Unexpected News

Upon hearing the sound, everyone in the living room stopped talking immediately.

Since they had already heard her, Elise revealed herself and approached the three of them. For a moment everyone was stunned.

Elise was just silently looking at the family of three with heartbreak written all over her face.

All this while she had been comforting herself saying that even though she was not favoured by her parents, they were still related by blood after all.

Maybe they just loved Angela more because she was younger than her. But she knew now that they had never treated her as their child, in fact they had been using her all this while. She was nothing but a puppet to them, mindlessly following whatever they said just so she could get a little of their affection.

When Mr and Mrs Wilson found that Elise had heard everything they had said, they started to think of an excuse. They really couldn't let go of this money tree. Elise had been earning money to supplement the family ever since she had turned fourteen and not to mention Mr Davis whom they had already taken the down-payment from.

But before either of them could say anything, Angela screamed, "How dare you sneakily listen to our conversation? And where did you run off to last night huh?". She didn't care that Elise had just found the secret that they had been hiding all this time.

In her opinion, Elise owed her family for raising her and she could treat her however she wanted.

Elise ignored Angela and directly addressed Mr Wilson, "Dad, no, Mr Wilson, I am going to move out with my belongings today. You should know that I have already done a lot for your family. Just take this apartment as the final repayment for raising me. If any of you try to stop me from leaving, I will immediately report you to the authorities".

When Mrs Wilson heard her words, she panicked and said, "No, it's fine, no need to move out. We were just playing a prank on you". When she saw that Angela was about to butt in, she hurriedly pinched her arm to stop her.

But it was too late now, even an idiot would not believe her lame excuse. Elise didn't want to spare even a single word for them so she walked to her room and locked the door.

Looking at the small room with barely any space to move around, Elise laughed self deprecatingly. She had been so blind. All this time she should have noticed that something was wrong or even questioned her parents regarding their behaviour but she stayed stupidly oblivious.

Even though Elise had paid for the apartment out of her own pockets, her 'room' was basically a storage room where they had placed a small bed and a table. It was not like there weren't any available rooms in the apartment, but her parents wanted her to give it to her sister so that her sister could have a 'study room'.

Not wanting to stay there any longer, Elise started packing up. She didn't have many belongings in the first place so she just stuffed everything into a carry-on bag that she owned.

Elise took all her personal documents, her phone and her laptop. They were her most important belongings. She packed up some of her clothes but left most of it as she could just purchase more later.

When she exited her room, Mr and Mrs Wilson were still standing in the living room but there was no sign of Angela. Elise didn't bother with them and just left.

Mrs Wilson opened her mouth and was about to call her but Mr Wilson stopped her. After Elise was gone, he turned to her and said, "don't worry, we'll find a way to stop her. We did raise her after all, she won't be too heartless towards us".

"But what about Mr Davis?" Mrs Wilson asked him.

Mr Wilson rubbed his forhead and replied, "I'll contact my 'friend' and ask him if he has any new girls. We might have to give him a share though".

Although Mrs Wilson was still dissatisfied, she had no other choice but to agree.


Four months later

Elise hurriedly rushed to the bathroom, thankfully making it in time before she emptied out her stomach on the floor.

Chloe entered the bathroom after her and helped her pull her hair out of the way. She said in a concerned voice, "you've been getting sick pretty frequently Elly, we should visit the hospital just in case".

She wanted to add something else but stopped herself, Elise had forbidden her from ever mentioning anything about that night.

Elise rinsed her mouth after she was done. She was still feeling slightly nauseated.

"I think it's just stomach flu, '' Elise said to Chloe in a reassuring tone.

"Still there's no harm in getting a check up right? Come on, it's my day off today. I'll take you to the hospital".

Hearing Chloe's insistent tone, Elise finally agreed. They both went to the hospital in Chloe's car.

Upon reaching the hospital, Chloe dragged Elise to do a full body checkup. In the ultrasound room, the sonographer was looking at the machine intently. Elise was wondering if something was wrong, when the sonographer turned to her and said, "You should follow me miss".

Elise got nervous all of a sudden. She was hesitating on what to do when Chloe took her hand and started following the sonographer. They arrived in front of the doctor's consultation room. The sonographer went in first and came out a few minutes later. She gave her a little smile and told them that the doctor was ready for her.

Once inside the room, the doctor told them to sit down first and asked, "Hello, I'm doctor Brown. Have you been sexually active lately"?

