421: You shackles

"There is no end to these people. Fuck! All I want to do is find Sui, but these people continue to come after me and cause me trouble. At this rate, I will lose control of myself for sure."

Princess Yunjin complained as she turned another corner to avoid the desperate person trying to get a hold of her.

She did not know why, but people believed she was a god who could resolve all their worries.

Their faith in Yunjin was too much for her, and she did not want to meet these people anymore.

And yet, she was caught every time she tried to pull back or go her separate way.

"Fuck! I might use the gift I received from Sui's brother earlier. I truly wanted to save it for a special occasion."

Princess Yunjin cursed as another person passed the corner she was in, and she barely avoided being seen.

Once she was sure she was safe, the princess came out of her hiding spot…only to be seen by another person.