38.Follow me boy

Rudolph liked Queen Sofia in his heart, but afraid of her prestige, he never dared to hold an improper image of Her Majesty Queen in his thoughts; merely his heart coveted a maid at her side.

Aiwa had already noticed which palace maid was coveted by Rudolph and synthesized that palace maid's figure in front of him. Rudolph mind was already muddled by this time; his body threw itself over and over again towards that inexistent palace maid's image, completely forgetting he was in front of the dignified inviolable Queen.

Under Aiwa's control, Rudolph performed a sumo wrestling technique, leaving the imperial guards and palace maids in an uproar, but they also didn't expect he would start taking his clothes off in front of the Queen.

When the imperial guard captain was almost going to take off his trousers, the Queen quickly ordered a person to stop him. Aiwa also withdrew his yin technique.

The Queen naturally knew Rudolph was manipulated under Aiwa's strange technique, therefore she didn't think of blaming this loyal and devoted imperial guard captain; however his public disgrace, made her even more disgusted with him.

After being stopped by a person, Rudolph felt like he woke up from a dream, seeing the surrounding palace maids and imperial guards all cover their mouths and laugh, he didn't know what kind of blunder he had committed just now, seeming like an unfathomable mystery to him.

Finally, Her Majesty Queen was able to experience the reason for Dragon Blood Evaluation Committee Member – Ruth's recommendation; it was due to Aiwa's sorcery. She had merely heard about this sorcery before, but never seen it with her own eyes; today she had widened her scope.

However, having this sorcerer at her side, she felt really afraid, she was nervous thinking what if there's a day he set about on her, using the same method to order her this Queen to disgrace herself in public, if so, then wouldn't those people who were coveting the Kingship use this as a pretext to incite trouble?

"Apparently making you my imperial guard would be greatly wronging you, why don't you become my masseur?"

Queen had consulted with a newcomer for the first time, as for the other imperial guards, they were simply jealous to death. Becoming Her Majesty Queen's masseur, this was what kind of honorable position!

Which one of those imperial guards at her side didn't wish to fish up this assignment?

Unfortunately a newcomer youngster had fished it up today!

Alas! It seems that, Her Majesty Queen was still partial towards the Holtzer family.

Hearing the Queen's order, Aiwa was happy, although his proud moment flashed past in a moment, but even if it was so, it inevitably made those people who hate the Holtzer Clan jealous in their heart.

"I wish to obey all the arrangement of Your Majesty Queen's, Your Majesty's needs is Aiwa's mission in life!"

This bureaucratic line was taught to him by his father, as soon as he opened his mouth, it already came out.

A 17 year old youngster speaking such a pleasant thing in this situation, made Sofia feel the deep veneration Old General Kyle had. She thought, he really is a General's house tiger cub, even obeying orders resembled like this!

"Good, from today onwards, you're going to follow me at my side. I'm going to rest now!"

The Queen seemed as if she had finished some amazing event, but Aiwa knew, this was only the ceremony for a small attendant entering the castle, was there a need for mustering such large forces?

If he was being conferred an official title, then it wasn't known it would have been how grand!

Actually what Aiwa didn't know was, that the biggest reason the Queen held such a grand ceremony, was that he was an important member of the Holtzer Clan, this showed how much value Her Majesty Queen attached to the Holtzer Clan.

Therefore she let the palace maids and imperial guards at her side look, as among them, there were many members from different clans of Hass empire, they added interest to everything they saw at the Queen's side and reported back to their clans, which would then disseminate out through their family members mouths.

Currently, there wasn't much difference between the strength of the Holtzer Clan and other clans, the Queen needed this clan to expand more, so as to not let his family encounter any resistance, this kind of talent guaranteed her empire's safety and stability. If she let a clan's power become too large, then it would threaten her position. The Queen relied upon her balancing ability to make a threat drop until it was minuscule.

The sun blazed more fiercely, the huge umbrella over the Queen's head shielded her from the sun covering her side in a relaxing coolness. Besides a few imperial guards and person palace maids, with Rudolph and head palace maid Jancy tightly guarding the Queen, all the others returned to their posts.

If only the Queen had these two at her side, any situation could be easily dealt with, even if the opponent was the empire's first class expert.

But Aiwa was clueless; he didn't know his specific work. Looking at him standing there foolishly, Seegle who teased him before stealthily laughed. Although before he came, she had teased him after consulting with the palace maids, she was a bit fond of this youngster; however she was still unclear whether the Queen did or didn't like this Aiwa, if the Queen received Aiwa because of male love, then they could only helplessly watch.

"Don't stand there confused, follow me."

Saying thus, Seegle pulled the corner of Aiwa's jacket and lead him, she very much regretted not carefully enjoying his healthy and beautiful figure inside the changing room.

Jancy accompanied the Queen entering her lounge, and Rudolph went outside to guard the main hall. There was his duty range, if someone burst inside the main hall, then that would make it difficult for Rudolph to escape this guilt. And if anything happened inside, then it was Jancy's responsibility, therefore, Jancy and Rudolph's responsibilities were clear cut.

-To be continued