175: Which person do we need to burry?

"Sui, did you get a fever? Your face is redder than before, and your eyes also look unfocused. Can you look at my eyes so that I can check?"

Princess Yunjin asked, and Sui felt the princess's breath touch her face.

The princess seemed unaware that this was not a fever but a blush caused by her proximity to Sui.

"I-I am fine, princess. I am not sick! I promise you that I am feeling good. There is no need for you to be worried about me."

Sui promised this to the princess, and she was thankful that her voice did not stutter this whole time.

'Give me some space! Please, back away, princess. I don't think my heart can take any more of this.'

Sui's eyes were spinning, and her heart skipped a few beats. Yet, it did not seem like the princess got her message because she continued leaning closer.

Those pink lips were inches away from Sui's eyes, and she closed them.