16.Meeting Queen & Dolly[Bonus for reviews]

Groote had already nabbed the position of the Prime Minister using the influence of his family within the past year. His few sons' all held important positions within the army. It was no doubt a zenith time for the Herman Clan.

However, Kyle only had his son, Aiwa. This made Kyle anxious as it would be difficult for this young lad to contend against the Herman Clan. He would have never sent his son to meet the Queen after he had just arrived back home if it wasn't for this fact.

If he is able to obtain the Queen's recognition, it would elevate the Holtzer Clans' status. Even Groote wouldn't dare despise their Holtzer Clan then.

The Queen had already commanded for Aiwa to come see her. Although Kyle wasn't reassured about his son, he also didn't have any other choice in this matter.

He could only console himself by believing in the experience his son had gained in the outside world during these past 2 years.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the Imperial Palace. Aiwa dismounted the carriage while wearing the Holtzer Clan's insignia on his chest.

At this time, a luxurious carriage came over galloping from another avenue, when Aiwa was preparing to enter the imperial palace that carriage quickly stopped right in front of him.

Arousing Aiwa's attention were the pair of male and female sitting together on the carriage, the man was approximately over 20 years, looking confident and elegant, wearing a Junior Military Officer's uniform like one in middle age but a little more fancy.

As for the woman she was wearing a pale blue skirt adornment reaching her knees, appearing delicate and pretty, age approximately 15, 16 years, with a highly sticking out nose bridge, blue eyes, long-long eyelashes, and elegant brown hair covered up under a female hat at the crown of her head.

This pair slowly came down from the carriage. Aiwa had a déjà vu feeling, after seeing the Herman Clan insignia on their clothes; he remembered that they were the son and daughter of the current Prime Minister, Groote.

After getting off, that girl pulled the man's arm towards Aiwa. In her memory, such a handsome boy never existed in the Holtzer Clan.

"If I haven't guessed wrong, you must be Young Master Aiwa? Surely, you aren't planning to offer a grand plan to the Queen at the audience with her" Federer son of prime minister Groote said.

"I dare not, myself is receiving Queens's summon and arrived here."

[A|N:' Myself' here is used as a humble way of speaking.]

Aiwa had already heard about Herman Clan's Young Master Federer, a guy whose mouth wouldn't spare a person, therefore he didn't feel like quarreling with this kind of man, and modestly bowed his body.

Relying on their clan insignia's, these three passed through the imperial palace sentry, entering the heavily guarded imperial palace.

Within Hass Empire, there has never happened an incident of impersonation of these two great clan members; therefore, the imperial palace guards simply let the two great clan persons be exempt from checking. These insignia were like an all-pass within Hass Empire.

This party of three persons waited in front of the door of the Queen's office. Soon, someone came out to inform these two Young Master's and Young Lady Dolly to come in for the audience with the Queen.

They entered the Queen's Office side by side. Rather than to say this was an office, it would be right to say that it was a luxurious hall. The Queen was sitting at the end of a spacious table, accompanied by a girl on both sides.

Although they didn't wear uniforms, but as soon as Aiwa entered the inside the hall, he faintly felt the cold air emerging from the two girls. Regarding anyone entering inside the Queen's office, these two girls higher than 10th rank skilled beautiful woman's job was to closely probe them and protect the Queen.

Aiwa, who possessed a mere 3rd rank strength, was almost knocked down along with that hidden force.

Although his body didn't move, but he knew, those beautiful women standing at the Queen's side had sensed Aiwa's weakness, and couldn't help but laugh inside.

After they saluted the Queen together and obtained permission to sit on the high seats, Aiwa sat on one side while brother-sister pair; Federer and Dolly sat on the other side.

After the Queen sized up Aiwa once, a trace of happiness flashed through those deep pupils, but she quickly changed her sight towards Federer's face.

"Federer, do you have any important matter for me today?"

This was the Queen being persistent with her interrogation, but this really wasn't baseless.

In fact, each and every person who came to the imperial palace seeking to see her all had important matters to speak of, if not, who would dare to come and chat with the Queen?

"Your Majesty, recently the southern part Tanzya tribes have frequently disturbed our empire's common population, I wish to request Your Majesty to give me another opportunity, to lead my soldiers and kill all the Tanzyanians!"

Federer stood up and said ambitiously.

"Those Tanzya women aren't vegetarian's, if you desire to establish achievements, then I feel it would be better to send you to the West and fight there, perhaps their terrain would suit your tactics better." The Queen said.

Hearing the Queen say that Tanzya Women are difficult to deal with, Federer's heart quickly felt unwell. Because, just a few days ago he had suffered a defeat by a Tanzya woman, so he was still unable to swallow this anger till now.

He didn't expect that the courage which he had crawled up to gain the Queen's admiration would instead result in a reversal.

Still, the Queen didn't hold any confidence in the fight between Federer's soldiers and the Tanzya tribe, because Federer had already suffered two continuous defeats at their hands.

Those Tanzya tribes were also fighting over some Hass Empire border area, and didn't endanger Hass Kingdom's foundation. In the Queen's eyes, Tanzya's disturbance resembled a little bullying that's all, not worthy of making such a fuss.

The Queen's gaze went towards Aiwa and asked: "I heard from your father that you went to East Empire to study for two years, surely you must have learned a lot?"

-To be continued



Super thanks to MY PATRONS