7. What MC is stealing energy through sex???

"Ah… I'm going to die…"

Sally screamed out. Despite being shy, the intense pleasure made her delirious. Nectar, as well as blood flowed down her thighs. She did not know how many times she came, just that she felt dizzy.

Ruth seeing that Sally was gone, and that Aiwa was on the final sprint, she wanted to enjoy the fruits of victory. She pulled Sally off Aiwa's body, and jumped onto Aiwa holding his rod towards herself.

As his thick rod entered her, before thrusting her hips back up, she imitated Sally and began to furiously ride Aiwa: Aiwa also frantically pieced her with his meaty dick.

After these two fought for a couple of rounds, Aiwa suddenly felt a wave of heat from inside Ruth. The heat surged through, penetrating his abdomen turning into a unit of blood qi and then dispersing throughout his body. This feeling, wasn't this precisely the qi technique mentioned in basic textbooks to absorb the purest essence of female yin while strengthening his own yang essence?

Aiwa was rejoicing in his heart. He absolutely did not expect his cultivation which he had struggled to breakthrough for such a long time, would be brought right to his fingertips!

After the portion of qi essence made several revolutions inside his body, his dou qi rapidly swelled bigger. In less than two minutes it went from the size of an egg into the size of an apple!

At this time, Ruth also felt tremendous changes in Aiwa's body. She calculated that if Aiwa were to exert his strength now, the bindings on him would break.

Ruth began to have an orgasm and at that moment a stream of hot liquid shot out straight into Ruth's…

Splurt! Splurrtt! Splurrrrtttt!

They shook violently for a while, eventually calming down.

Ruth laid on Aiwa's body, arms around him. At this time she could still occasionally feel his emptied gun, causing her charming body to shudder again. Her fragrant lips placed kisses on Aiwa's chest.

But soon Aiwa became hard again. His strength suddenly converged, causing Ruth to quickly get off him.

"Miss Ruth, release me!"

Although Aiwa felt a sudden increase in power, he was a wise man. He knew that even if his strength increased by a rank, it was still far behind this woman so it was only wise to be respectful.

"Have I tied you up?"

Ruth stood naked next to the bed. There was something flowing slowly down her white thighs. Her face was flushed and her body was glistening with sweat.

Aiwa consciously moved his four limbs. His wrist and ankles originally bound unexpectedly were free. Aiwa suddenly sat up from the bed scaring Sally to retreat to one side while Ruth stood unmoved.

"Sally, bring me an identification document"

Ruth ordered.

Sally quickly ran to the table, brought a stack of identification forms and handed her a pen. In a flash Ruth wrote an evaluation.

"Dragon Blood Clan A-Class!"

Later she added a big exclamation mark.

"The Dragon Blood Clan also has ranks?"

Aiwa asked, puzzled.

"Before, no, now yes. Your Dragon Blood has some differences from ordinary Dragon Blood, but I cannot remove you from the Dragon Blood clan. If you wish, I can recommend you to the Queen's Guard as cavalry. Of course, with your good looks, it would be enough to serve as her majesty's honor guard. Ah… that was a bit insulting."

"As you please, Miss Ruth… Can I go now?"

With a slight movement he jumped out of the bed.

Ruth wrote a few more words on the letter, and gave the letter to him after folding it. "Take my letter of recommendation, so that the captain of the Queen's Guard would more likely recruit you."

Ruth's eyes watched Aiwa.

"Miss Ruth, surely you wouldn't want me to go to the Queen's guard naked like this?"

Ruth smiled and swung her head towards Sally. Sally immediately brought Aiwa's clothes over. His clothes had been casually tossed aside unlike Ruth's which were neatly folded.

Under the care of Sally, Aiwa put on his clothes. But he could hardly button some of his clothes because his muscles had recently greatly increased in size. As a result, some places started to tear.

"How about this? Wait here a bit; I'll get a tailor to come make you a new set of clothes."

Ruth said.

"This is about right."

Sally went outside to look for a tailor. Ruth walked in front of Aiwa and Aiwa did not move. Ruth's slender fingers wound against his rod again.

"Your little guy is so big! Tell me, before while you were inside me, was that the only thing you learned in the two years you spent in the East Empire?"

Her slender jade fingers gently stroked his thick rod with just the right force. And her two voluptuous breasts lightly rubbed against Aiwa's chest. A pair of deep blue eyes with an infatuated look stared into Aiwa's same dark blue eyes. Her mouth breathed gently over Aiwa's face.

"I learned a defensive ability. Just… just as a hobby."

Aiwa didn't want to be a woman's plaything. Although he was not as ambitious as his father wanted him to be, he also wanted to gain some achievements.

Just now Ruth said she would introduce him to the captain of the Queen's guard, but even though the position looked decent and he would be able to be in the Queen's presence, he would definitely have no freedom.

However, right now he still didn't dare to offend the Major in front of him and complain. Even slightly offending her would cause unexpected trouble.

She stood on a tiptoe and holding Aiwa's head kissed his lips. Her fragrant tongue parted his lips and drilled into his mouth. After twirling around his mouth a few times, her hands began to stroke Aiwa's muscular chest slowly slipping down the sides.

First she rubbed her face against Aiwa's spirited jade pillar. Then she opened her mouth inviting the thick rod in and looked up at Aiwa with a glance. Her long eyelashes curled up made her look extremely charming.

Totally unlike a field officer, she let Aiwa's thick rod penetrate deeply into her throat. If she were an ordinary woman, something so thick and long would definitely have made her gag, but Ruth was different. She was part of the Dragon Blood clan so she had extraordinary self-control over her various organs.

But Aiwa was still worried about going too deep. Although the feeling was very stimulating he slowly pulled out. Ruth apparently sensing Aiwa's fear spat out his throbbing rod and stood up.

She spread her legs, grabbed his thick rod and stuck it inside her. This time she wasn't impatient. She gently rotated her hips and sometimes squeezing tight and sometimes lightly. Gradually, the little hole opened once again, clamping down the thing swallowed inside tightly.

"Oh… Hmm…"

While Ruth swung her hips, her breasts were rubbing against Aiwa's chest. However, as her rhythm got faster and faster, her moans became a charming huff. At this point Aiwa's felt a wave of heat flow from Ruth's body, transmitting into his rod and into his body.

Like last time, Aiwa suddenly felt a tremendous increase in strength. At this point, Ruth also felt something. She clearly realized that a portion of the energy gathered inside her body had unwittingly disappeared!

-To be continued





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