20. Queen has become muddled

[See you later, Dolly!]

[See you later, Aiwa!]

Aiwa turned around, jumping on top of his carriage.

At this time, Federer heard the two people's voice and turned back, looking at Aiwa jumping on top of the carriage, he abused roundly: "You bastard! I will tear you!"

"Goodbye,'Brother in law' Federer, I will come to visit you another day!"

Aiwa laughed for a long time, he quickly made his way towards the path leading to the imperial palace. He could only return home through this path.

A direct avenue between these two clans didn't exist; a person could only walk through a rugged lane, if he doesn't want go through this Avenue he can only go through the rigged dirty road. As for why there is no good road you can already tell.

Federer thought of overtaking this stinky youngster who took small advantages of his younger sister and hit him once, but what made his heart ache was, that Dolly held his arm, so he could only stand there and stamp with fury.

From Dolly's fond attachment to his body and that kiss, Aiwa could make out that she liked him very much.

It was indeed a fascinating affair; two individual feuding clan children fall in love with each other.

He didn't know whether or not his father would fight against this marriage after finding out about it, as his father didn't have any good opinion regarding the Herman Clan.

At the imperial palace.

"Your Majesty, since you know Prime Minister Groote and General Kyle's families have never gotten along, why are you playing as a matchmaker for the marriage between these two families children?"

The maid Jancy didn't understand and asked. This eighteen year old girl with rare attack and defense domain of 10th rank , naturally couldn't understand the thoughts of the Queen struggling within politics for more than 10 years.

"Since they are feuding families, I acted as a matchmaker for their marriage. They since swore loyalty and devotion to me, shouldn't they naturally listen to me?

Although they aren't delighted in their heart, at least they won't disobey my will on the surface. My power isn't something which is preserved by relying on those two, although they protect my life anytime and anywhere, I cannot guarantee whether my power would still be in my hands."

"These two chancellors are already imperial elders, I have to be wary of their influence, and prevent them from being like neighbours who can't agree to lose out to a third party, resulting in using up my Hass Empire's power.

There's no need to fear about those few Tanzya tribes to the South, however that Naluss Empire to the West is targeting us.

Don't worry, their two families won't decline due to a single marriage, what I want is for them to disagree with each other, forever staying within a subtle state, this is my desired outcome."

The Queen proudly turned her rattan chair, finally stopping in front of Jancy.

"Your Majesty really is an enlightened sage. If this happens, these two families won't decline due to internal friction and also won't ally; this can reduce both inside worry and foreign aggression!"

Jancy finally understood the essence behind this marriage proposed by the Queen,

"However a pretty girl like Dolly, isn't suffering a deficit by being entrusted to that youngster Aiwa, that 17 year old child, does he know how to love a woman dearly?"

Jancy spoke freely.

"This....whether he knows or not, I'm also unclear, otherwise, why don't you try to find an opportunity to test?"

In front of these two maids Queen Sofia didn't have any taboo things since a long time, right now a lascivious smile appeared on her face.

"Your Majesty"

Immediately a shade of shy red appeared across Jancy's face. As she was also a girl going through puberty; she gave thought to stand in for Dolly, these two maids wait at the Queen's side every day.

They also yearned of being a thousand jin young lady; enjoying that kind of free and easy life inside the Prime Minister House, it's a pity they weren't born at Prime Minister's family.

Since they were born at a dragon blood family, relying on their intelligence and practicing their skills using their innate talent, they were entitled to wait upon the Queen.

Even this could already be considered to be fortune, if they didn't have dragon blood vessels, this kind of fortune was impossible for them to fish up, leaving them no choice but to become a man's slave

The gaze the Queen used to look upon Aiwa and the two maids was absolutely different. It seemed to the two maids that Aiwa was only a common youngster, merely somewhat intelligent than that idiotic Young Master Federer that's all, according to their perception.

Aiwa strength didn't exceed 5th rank in the defense or attack aspect, at Hass empire where experts roamed like the clouds, if this was considered to be talent, then inside the whole Hass empire there wouldn't be a single waste person!

As for the Queen, seeing Aiwa respond to Federer's attack, by not counterattacking but rather showing elegance and wisdom, furthermore getting that recommendation by Young Lady Ruth; if this Aiwa didn't any special quality, then Ruth was improbable to recommend him to her.

The Queen believed in Ruth's judgment, thus believed Aiwa absolutely wasn't a waste person.

But if barely relying on Aiwa confronting Federer's attack, such a simple thing at once isn't worthy of Ruth's recommendation, if it's so then that would mean Ruth was not Ruth at all.

Finally what excelling place existed on Aiwa's body?

The Queen still hadn't made out to come; therefore she decided to slowly inspect him. She believed that the time for gold to shine would surely come.

On the other side.

After Aiwa returned home, Kyle asked him what happened in the palace. Aiwa anxiously looked towards his father and spoke:

"Queen has indeed become muddled, raising such a tough question for us!"

After Kyle heard the Queen gave out a difficult problem, he simply asked about it.

"The Queen wants me to take Prime Minister Groote's daughter as my wife, say isn't this making trouble?"

-To be continued

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