Elise immediately knew that something was wrong after she heard his question.

Chloe, who was sitting beside her, could feel her nervousness and gave her hand a light squeeze.

Looking at the doctor who was still waiting, Elise answered, "not anytime recently".

"Well, it seems like you are about four months pregnant. The foetus seems to be growing well but you are a little underweight so we will have to make a nutrition plan for that". Doctor Brown was talking about the reports but Elise's mind was somewhere else entirely. She had stopped listening completely after she heard the word 'pregnant'.

'How can it be possible? I made sure to take the pill'.

Doctor Brown was still speaking when Elise abruptly interrupted him, "I want to terminate the foetus".

Both the doctor and Chloe were shocked.

Chloe had kind of expected it though, so she didn't say anything. She would support Elise no matter what she wanted to do. The doctor also quickly masked his shock as he was a professional after all.

Still, Doctor Brown had a slightly apologetic expression as he said, "Actually, I don't think that abortion is possible anymore".

"What?why?" Elise asked him in a slightly agitated tone.

"It would have been fine if the abortion was performed a little earlier but there are too many risky factors right now and plus you are not in the optimal health for any kind of operation right now" explained Doctor Brown.

After hearing the doctor's words, Chloe knew that she needed to comfort Elise 'I can't let her make any dangerous decisions'.

So Chloe excused the both of them. Doctor Brown gave them his card so they could contact him regarding her decision before they left.

Chloe silently comforted Elise while they were exiting the hospital. The car ride back home was a silent one.

Once back home, before Chloe could say anything, Elise spoke up on her own, "I'm keeping the foetus".

Chloe was surprised, "what? Are you sure?" She questioned her.

"Yeah" Elise answered in a firm tone, "I have thought it through. I have never had a family of my own. It feels like I don't really have any purpose in life. So I want to keep this baby. I will take care of and make sure that my child is loved".

Chloe got a little emotional upon hearing her words, she nudged her arm. "Who said that you have no family? What am I then, hmm?" She said while acting mad.

Elise gave her a grateful smile. It had been a long time since Chloe had seen her smiling. She hoped that Elise would never have to fake her smiles ever again.


Rachel had gone to congratulate her uncle on becoming the director of his hospital. She was on the way to his office when she passed by Elise and Chloe who were exiting Doctor Brown's office.

When she saw Elise, she found her face quite familiar. 'Isn't this the slut who slept with my Roman?' When she recalled how her plan had failed, Rachel was furious.

She had bribed a server to drug Roman's drink while he was meeting up with some friends. It was because Rachel was getting frustrated with him. Roman had not even touched her let alone mention marriage even after all her efforts.

Rachel had thought that once they slept together and she got pregnant, he would have to take responsibility and she would finally become Mrs Anderson, but that night, Roman actually realised that he had been drugged and somehow disappeared from her sight.

'This bitch probably used some underhanded methods while Roman was in a drugged state' she thought, 'but what is she doing here'?

Rachel was curious. She knew that Elise had taken the morning pill. She had two of her bodyguards follow her to make sure just in case after she found out the hotel room number from Roman's mother.

Sharon (Roman's mother) had covered for her when Rachel had cried in front of her. Rachel was Sharon's best friend's daughter and also her number one choice of bride for Roman. She had taken the blame so that Roman wouldn't investigate anything.

Rachel decided to find out about the reason for Elise's hospital visit just in case. She entered Doctor Brown's office and sat down on a chair. Doctor Brown thought that she was a patient and was about to greet her when Rachel spoke first, "Hi, I'm Rachel Bennet. My uncle was just recently appointed as the director here".

The doctor knew about the Bennet family which was quite well known, he also knew about the new director of the hospital.

'Well, what can I do for you, Miss Bennet?' He asked her.

"I want to know about the two girls who just left your office," said Rachel.

Upon hearing her words, Doctor Brown hesitated, it was a matter of a patient's privacy after all. However, Rachel saw this and said in a threatening tone, "you should know that if my uncle fires you, you will never be able to find another job again".

Doctor Brown got scared after hearing her words and told her everything.

Once she heard that Elise was actually pregnant, Rachel cursed in her mind 'Did that bitch trick me'?

She didn't think that it was possible and Rachel also knew that pills might sometimes fail to prevent pregnancy, they were not a hundred percent effective.

Rachel's mind was racing, she was thinking about what she should do when she suddenly got a 'brilliant' idea.

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