9.Queen Sophia

"Son, this is a personal letter from Miss Ruth?"

General Kyle could not believe his eyes. You should know, although Ruth was lower ranked, within the blood identification field she had a huge reputation. Otherwise, when he went to the hospital he wouldn't have backed off.

"There's no mistake, I watched her write it with my own eyes!"

Aiwa said proudly. Unfortunately his pride had been damaged by Ruth. He was the sheep whereas she was the wolf. Because of this his heart was conflicted, but Aiwa vowed in his heart. One day he will definitely get back his honor.

"Ha ha, my son is showing great promise! Ah, Special Dragon Blood!"

As Master Kyle spoke, his face could not help but be filled with a happy smile. His smile, made his old face become wrinkled.

"Servants come, prepare the carriage, I'm want to see the Queen!"

Master Kyle patted his son on the shoulder, and rushed out the hall. Soon, a carriage drove into the central courtyard. Master Kyle flew onto the carriage. At that moment, he felt ten years younger.

With the loud sound of the whip, the carriage came rumbling out of the General's residence.

The Hass empire has three major cities: to the east Dublin City, to the south Hohfeld city, and in the middle Montelago city. Montelago city is the biggest of the three. Its military forces make up 3/5 of the empires. And General Kyle is the chief of Montelago's military affairs. But in order to ensure the Queen's power, the three great military leaders of the cities did not have the right to mobilize troops unless during times of war. In general the army was under the command of the Queen.

The palace was situated in the center of the city.

Even from far away you can feel the dignity and majesty of it. At this time it was close to dusk, so the palace was decorated with lanterns. Over the entire palace was a dense orange.

The carriage stopped a few meters from the palace gates and General Kyle stepped out. Originally in front of Steven he had an air of power and prestige, but now he didn't know where it was went. While he tidied his military uniform he suddenly felt that asking for an audience with the Queen was somewhat bold.

Standing there, he hesitated and decided to go back. Better to not bother the Queen.

As he turned to get onto the carriage, a group of people with the queen came out from the side of the garden which was only a dozen meters away from the palace gates.

"Whose carriage is that?"

The Queen seeing a luxurious carriage parked outside the gates could not help but ask her entourage.

"Seems like it's General Kyle's?"

An attendant replied.

"Looks like he has some business with me, why doesn't he come in?"

The Queen stopped and looked towards the gate.

General Kyle had already seen the Queen and her party so he faced the Queen and bowed.

"General Kyle, your majesty asked you to come in!"

An attendee officer shouted.

General Kyle nervously stepped towards the palace and arrive in front of the Queen.

"Long live your majesty!"

Said General Kyle respectfully. He was almost afraid to look up at her, with the momentum from before all gone.

This was Her Majesty, the Queen. In fact, Queen Sophia was quite beautiful. She had deep eyes, golden hair, a slender figure, and looked like a porcelain doll. Her dignified air combined with her good looks made her irresistible.

"Is there something important, why don't you come in and say it?"

The Queen did not have the slightest doubt over General Kyle loyalty; moreover, General Kyle never flaunted his seniority over the Queen. Therefore, the Queen took General Kyle quite seriously. Seeing the old General standing outside hesitating she surmised that he must have something important to report.

"Actually there's nothing really…. Just that your old servant received some happy news and he was so happy that he couldn't help but arrive here…"

Because there were many attendants around the Queen, the old general didn't want to say his personal affairs out loud. More importantly, the identification of "Special Dragon Blood" was never before seen. If the Queen didn't approve it, it would be like saying it wasn't a type of Dragon Blood. If he couldn't get the Queen's reply today he feared that he wouldn't be able to sleep. In order to convince the Queen that the word "special" was good, he said he was happy but in fact he was worried inside his heart.

"Oh? What could have made the senior general so pleased? No harm telling me right?"

Queen Sophia wasn't without interest as she looked towards General Kyle.

Kyle couldn't hide it anymore, he muttered and said: "This old general's son, Aiwa, is now 17 years old. He can now enlist in the army. Today he just had his blood identification."

"As far as I know, the senior general has Dragon Blood veins, and your former wife also has Dragon Blood veins. According to common sense, your son should also have Dragon Blood veins. Am I right?"

With this conclusion she thought, was this the good news that made him so happy?

"The identification result came out, and Miss Ruth wrote "Special Dragon Blood." I have never seen such an identification before, so Your Majesty, please look over it".

Saying that, Kyle presented her the identification report together with the letter of recommendation from Miss Ruth.

The Queen took it and calmly looked over it. A smile emerged on her face: "Since Miss Ruth recognizes his worth, then he must certainly not be a common child. I heard that your son just came back from the East Empire. Presumably he learned a lot, but if I ask him to be an aide by my side, would the senior general feel wronged?"

The Queen's beautiful eyes looked at General Kyle with his head down. Her bright mind was like a wily old fox with the experience of a crafty minister. She knew certainly that the old general wanted his son to go directly into the army to get experience in order to become a great talent.

"I wouldn't dare to! Your Majesty looks upon me with favor. This old general is eternally grateful!"

Although the Queen did not directly give Aiwa command of a small garrison, as for the blood identification problem she had given her recognition. This was the most important thing.

"Since the senior general has been blessed with such a happy occasion, you might as well come and have dinner with me now!"

-To be continued





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