Book of Mountains and Seas

Then I will talk about the book of Mountains and Seas.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas has a total of 18 volumes, about 31,000 words, which is mainly composed of two parts: the Classic of Mountains and the Classic of Seas, and is divided into four major parts. With a history of more than 2,000 years, the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a pre-Qin ancient book in China, mainly covering ancient myths, geography, products, witchcraft, religion, ancient history, medicine, folk customs and other aspects.

The book of the Classic of Mountains and Seas was first recorded in the Biography of Dayuan in Shiji by Sima Qian. The author of the Classic of Mountains and Seas was clearly pointed out for the first time in Liu Xiu's Table of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the Western Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu believed that the Classic of Mountains and Seas was Da Yu and Boyi, who controlled the water in ancient times. In the "Wu Yue Spring and Autumn" : "Yu tour four blasphemous, conspire with Yi, Kui, to the famous mountain Daze, recruit its god and ask: mountains and rivers vein gold jade all birds, animals and insects, and the eight nations, special foreign land miles." So that the benefit of thinning and record, order the "mountains and seas"." Later, Wang Chong and Zhao Ye in the Eastern Han Dynasty also identified the author of the Classic of Mountains and Seas as Boyi, which was added, deleted and modified by later generations in the process of spreading.

People generally regard "The Book of Mountains and Seas" as a virtual world, in the virtual world, there is a huge knowledge base: including mountains, rivers, oceans, characters, monsters, etc. - this is fundamentally a world configuration. The reason why we think this is a virtual world is because there are no species corresponding to this "virtual world" in our "earth" world, everything seems unreal, but from the ancient records of things, this world is real, so why is this?

To answer this question, the world is both real and virtual.

In the previous chapter, we have mentioned that the mother ship carried the gene bank, through the sacrifice of Pangu, broke through the cosmic barrier, came to the galaxy, and then Nuwa began to transform the Earth environment, began to use the gene bank seeds on the hull, combined with the cells of the ancient Earth, began to create different creatures - because the gene bank genes from another universe, Therefore, it is not possible to directly produce and create life from the mother ship's "placenta incubator", or perhaps, when crossing the cosmic barrier, the mother ship has paid a huge sacrifice, the hull has been damaged, in short, the "placenta incubator" has failed; In this case, the only way to produce life can only be to create suitable conditions on the ancient earth to cultivate single-celled organisms, and after the maturity of single-celled organisms, through the gene fusion with the gene warehouse, produce new life of the population, so as to continue the population and civilization. What does this have to do with the Classic of Mountains and Seas? Because our genes have the function of "memory", the "memory" of genes map out the world of our ancestors - the "God" who created our ethnic group through the brain, so under certain conditions, some humans will wake up these "memories", so as to record these "memories", this is the biggest secret of the "Book of Mountains and Seas" - because this world, It is the world where our human ancestors, the ancient gods lived, the ancestors of mankind, the home of the gods. This also explains why the power and technology of the gods are so powerful, because the world in the Book of Mountains and Seas is full of monsters, demons, miasma, poison fog, traps, etc., which can kill people on Earth as long as they appear on the earth. Therefore, our ancestors "great gods" can survive in this environment. Physical ability and technological ability must also be very powerful in their world, which also explains why the great god Pangu was able to break the barrier of space, and the great God Nuwa was able to create humans through the gene pool inside the mother ship.