25. Meeting Federer again on road

Returning home, Aiwa slept for half a day, getting up in the evening, he continued to cultivate his dou qi, he sat in the lotus position on top of the bed, breathing out stale air and breathing fresh air in, then with rapt attention, he cultivated his dou qi until the point of perfection before stopping.

At this time.

Margaret came in pushing the door, her attire was a very sexy pajamas, a low-cut half revealing her hidden and serene cleavage, her snow-white breasts swaying along with her body captivating the gaze of any male, unluckily there is no one in the entire floor to behold this site except him. But for some reason she still is wearing a long robe above her sexy pajama. But he didn't care about it.

"Still haven't slept?"

Margaret coming in being concerned about her son was a normal affair; she didn't need to be anxious of Kyle feeling jealous of his son.

"Today I slept through the whole afternoon, how can I still feel sleepy?"

Aiwa saw that attractive and half-naked soft chest figure of Margaret and couldn't help but get hyperactive and say.

Margaret came and sat down at Aiwa's side, he merely looked at her, however didn't set about.

Today's flesh combat with Ruth had already used up a lot of his physical strength, he still had to exhibit himself tomorrow at his future wife's father house.

He had no intention of indulging in debauchery today evening, or else going to other people's house with a weary spirit would leave a bad image.

Actually the reason why Margaret came wasn't to make love to him, merely came to look how his spirit was, after all tomorrow he was going to pay a visit to his future father-in-law, these two mother and child can be considered to have a common understanding,

"Today evening I haven't come to once again use up your physical strength, however, if you want there's no harm in feeling mother here for a little time using your hands."

Margaret couldn't resist the temptation of Aiwa's lust filled eyes, she slightly pulled the ribbon on her pajamas, letting those two plentiful breasts to be revealed.

Aiwa reached out his hand towards that snow white breast on top pinching it twice, lowering his head, he held one of her nipple's inside his mouth and started sucking.

"You this youngster are really gluttonous"

Margaret enjoyed getting sucked by Aiwa, when he was sucking her nipple, the tip of his tongue deftly teased her nipple, giving rise to a tickling sensation on her body, but she pretended laugh aloofly saying:

"Even having two mouths to suck won't be able to satisfy you!"

However Aiwa was sucking her nipple at one side, while extending his one hand inside her pyjamas, groping about her crotch, when his finger entered inside her flesh hole, she gave out a lovable smile clamping her legs together.

"Margaret? Margaret?"

Old Kyle yelled inside the corridor.

"I'm at here."

Margaret answered at one side, while hurriedly standing up from Aiwa's bed, quickly tying up her pajamas ribbon and wear that robe above her lingerie and pajama .Now Aiwa knows why she was wearing her normal long robe that she wears to sleep above her sexy pajama.

But Margaret still hadn't gone to open the door, Kyle at once pushed the door walking inside.

"Ohh...you're at here?"

Kyle looked towards Aiwa sitting on the bed, not even a single bit doubting his son and mother had adultery going on.


Aiwa somewhat nervously straightened his body.

"Hehe,.. no need to stand up, I came over to find Margaret. Had a good rest? Tomorrow you have an important mission, you must hold that Dolly as wife and return to our home."

Kyle quite confidently spoke towards his son.

"Feel relieved, I won't fail to live up to your expectations."

Aiwa spoke expressing a stiff smile.

Margaret followed Kyle and went out, and going out time, Margaret still turned around stealthily sending a flying kiss towards Aiwa.

The reason Kyle was trying to find Margaret was to discuss about the gift his son was going to take to Groote's home tomorrow.

Although there has never been any relations between the two families before, but this time was different, after all they are going to be relatives by marriage, son going to pay a formal visit to wife's father, wife's mother was a serious matter, if not that old fox Groote would at once grab this matter as a weak point.

Aiwa was bored being by himself for a long time, and once again practiced his dou qi, before he slowly fell asleep while guiding his dou qi.




The next day was one beautiful early morning. Aiwa's spirit was pretty good, he received the gift Kyle and Margaret picked for him, got on top of the carriage, going towards the imperial palace to reach the avenue leading to Dolly's home.

At the moment Aiwa's carriage had hardly reached half li from the imperial palace, a luxurious carriage galloped over.

Nearing it, Aiwa could see two persons on top of the carriage, one was his future brother-in-law Federer, the other one was a tall and sturdy male youth, mouth on top having a -- shaped mustache.

That person's appearance was fairer and clear than Federer by a bit, however inside those eyes of him giving out an arrogant and obscene feel.

"Youngster, where are you going?"

Federer let the coachman stop the carriage, blocking up Aiwa's path. Yesterday in front of his door he let this cheap youngster take small advantage, today he definitely have to make reprisals with him.

"I have never seen someone who calls his younger sister's husband as youngster, you being like this, isn't this highly humiliating your younger sister"

Aiwa after hearing Federer call himself in this sort, not all was angry, he didn't think of calming Federer's anger but rather tried to infuriate him.

"Younger sister's husband? Aiwa, I'm telling you, keep on dreaming. At least my father is improbable to agree about you becoming his daughter's husband, you're not fit!"

Federer already came down the carriage, moving towards the back of Aiwa's carriage, looking inside the carriage have what thing,

"Hehe, the gift's pretty good! It seems, that Kyle really has become a dotard, unexpectedly believes my father is going to agree regarding this marriage! Indeed what a joke! He still hasn't come to see his son hasn't any future prospects!"

[A|N: Dotard: an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.]

Federer moved his hand to feel the gift case on top of Aiwa's carriage but again stopped his hands, as if the gift case on top has, what, dust spoil his gloves.

-To be continued

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