CHAPTER 15 - The Target

"Welcome home sir" the Butler bowed in greeting as an aged man walked into a huge and spacious mansion.

"Is my wife home yet?" the aged man asked immediately he took of his outer suit coat and sat down on the couch.

"Not yet sir" the Butler answered.


"Should I prepare your bath water sir?"

"No, just some hot tea, coffee to be precise" the aged man replied.

"Very well sir"

After a few seconds...

"Here's your coffee sir"

"Thank you"

As the Butler walked a few steps away, he halted and turned to face the aged man.

Noticing the peculiar behavior of his butler, Mr Aliko raised his eyes.

"What is it?"

"You had a visitor sir" the Butler said mysteriously.

"Really? What was the purpose of his visit?"

"He didn't say sir. But he asked to give you this"

The Butler removed a brown envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it over to Mr Aliko.

Loosening the seal on the envelope, Mr Aliko pulled out some pictures with a small portable device from it.

"That would be all" Mr Aliko said, dismissing the Butler.

After the Butler left, Mr Aliko activated the device.

~Verify fingerprint~

A mechanical voice spoke out of the portable device showing an interface of the graphics of a finger.

Placing his thumb on the screen, a beep sounded followed by a short ring sound.


~Fingerprint verified~

Next came the interface showing the graphics of an eye.

~Verify eye lens~

Mr Aliko immediately moved his eyes closer to the screen like it was normal procedure, while a blue laser like ray shot from the device and flashed over his left eye.

After a few seconds, a beep sounded followed by a short ring.


~Eye lens verified~

~Mr Tola Aliko verified as the recipient of this message. Take note that this message will self destruct in 3 seconds after being delivered~

Immediately after, a laser beam shot at Mr Aliko's forehead putting him in a trance like state.


"Thank you for coming" Mr Adeyanju greeted one of the guests.

Looking forward, he noticed his wife talking with some other guests heartily. As he walked towards her, he felt someone grab his arm.

Turning to face this person, Mr Adeyanju was a bit surprised.

"Long time no see Ade" the stranger smiled as her perfect set of teeth seemed to glow.

Only few people would still dare to call him by his first name and this lady was undoubtedly one of them.

Remembering the escapades and youthful adventures they once had together, Mr Adeyanju smiled broadly.

"Tessy, I don't believe it. You came?!" he said as they embraced.

"Of course I came. I wouldn't miss your inauguration for the world"

"Haha....nice to see you. Gosh, you've grown more beautiful"

"Oh please. Save that for your wife" she said with a wave of her hand.

Mr Adeyanju shook his head at the typical behavior of Tessy.

"So how does it feel to be governor?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Exhausting" he replied massaging his temple.

"Haha well I thought it would mean having all the ladies and money to yourself"

"Well you thought wrong miss"

"What a bummer" she glanced at the direction of his wife whom had a shocked expression on her face when their eyes met.

"Mary looks all smiles and excitement, though am not surprised as to why"

She waved at his wife whom seemed to stiffen and looked at Mr Adeyanju with a strange gleam in her eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, Mary walked towards her husband and Tessy while greeting other guests as she passed by.

"Hi Mary, long time" Tessy greeted and moved forward for a hug.

"Tessy, it's truly a long time" Mary replied while tactfully avoiding Tessy's embrace.



A few seconds of silence ensued following Mary's obvious behavior.

Clearing his throat to break the uncomfortable atmosphere, Mr Adeyanju spoke.

"Well since we are here, let's move to the dinning area and share a drink eh....what do you say.....Mary?"

He looked at his wife, hoping she would catch his drift and play along.

"So Tessy, what brings you back so early. I thought you still had a few more years before you will be cleared from rehabilitation"

Mary ignored Adeyanju's signal and faced Tessy squarely.

"Isn't it obvious? I came to witness my Ade's inauguration ceremony" Tessy, not one to back down, replied with a provocative smile.

"Your Ade?" Mary frowned.

"What, did I say anything wrong?" Tessy asked with an innocent look on her face.

