65: Not in a good mood

"O-Oi, what are we going to do now? You said we would not be caught if we proceeded with this plan. But not only did we get caught, they also took away that kid."

"Y-Yeah! What if that kid ends up telling the princess everything? I-I mean, that kid is a mute, so it's impossible, but you never know what kind of magic the royal family has."

The pair looked at the shadow in front of her. 

"Don't worry! You worked hard to turn Maya into a good kid. She will not open her mouth. God will care for your soul if you continue to be devoted to our cause and follow our orders."

The voice replied from the voice, reassuring Maya's adoptive parents that they were safe.

The pair quickly looked relieved and let out a startled laugh. But not everyone was as relieved as the pair was.

"What about me, huh? My devolution caused me to lose my fortune and identity as a minister! Who will take account of all my losses this far?"