Chapter 23: The Weird Encounter

I saw the lone figure beside the tree through my CCTV footage. It was dressed in elegant robes but was stained by a few dirt and dried blood. I focused on its face and noticed that it's wearing a mask. The mask has no holes. Just pure blank. It didn't even have any special features to note off. It's just a white blank mask that covered the entire face of this individual. It also wears a really big pointy hat that resembles that of a witch.

I have no way of knowing if this is a zombie or a hanni. The mask and the thick robes prevents me from knowing what it really is. An android came right at my side.

"Send a few drones to intercept but wait for further orders," I ordered. "Affirmative", It replied. 4 battle drones was launched uphigh from the tower before flying straight at the unknown intruder.

The drones surrounds the individual from all sides. One of them flew up close and with the camera installed from one of its scopes, I was able to see the person up close.

"Attention. You are currently trespassing Jerome's private property. State your business," the drone warned the intruder.

"I have not come here for trouble. I only wish to talk to your master." The tone is that of a female one and carries herself an aura of seriousness.

Master? I pondered at her choice of words.

"Who are you?" My drone asks again.

"I will only answer that question to your master. If you could, please tell him that I wish to talk to him" She replied in tone devoid of emotion.

Hmm. Why would she wanna talk to me? Seeing as there is nothing for me to lose, I went to her location with Whity covered in new armor behind me.

Once I got there, the intruder unexpectedly bows at me. I raised my eyebrows at the strange gesture. Even Whity tilted his head in confusion before resuming his focus towards her.

"I am here. What do you wanna talk about?" My tone is delivered in a calm tone as I stared at her. I'm really curious as to why she came here. Did she came on her own accord or was she ordered to do so? Did she knew what happened here? Is she another one of those undead or a hanni? Haah. I have so many questions.

"I want to mate with you"




"The steamy one."

Excuse me?

"The one that would left our bodies sweating with desire"

The hell?

"One which you would 'ahem' me over here and 'ahem' me over and over. Oooh~ "

"Whoah! Whoah! Whoah, whoah! Alright stop!" What the hell is she talking about?!

"Please, my king! Make me your woman! I will serve you to the best of my abilities! Please grant this lowly peasant a chance to serve you", she says this while kneeling towards me with her arm wide on her sides. If I could see her face right now, she would probably had a look of pure adoration.

I don't know what to say here. Whity is trying not to laugh due to this sudden circumstances but I can still hear his low chuckles coming out of his mouth.

"Alright, alright stop. Just...just stop" I let out a sigh as I rubbed my head.


"Most certainly, my name is Juha Bara. I am a sentient just like you but unlike everybody else, I wish to serve someone that has the potential to change everything."

Hmm. That is a surprising revelation. A fellow sentient like me, huh?

"For so long I have traveled and sought out the ones that has potential to do so", Juha continued. "We sentients are powerful, so powerful that any lowly undead cower at our mere presence but...we are not the top of the food chain."

I figure as much. There are always someone that are stronger than ourselves. Be it from my previous world or from here.

"There are numerous beings above us. Their powers are nothing like I've ever seen. My ultimate goal was to reach that mountain peak. So I tried and fought one of them. Sadly I lost..."

She unconsciously touch the right side of her face. I sense a history here.

"I can't beat them alone so I tried to hire my fellow sentients. However, almost all of them are so stagnant. They don't care about getting stronger, they don't care about improving themselves, they don't care about reaching that mountain peak. To be the one who stands above all. To lord above all!"

I frown at her words. She sounds like someone that has a delusion of granduer. People who's ambitions that are too high for their own good.

"I tried and tried until I finally found what I thought was the one."

I sense a little anger in her tone.

"He was a newly turned sentient. He was lost, so I tried to be there for him. I became his guide. I trained him, I taught him everything I know. With me by his side, he became stronger at an astonishing rate. For a long time, I have guided him and soon I became his dutiful servant.

We have built a nest that is unlike any sentients has ever seen and I know it won't be long till he reach that mountain peak. My dreams will be soon to be realized. Once he will reach that top, I will give myself to him. With our union, our children will be those of legends foretold in history."

Is that even possible?

"It took years but we finally reached it. He evolved. He transformed into a being that is so high above the others. I have never been so proud to be his faithful servant.

Once, he was at the top, I propose for our union. He was delighted at first but suddenly change his tune when I talked about our possible offspring. Haah..."

I could guess what goes on from there.

"He didn't want it. He doesn't want to pass his throne to his children. He just want his possesions to remain his and his alone. Before I knew it, I was banished from his nest. Never to enter again. After all I've done for him, this is how he repays me?"

Kinda surprised that you're still alive to be honest.

"From that point in time. I felt empty. All my years of hardwork...all for nothing. I was ready to call it quits from there until I saw you..."

She looked at me with her expressionless mask in wonder.

"When?" I asked.

"The first time you awoke from that hospital."

I widen my eyes at this.

"You spied on me from the very beginning."

"I did", She replied shamelessly. "You are a mystery, my king."

"How so?"

"You already have a conscious even when you are just a first base kara" that's what the zombies are called here.

"In all my years, I have never saw someone who has progressed as fast as you. Despite being a lowly Kara, you manage to defeat the being inside the hallway, the giant Bara, and even defeat a sentient yourself. Ooh~ remembering how you killed that weakling, Labak made me so wet."

Ahem! My God, this woman has a big screw loose right up in her head. Just how horny can someone be. I've met a lot of perverts but they all pale in comparison to this lunatic.

"Continue" I reminded her. I could see a few drops of drool coming out of her mask. Woman! Control yourself!

"Oh, oh right. Anyway, you have peaked my interest so I followed you. Every day I saw how you fight, how you think, how you gained every victory you had. Not only were you strong but you have a keen mind as well. I saw you invent those high advanced machinery that can only be rivalled to the creations of Mor Ak. I saw you defeat Labak and made this town into a nest worthy of power.

"You, my king are the one I've been waiting for."

Soon enough, she started walking towards me in a very seductive way. Her wide hips have become visible from her robes due to her movements. She is now a few inches towards me and started caressing my chest and torso.

"You are perfect. I just can't let you go. You might be the one that will change this world. The one who will rise above all. Please accept me, my king. You will not regret it." Her sensual voice echoed at my right ear.

Hmm. The power to change the world. So cliche and it doesn't make any sense. What is there to change? This zombie infested planet? Perhaps that is a good reason but how so? The process will be roughly hard. If I tried to vanquish every undead on this planet, it would take years...alright, back to the matter at hand.

She seems do convinced. What would she truly gain if I accept her proposal? Her spout of legacy and ultimate power seems like a total B.S. Should I accept?