"Of course you didn't. I mean even if you did, it wouldn't be surprising, as it's already in your nature to be vulgar and mannerless" Mary retorted mercilessly.

"Okay! I would like to have a word with you" Adeyanju grabbed Mary's arm as he pulled her away.

"Hmph. Damn bitch" Tessy gritted her teeth in disdain.

"What was that all about?!" Adeyanju scolded Mary after he had pulled to a room and closed the door.

"You really have the nerve to ask me that?!" Mary replied with a scowl.

"Come on Mary. Tessy is harmless"

"Harmless you say! I still remember you being put on trial because of her"

"That was years ago and besides she's gone through rehabilitation and is now clean"

"Still in working progress Ade! Last time I checked, her rehab duration contained four years and this is just her second year"

Pinching the center of his eyebrows, Adeyanju sighed in exasperation.

"Just let it go Mary. Moreover, she won't be staying long. After the ceremony, she would leave"

While their argument was going back and forth, Adeyanju heard his cellphone ringing.

Picking the call while staring at a fuming Mary he spoke into the phone.

"Hello who is this?"

**The chairman wants to see you**

A feminine voice spoke out of the phone.

Lowering his voice and switching the phone from loud speaker, Adeyanju frowned.

"Is there a problem?"

**Am not at liberty to say sir but it's paramount that you report to the mansion immediately**

Hesitating a bit, Adeyanju sighed and nodded.

"O-okay am on my way"


"Bro Tisane is this where you live?"

Esther asked while glancing around the small apartment curiously.

"Yeah. This is my humble abode" Tisane replied while staring at his sisters.

'It's been quite some time that I saw them last'

"It's kind of cozy" Joyce opined.

"Yeah I guess it is" Tisane had an awkward look on his face when he noticed how disorganized the room was. It's quite embarrassing to have your sisters see this side of you.

"Would you both like something to eat or drink?"

"No, we are okay bro Tisane"

"Actually we brought a few things for you"

Tisane watched as Esther opened the leather bag that she was carrying and brought out a few food items and provisions.

"Thanks little sis" Tisane felt touched at how considerate his sisters were.

"Bro Tisane, we purposely came to see if you were okay and hope that you would come back home with us, we all missed you"

Tisane stared at Joyce and noticed the melancholic look in her eyes.

"Yeah bro Tisane, it's really not good to have separated from us like this, even mum is not happy about it" Esther joined in.

"You both shouldn't be worried about me. Am fine and as for the family, I would be coming to see you guys soon" Tisane declared with a smile on his face.

"Really?!" Joyce and Esther chorused.

"Yeah. I don't give a damn about what dad thinks. Moreover, am going to prove to him that am not the useless son that he thinks I am" Tisane spoke with a proud look on his eyes.

"Hmm. That's nice to hear" Joyce nodded in satisfaction.

"Erm big bro, concerning the limo that we saw dropping you off. What's that about?" Esther asked while staring at Tisane squarely.

"Oh that..." Tisane spoke mysteriously.

Watching his sisters staring at him, anxiously waiting for his response, he felt satisfied with the suspense filled atmosphere that he had created.

"I just got a job and was being transported back from the office"

"A job?" Joyce and Esther inquired simultaneously.

"What kind of job?"

"Yeah tell us bro Tisane"

Watching and hearing his sisters nagging continuously, Tisane couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

"Hehe... it's the NPLC" he stated mysteriously again.

"The NPLC? Is that---? " Esther started.

"The Nigerian Products Limited Company?!" Joyce exclaimed with widened eyes.

"Really?!" They both stared at their brother in surprise.

"Yep" Tisane replied with puffed chest and a cocky demeanor.

"How did you do it bro Tisane?!"

"It wasn't a big deal, I just applied, answered some questions and they accepted me" Tisane felt so good about himself as he could now for once at least show off in front of his sisters.

"We are so happy for you bro Tisane!" Esther hugged him in excitement.

"I can't wait to see the look on mum and dad's face when they hear this" Joyce said.

'Yeah. The look on my father's face'

Tisane also couldn't wait to break the news to his parents.