Chapter 28: King Graha's Move

At the far side of the globe, there stood a gigantic mountain covered in black taint. There are no sign of life anywhere except for the stench of death. Around it, we can see a large numbers of undead of any kind. Regular zombies, crawlers, diggers, bulkiers and many more. They roam the mountain like a pile of parasites. At the top of the mountain, there stood a massive castle.

Inside of it there sat twenty people at meeting room. A long, wide table stood between them as each ten people sat, facing each other. At the head of the table, there sat a massive figure. Every each of them are wearing matching uniforms. The designs are similar to that of royalty as it displays high status and power.

"Thank you all for coming, now let's get started. Report."

"My lord, the plan is still proceeding as usual. Your nest has further expanded and housed more newly turned sentients." One of them at the right side of the table spoke.

"Good, anything else?"

"My lord, the newly turned sentient, Graha has notified us something. He said that it may hold great importance to you."

The room as utterly quiet as before was suddenly covered in a tense atmosphere. All the other attendees had nervous expressions on their face. All of them didn't dare to utter a single word even a slight noise. They all look towards the figure sitting at the head of the table in nervousness.

"Importance you say? Go on then." His voice echoed through the room. His voice didn't carry any emotion whatsoever. He sounded indifferent, as if this things are just every day life situation however, His companions thought different. Inside the castle, there's only being one rule that all the subjects followed. This rule for them is sacred, as if defying this rule is a heresy.

One must not assume thy Lord's interest.

He is their king, he is their lord. Hence he commands all and knows all. If he orders, they deliver. No one questions him, no one dares defy him for if they do, he will unleash his wrath upon them.

Long ago, there was an unfortunate one that dared to defy this sacred rules. The others didn't think to much about it, thinking that he will just get a light scolding or at worse. However, what befall upon him had shaken the undead hearts of many of witnessed. Their king had given a punishment that even shook the souls of those who are beyond wicked. Since then, they have been mindfull on what to say whenever they are or they aren't in a conversation with their lord. And for a time, the gruesome punishment was never reenacted again. Until now...

"M-my lord, the newly turned Graha has notified us the location of the white face. It was said that she was spotted conversing with the one that defeated Labak." His voice shook but he carried out his report as expected of a loyal servant.

"Labak, huh? Such a waste. He could have been a great servant. Now, what does little Graha wants."

"He would like to ask for an assistance. Graha is trying to meet with the new one, my lord. His reasons for such actions is still a mystery."

"Knowing that fool, he probably wants to test out his new body. Such impatience." He shook his head in dissapointment.

"If I may ask, what shall you do?"

"...Nothing. Tell him that his requests is denied."

"And w-what of the white face?"

"...for now...let her be. She spotted a new toy to play with. This one might be special. I will deal with her myself when the time comes."

"Yes, my lord."


"My king, he has denied your request."

King Graha was livid when he heard that. He was planning to use a small army of him to kill the notorious white face. Now it seems his little crusade might step on a little bump on the road. Why though? Everyone knew his loath towards the undead woman so Graha's a little curious as to why he didn't immediately go there and kill her himself.

"No matter. His help isn't that much needed. Prepare the army. We will march towards south. I will have her head, one way or another."

"Very well, my king."


I was on the usual training facility. Many weeks had passed and I can proudly say that I now have fully mastered my black breath. Juha's teaching methods may be a little annoying due to her constant teasing but the results are worth it. I might reward that little minx when I'll see her next time but for now, I need to do a little stretch.


While Jerome is busy training for the day, Juha is walking around with a pout inside her mask. The reason being? She's bored. She looked behind her and saw Whity following her. She has no idea what's going on at the Drakier's mind but she's so bored to complain so she let him be.

"This is just boring. What am I gonna do? Uuuuh."

"Arf! Arf!"

"I have no idea what you're saying, Whity."

"Arf! Arf!"

"How my king can understand you is a mystery to me."


As she walks through the halls with Whity on tow, she took a look at one of the monitors displayed at the base. One of her king's creations is the surveilance drones as he calls it. This drones are stationed in the air at the height of 100 feet. Their camera's can provide the viewers a full HD quality video so they can clearly see the footage in great detail. They will be replaced when their powers are getting low so her king can always monitor some potential danger towards his nest. With nothing better to do, she walks right near it and see if there's anything interesting going on. The screen shows footage of the wide lush of greenery. The trees stood with beauty along the plant life to surroundings. Despite the world that has turned to ruin, the beauty of nature are still there.

"Heh, how ironic that this world is still beautiful despite the hell it slowly turned into."

She averted her eyes and checked on the other monitor. However, instead of the occasional greenery of the forest, she saw a large number of undead, marching towards the direction of this nest.

She quickly told Whity to notify their king and he quickly complied. A few moments later, Whity came back with Jerome dangling in his mouth. Oh...right, Whity can't talk.

"Okay, what is this anyway? Whity just came barging in and carried me right here. If this is your idea of a prank Juha, let me tell you that I am not amused."

As funny as this situation is, there are more pressing matters to attend to.

"No, my king. This is important. One of your drones just spotted a large number of undead at the north."

I saw his eyes narrow at this.

"Whity, put me down."

Whity did as he was told. Jerome went to the monitor and observed the footage displayed at the monitor.

"This horde, there are too many of them for it to be the same to those packs of zombies."

He worked on the keyboard and the monitor's footage changed the scenery. The screen showed a wide pack of undead of any type. Crawlers, bulkiers, many more.

"This huge amount, it felt like an army."

I heard him muttered. I can't blame him. From the footage from here, it can be estimated that it's probably at least a thousands in number.


From the direction that their moving, they seem to go towards this direction. At the center of the army, a person riding a Digger at its head. He wore an armor that covers most of his body. At his right hand, a giant hammer is being held. The size is about the same as fully grown K-9. I stared at his face but all I see is his helmet. The helmet fully covered his face with two holes for his eyes.

"A sentient."

I turn to my back as I heard Juha muttered.

"So that's it then."

From the lessons I learned from her months ago, each sentient is comparable to that of a king hence why she always called me one. Each sentient's subjects is the same number as an army from my world so this one is not that surprising. What I'm curious though is why is this one heading in my way with an army to booth.

I gestured one of my drones to come towards me.

"Gather all the military drones."


The drone proceeded to carry out my order as I say so. I turned to stare at Juha and Whity.

"Prepare yourselves. Whity, go to your armory room. The drones will give you your armor."

"Arf! Arf!"

"Juha, I had an armor and weapons store for you at your room. Put them up and meet me at the entrance of the nest."

"Yes, my king."

With that, I went to my office and got ready for war. If only I was able to finish my sentium armor but this thing will do for now. I put my helmet as the finishing touch to my set of armor. With weapons at my back and a large gun at my hands, I loaded my weapon and see what this guy's reason is for daring to bring an army towards my empire.