The Feast of Auctions

The auction began with a display of items that dazzled Alex, who watched in awe at the amount of wealth being offered in that place. From ancient relics to parts of legendary creatures, each item seemed to have its own aura of mystery and power.

Bids started modestly, with offers of 50,000 gold coins for the first items on display. However, soon the figures skyrocketed, and bidders fervently competed to acquire the treasures being exhibited.

Among the items up for auction were dragon's teeth, enchanted gemstones, swords forged with meteorite metal, and artifacts of unknown power. Each piece sparked the interest and greed of those willing to pay the price for them.

But the highlight of the auction came when the announcer presented the medallion that Alex so eagerly sought to recover. The room erupted in a frenzy of excitement and greed, with bidders competing against each other for the opportunity to possess such a prized relic.

The announcer, capitalizing on the frenzy caused by the medallion, surprised everyone by announcing that there was a second piece available. Bidders crowded even more, eager to obtain the pair of medallions and unleash their full potential.

With the atmosphere charged with anticipation and rivalry, the auction continued, promising even greater thrills and surprises as the moment approached to reveal who would be the lucky one to possess the most coveted treasures of the night.

Excitement hung in the air as Alex immersed himself in the vibrant atmosphere of the clandestine auction. He watched with fascination as bidders competed against each other, raising bids to amounts of money that most people could only dream of.

Among the bidders stood out a dwarf, whose wealth was legendary due to his minerals and craftsmanship skills, and several elves, known for their cunning and ancestral riches. With each bid, the dwarf and the elves vied for control of the auction, raising the stakes to dizzying levels.

However, when Alex attempted to join the competition, he realized he didn't have enough money to continue bidding. He watched helplessly as the figures kept increasing, feeling frustrated by his lack of funds to participate in the auction.

Ultimately, it was the dwarf who emerged victorious; his unmatched fortune allowed him to outbid his rivals and acquire the precious medallions. But the dwarf's joy was short-lived, as right after completing the transaction, he was robbed by a skilled thief who slipped through the crowd.

The theft of the medallions sparked a frenzy at the auction, with bidders and guards running in all directions in a desperate attempt to capture the thief and recover the stolen treasures. The room descended into chaos, while Alex, determination in his eyes, joined the search for the thief to protect what he so eagerly sought to reclaim.