
"John.. My raven is exhausted, it cannot go further, How can we find James?"

"No worries, I will set out on the adventures of a lifetime tomorrow to find him!"

And so, The starry night sky was right above us.

Unlike the previous times, Increasing technology soon cleaned up the environment, The night sky was visible just like in the past.

As the winds stopped blowing, We laid down on the soil with our arms behind our head as pillows.

"It has been ages since I enjoyed my life so much." I said, I'm not exaggerating, the painful life of an assassin that was programmed to just kill and kill... How could be have any life other than a few hobbies in his old age.

"Mhm.. same to be honest." Missions weren't really that difficult, the quality of them were bad compared to our skills, but the quantity overwhelmed us.

Constantly moving place to place to kill or get killed was tiring, It wasn't the day to day life of a man in his early 20s.