116: The village demon

The village looked different in daylight than it had looked at night. Sui could enjoy the town much more when she was not burdened with the princess on her back.

There were also more people up and running around the village, yet the temple street had no one around it.

Sui walked out of the temple street, only to run into a familiar face.

The girl from yesterday was up and about. And from the looks of it, she had been getting ready to pay Sui a visit to the temple.

"Ah, you are awake now? How was the night? Did you have a good rest? What about your master? I am sorry for making you head to the temple, but that was the best solution I could think of then."

The female quickly apologised to Sui before her eyes darted around, and she noticed Princess Yunjin.

"Our night was fine. Thank you for helping us last night."

Sui thanked the female, but the girl did not notice her.