head flew in the air with its black blood spraying like a broken hose. I went to the other one and sliced its head in half. The other one tackled me but I caught him and performed a powerslam to the ground. The soil below us cracked and the body underneath me was squashed by the force.

Meanwhile Whity is mauling every zombie he came across. Now that he's stronger and bigger, he had no trouble ripping the zombies apart. He saw a zombie nearby trying to bite his leg but he quickly jump a few feet backwards before tackling the unfortunate zombie to the ground and proceeded to tear him limb from limb.

A couple more zombies showed up. They screech loudly to the air and ran towards us. We gave them the same courtesy in return. Our face showing no fear but only a bucket load of will and determination.

The entire night was spent with us killing the zombies left and right. Their screams echoed through the surrounding. Bloods was spilled everywhere, limbs are flying to the air, the sounds of flesh being torn apart was only overshadowed by their howls. Whity can be seen moving around at a fast pace like a wild animal. Every zombie unfortunate enough to get his attention would get their horrific demise. His once clean white fur is now covered in blood. His fangs is dripping with blood as well with a few flesh being stuck to his teeth.

Me on the other hand is slicing every zombies that came to my view. Heads, arms, legs, half a torso, and so on was scattered to the ground. I move like a maniac, butchering every zombie in my wake.

A few moments later, there are no more zombies left. The ground is painted in black blood and zombie corpses was scattered everywhere. Whity and I was bath on blood. Both of us are standing in the middle of the scattered corpses.

Whity is breathing a little heavy with his tongue being let out of his mouth. I, myself was feeling tired as well. The battle lasted 45 minutes. New zombies would come out whenever we killed a few. I was forced to use my black breath when the zombies is starting to overwhelm us. Fighting those many things sure are tough despite my upgraded strength and unique ability.

I look at the forest to check if anymore would come out. After a few minutes of waiting, it seems that this is all of them.

I slowly sat down and proceeded to rest. Whity followed my lead soon after.

This things started to be a nightly occurrence a few months earlier. Every night, a small horde of zombies would show up in front of our home and proceeded to test their luck in killing us.

The first time this happened had caught us off guard. We were so unprepared that it forced us to retreat away from our home despite the traps that I set around the place. The next day, we came back with a vengeance and slaughtered every single one of them.

We successfully retook our home and this time, we prepared ourselves a hundred fold. I put many more traps around the place. I built a wide barricade around the place and have Whity trained in combat.

A few hours later, the night came by and a dozens of screams was heard in the forest. Each trap I built was enough to immediately kill a small group of zombies. If a few of them are fortunate enough to avoid the traps and pass through the barricade, they lost their luck the moment they came right in front of our view.

This nightly occurrence was a little blessing in disguise though as I don't have to hunt zombies anymore to boost myself and feed Whity. I would capture a few of them for emergency foods for Whity.

Whenever a rare moment came by, a few of those nights were surprisingly peaceful. Meaning that no zombies would try to invade our home. Plus, Whity has a massive appetite. Better be prepared for anything.

After resting for a few minutes, I regained my strength. I slowly stood up and collect the bodies. I would place them inside the barn that I created.

I look at the single arm in my hand and took a bite. I feel myself getting excited expecting a boost from its flesh but I didn't feel anything. I raised my eyebrow at this and took a bite of the meat again. I chewed it like a piece of delicious cooked turkey. I waited the feeling of getting the boost but I still didn't feel anything...


I went to the nearby zombie corpse and throughly devoured every piece of it. I stood still, waiting for the feeling of gaining power again however to my extreme dissapointment, I still feel the same...

I slowly got anxious as I look at my hands.

Wha-what's going on?