Chapter 26: Too Easy

It's been 2 weeks since Juha Bara joined us and for the next following days, she made good on her promise. She trained me till I collapse from exhaustion causing me to stay still for a couple of hours. Training everyday with her made my fighting abilities improve by a large margin. In the past, I fought like that of a street brawler, now I move in a controlled yet in deadly passion. moves that has precision, strikes that are more lethal. Like an arrow swiftly driving to her target. She also supplied me with useful information regarding the other sentients but sadly her I notice that her knowledge is quite limited.

Well, It doesn't matter. She had proven to me in time that she had a keen mind and can figure out anything with ease. Ironically, her intellectual talents only works best regarding investigation. She had no talent in sciences and understanding of mechanics so now at least I know her limits. She can understand the basics of technology but she's having a hard time understanding the advance materials regarding it.


Whity is still apprehensive of our new residence on our nest. Juha Bara just sometimes exclude an aura of pure power then sometimes turn into a seductive succubus.

I told her that mating with her will only come once I became the strongest but that doesn't stop her from teasing time and time again. One time we are in a serious discussion about something, the next thing I know she's suddenly groping me.

It's so annoying and I showed that whenever she tried to tease but she still won't stop. Haah.



Inside the laboratory, I'm currently mixing an element of this planet to determine a certain reaction. It's hard to take some of the minerals on this planet due to the amount of undead trying to get in my way. My drones that I sent a day prior didn't come back until I realized that it was broken in scraps. Turns out, some of them got overwhelmed or got ambushed by some of the zombies and crawlers. I increased the amount of battle drones I sent the next time and came back with a few new types of minerals successfully. Though I lost some of them from those undead son of an emerald bull.

What I'm trying to create right now is a new element that I can use for my armor. This new type will be created from combining certain elements and mold to create a mix of multiple dense minerals. Determining its hardness is not that difficult at least. I plan to make my armor like a water induced one. It will absorb attacks as well as the impact, protecting my body from lethat attacks. I admit, my body is in all new level of durability but it won't hurt to be more careful.

A front door of the lab suddenly opened and Juha Bara enters.

"What do you want?" I asks while still focusing on my experiment.

"Nothing much. Just a little bit curious as to what you're doing. All this days and I can't help but marvel your intellect sometimes, my king."

"If all you ever want is to disturb me during my work, please leave. You're distracting me. This things need my outpost focus."

"How many hours have you spent working with that?"

"Just a few hours, now for the final time, please just go."

"Fine, fine, so stingy."

And Juha exited, leaving me alone on my lab. Now to-

"Arf! Arf!"

"You too, Whity. Please get out. I didn't even know how you got here."

He whimpers a little with a dejected look as he walk out of my lab.



I finally finished it. A new element capable of withstanding a power of a sentient. It was shaped like a fist sized ball. The color is a combination of violet and green. The purpose of this experiment is to use this element in my new armor. I had this tested for several hours that left me fully exhausted but I persevered. This thing will surely give me an edge to those monsters. I'll call it...Golobium...

It sounds terrible.

How, no. Damn, this is hard. What should I call it? Hmm...

The door suddenly opened and Juha made herself in.

"Good morning, my king! So did you finish whatever it is that you were doing."

I let out a sigh. "Yes, I did. I'm just about to name this one."

"Well, have you thought about a name yet?"

"I do but I can't decide which one."

"Really? What were your thoughts so far?"

We spent our time discussing random things regarding my new creation. There were suggestions here and there but we finally made a conclusion. The new element will be called...sentium.

The sentium element is a combination of the hardest element of this planet. I boiled it down and studied it to their very core. There are a lot of trial and error but I can feel that all that work will be worth it. The first step of my project is complete. I can feel my exitement slowly rising from within. Soon, I will have my ultimate defense. All those pesky attacks from other sentients will now be considered obsolete to my best creation yet. Hehehe...

"Ahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

While I was celebrating my success, Juha starts to fidget at my side. Her body is slightly shivering.

"Oh~. To be able to hear my King's magnificent laugh. It's too much. My undead heart can't take it. Please take me, my king. Free me from this pleasurable torment."

And just like that, her rambling took me out of my momentary celebration.



"Shut up."

"Very well, my king."

A drone came up to me and took the sentium element. It promptly dissapeared as it appeared. Now that my element is secured, I turn to Juha.

"Come, let's start our training."

"As you command."


At the far side of the globe, there was a child walking in the woods. It was a little girl. Barely at the age of 7. Her clothes are composed of a simple maroon dress, decorated with various designs. Tears are running down her face as she looks around her in nervousness, anxiety, and fear.

"Dad? Are you there? Please Daddy."

She received no answer. All that remains is the slowly growing despair deep within her heart. Her eyes are rapidly looking for something, anything thst will lead her to her father.

"Daddy, where are you?! Daddy!?"

She starts to yell, she starts to cry harder, she 's now weeping. Her eyes are now rapidly flowing with tears.

And she starts to run. She passes through a large number of trees. The branches and leaves, poking at her dress causing some of the stronger branches to tear some small fabric on her clothes. However, she did not care. All the thoughts that's running in her mind is the strong need to find her father.

"Daddy! Please answer me! Daddy!"

She yelled, and she yelled, and she yelled, and she yelled, then she finally stopped. She stops running, she stops calling for her father, she just stood there but her shoulders are shaking as her crying still continues. Unable to bare it any longer, she dropped to her knees. She close herself. Her arms wrapping around her knees and her head leaning at her forearms. She whimpers, slowly repeating her call to her father over and over.

She stayed like that until the sun has fully set and the night had covered the sky. She raised her head and her fears are now rapidly rising. Her once clear view of the forest are now covered in darkness.


She muttered but only silence still greeted her. Everywhere she look, everything she saw is slowly starting to scare her.

She starts to panic and yelled for her father to help her. She doesn't know what to do now. She's afraid and no matter how much she cried, her father still didn't come for her.





The girl now being identified as Faira, raised her head.

"Daddy?" Her voice is soft and laced with doubt.


Hearing the voice again, a small spark was ignited deep within her soul. She felt hope.

"Daddy! Where are you?!" Her call is desperate as a child can be. She looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.


She heard it again and this, she was able to pinpoint its location soo she dashed towards it. Her mouth now sported a smile. A bright smile.

"Daddy, I'm coming!" Faira eagerly called and as she gets closer, the voice is slowly getting louder.

Happiness. Hope. Salvation.

This were the things that are running within her mind. She can finally see it. Herself, finding her father and giving him her best hug.

The voice is as loud as it ever been. She ran and ran till she came across a place. A very dark place. The ground is covered in black goo and there are various skulls being placed all over it. However, as ignorant as a child is, she dashed onward without examining her surrounding. She did not notice when the skulls around her slowly moved on her direction.

"Daddy! Are you here?!"

She yelled. The place she entered is a massive cave. All around the cave, the corpses are covered in the same black goo from outside. The bones are scattered to the ground and one can see worms eating the rotten flesh to some of the corpses.


Faira followed the voice. Not paying anymore attention to her surroundings. She didn't even notice the various hands are slowly covering her exit.

Finally, she stumbles upon a man standing backwards at her. Faira immediately noticed the familiar clothing and concluded that this is her father.


She dashed and gave him the best hug she could ever give.

"I'm sorry for running away. Please forgive me, Daddy." She cried on her left thigh.


"Yes, Daddy. I will no longer leave your side."

It was a sight to behold. A child hugging her parents, a wonderful atmosphere of family reunion. Faira just didn't notice the small maggot that came out of her father's face...and the massive face at the top of the cave. The face has three eyes and the notable grin exposes its sharp jagged teeth.

"Too easy."