226: I want to meet the emperor

An awkward air took over the room as soon as Princess Yunjin finished speaking.

The nanny's face contorted in disbelief and shock, a sight that Sui found both startling and amusing.

"P-Princess Yunjin, please don't say such things about nanny. She is a wonderful person who has helped you so much, and she thinks about you very much. You should be thankful to have such a wonderful person by your side."

Concubine Hwasa scolded the princess in hopes of having the princess be apologetic.

But the princess's blank stare made her awkward, and the Concubine quickly stepped back.

"I don't bother to remember insignificant people in my life. It is too much effort. Why should I bother to remember every ant I come across?"

The princess asked, and Sui could tell that the princess was severe.

She did not seem to know what politeness was when it came to people beneath her station.