36.So fierce and hot?

The sun rose up higher than a bamboo pole, similar to a large fire ball hanging in the East sky, and the sunlight like gilded steel wires running into Earth.

Queen Sofia drinking tea, sat upright inside a rattan weaved hundred year old rattan chair, with a huge parasol propped over the head, surrounded by a group of palace maids as well as a few personal imperial guards.

Those imperial guards wore a long sword at their waist, majestically standing around a radius of 15m to 20m from the Queen, their keen perception abilities observing the circumstances inside that perimeter.

All possible dangerous elements were perfectly covered inside the perception of those imperial guards.

Following a palace maid, Aiwa walked over towards the Queen's resting area, passing through an artificial lake en route; a pool raised by the Queen, which was also her bathing and swimming region during summer. The lake water was crystal clear; even the fishes roaming inside were clearly visible.

"Walk this side."

The maid pointed her finger towards the lake's narrow shore and said to Aiwa.

Since it was his first time entering the imperial palace, Aiwa was still a bit nervous, whatever the palace maid said, he quickly followed up, not daring to make a slipup.

Aiwa walked forward, being careful of the lane under his foot, from time to time looking towards that huge parasol, measuring his distance from Her Majesty Queen.

His every step made Aiwa more nervous. This didn't resemble their last meeting, because looking at the faraway Queen attended by a group of people made Aiwa feel, that when meeting the Queen alone, she would act kindly but in front of these many faces she would definitely be serious, this was the main reason for Aiwa's nervousness.

When Aiwa was walking, he suddenly sensed a huge fireball arriving under his foot, only listening to the sound of explosion, that fireball had already exploded in front of him.

Instinctively he moved away from the lake but before he even came to his senses, another fireball exploded to his left making his body fly in the sky.

But, when his body left the ground, Aiwa discovered his body was flying towards the lake. Aiwa didn't have the ability to move in the air, so he could only let his body freely fall into the lake. [Plop!]

Aiwa fell within the water.

Although the lake water wasn't deep, but it was enough to drown Aiwa, that palace maid didn't think that this boy didn't know how to swim, she simply looked at him floating and sinking.

[Gurghhgh guh … …]

The palace maid who made Aiwa fly and fall into the water, found the appearance of Aiwa floating and sinking to be very amusing, she couldn't help but laugh standing at the shore.

"Seegle, stop standing there being silly and quickly go in and fish him up!"

Sitting in the rattan chair, the Queen could make out that Aiwa wasn't acting but rather really didn't know swimming; she quickly gave an order to that palace maid to quickly go into the water and save Aiwa.

Hearing the Queen's command, Seegle didn't dare to laugh anymore, quickly plunging into the water, trying to save him.

But by this time Aiwa had already drank two mouthfuls of water, if anyone didn't come to save him, he would have definitely drowned.

However Aiwa had already left the shore, Seegle quickly tried to grab his arm; when Aiwa who was possessed by the will to survive saw a person coming to save him, he pulled the hand trying to grab him, hanging over Seegle's body.

"Don't grab me!"

Seegle was going to be hugged by Aiwa, with their bodies still submerged in the water, her body whirled, like a fish making her way from under Aiwa's arm holding him from behind.

At this moment Aiwa felt two soft meat orbs expanding on his back, but right now he was solely occupied with trying to survive, unable to cherish the palace maid's soft body embracing him from behind.

Although Seegle's figure was very small, it emitted a vigorous qi inside the water; she swam towards the shore dragging Aiwa's body.

Reaching the shore, their two bodies were drenched all over, especially Seegle, her clothes sticking on that exquisite body, making each contours of her body visible. After looking at Aiwa's blank eyes, she forgot all about the cold lake water.

"You two quickly go and change your clothes!"

The Queen was not all angry, rather looking at Aiwa's sorry appearance she almost laughed out. But due the Queen's dignity, she resisted it.

However the few imperial guards at the Queen's side laughed heartily, they all knew that Aiwa was going to hold the same position as them becoming the Queen's imperial guard, they didn't expect this small guy would already taste Seegle's teasing. Aiwa glanced at the maliciously laughing imperial guards but didn't flare out.

Seegle held Aiwa and went to the dressing room, simply shedding her clothes she wiped her body and changed her clothes.

"What should I do?"

Aiwa's whole body felt cold, it was already late autumn, with his clothes drenched, his body trembled due to the chillness.

"Take off your clothes!"

After Seegle exchanged her clothes, she was worried about Aiwa.

"Can't you bring me some clothes first?"

After suffering Seegle's teasing, Aiwa's heart wasn't reconciled, but he couldn't seize her, after all she was the Queen's chamberlain, he couldn't afford to offend her.

"I said take off then at once take off, if you don't dislike the cold then keep wearing them. I'll go." Saying thus, Seegle turned around to leave.

"Don't …. I'm requesting you, bring me clothes to change, I'm freezing to death!"

Aiwa's teeth were trembling due to the cold, when Seegle was about to leave, he quickly grabbed her hand.

"Then quickly take off your clothes!"

Seegle's voice wasn't like an order, she wasn't thinking off seeing Aiwa's body, rather wanted to give a go at experiencing the wonderful feeling of being a supervisor on Aiwa, because normally she's the one obeying orders.

Aiwa had no other choice but to obey her orders and take off his clothes, anyway he was fearless of being watched by a woman, Seegle only gave a glance towards Aiwa's well-built body, taking Aiwa's clothes.

Aiwa was trying to find a cloth to dry his body, but looked at the clothes in Seegle's hands becoming piping hot. Very quickly, Aiwa's clothes dried out, all this happened in a blink.

"So fierce and hot?"

-To be continued





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