47.Dog shit!* I still thought you were some kind of hero

"Junior Officer Federer, I'll arrange a victory feast for you by the time you get back!"

Aiwa said with a loud voice standing on top of the city walls. Federer turned around and laughed, whipping his horse, a cloud of dust rising behind his back.

After the army entered the valley, they advanced towards the Tanzyanians current residence.

The whole journey, the scouts returned back to inform about the Tanzyanians situation, seeing that those Tanzyanians didn't dispatch their troops, also had not gone out to plunder and return.

Federer's heart was secretly delighted, thinking to himself: [This time have to destroy the Tanzyanians old nest, giving a heavy hit to them, spitting out the resentment in his heart.]

Because of the fear of getting their army found out by the left over Tanzyanians, when they were still 2 li away from Tanzyanians living area, Federer who was eager to seek victory quickly ordered to charge fiercely, the attack noise shaking the sky.

[A|N: 1 Li= 500m]

At the time they hadn't appeared at the distance of several hundred meters from the Tanzyanians living area, several squadrons of Tanzya cavalry surrounded them, Tanzyanians didn't have an official professional army, but they always brought the entire nation to arms, even slightly older 10 years children would go to do war, including those who were just 10.

Originally Federer was afraid of being killed by Tanzyanians and merely showed a brave face, looking at the coming to kill Tanzyanians from all directions he was immediately defeated.

Federer have a loud shout, using that horsewhip and battle cutlass to drive those soldiers to rush forward, but those soldiers quickly left his side and escaped, making the yelling from his worn out throat be of no use.

Soon his 2000 men army was split up after fighting with the Tanzyanians, Federer didn;t have any option but to personally accompany them guiding them to kill the Tanzyanians.

A girl wearing the Tanzya attire rushed over, her hand holding a long sword, wearing a military officer rank officer clothes; she stabbed towards Federer!

Federer's dou qi was no match for the girl's sword qi, the battle cutlass in his hand flew out, Federer hastily took out a dagger from his waist to welcome the enemy, but how could it handle the long sword in the enemy's small female hand.

That girl's body was strong and healthy, looking pretty, turning over on horseback, her sword cut the reins of Federer's horse.

Federer lost his balance for a moment, and tumbled down the horse. Some of his imperial guards were killed by that pretty girl, and the others escaped out.

Federer still hadn't gotten up, and was quickly subdued and bound by a few Tanzya girls. The conceited Federer had become the Tanzyanians captive!

The soldiers under Federer's control quickly returned to Favargo city walls, but Aiwa didn't appear to personally meet them, merely letting the city wall guard let them come in, letting them gather again at a region.


In a region almost 10m away from the Tanzya encampment, there was a small enclosure used for surrounding the horses. Federer was stripped, leaving him with nothing but his small trouser, confined to a stake, although he hadn't suffered beatings, the cold wind was already enough suffering for him.

"Kayseri, this time's yield was due to my first class merit. He was the one who had attacked my encampment last time, this time I have to make him taste our ferociousness!"

An individual 17-18 year old girl, her long and elegant golden hair tied into a ponytail, and a mature individual, who resembled a woman chief said.

"Wuya, then this Federer is yours, you can handle him. If you want him to lick your foot in the evening, this gigolo ought to be pretty good."

After Kayseri shot a glance towards the bitter and exhausted Federer, she changed direction towards a thin, whole body supporting a deputy soldier's armor girl.

Wuya held a horsewhip in her hand came over in front of Federer, she used to handle to twist around his ribs, making Federer give out a blood-curdling scream, his rib region had already caved in due to Wuya's this one twist.

When Wuya took out the horsewhip, Federer's skin and flesh immediately spun around coming out, beads of sweat appearing on his face.

"Dog shit!* I still thought you were some kind of hero, not even able to bear this amount of pain!"

Wuya swung the horsewhip in her hands however she wished, leaving scarlet moldings all over Federer's face.

"You carefully watch him, don't let this youngster escape, let him nicely taste the flavor of our Tanzya's cold nights!"

Saying this, Wuya turned around to leave with her attendant.

After sundown, the curtain of night enveloped all over Tanzya's sky, making those tents disappear in the darkness, only their outlines could be faintly seen.

Aiwa sent four elite troops under the night's screen, quietly approaching the enclosure where Federer was tied up. There were Tanzya soldiers all around the enclosure in 2's and 3's group, after all Federer could be considered as one of Hass Empire's military leader.

Although he was only a school ranked officer, nevertheless he was also the supreme commander who attacked Tanzya, therefore the reason for the strict guard.

But those Tanzyanians were soaking in victory and glee, although the chief had warned them, but those who were guarding Federer couldn't have ample rest post-war, however even they didn't predict that someone would come to rescue him during the night on the same day he was captured.

The soldiers stationed at the front were shot to death by the poison arrows of two Favargo elite troops, collapsing silently; the other two Favargo elite troops continued to go near Federer.

At Federer's side, there were two Tanzya soldiers who were holding pikes and incessantly stamped their foot to warm themselves, it was late autumn at Tanzya right now, the nights became very cold.

Federer had long ago started to freeze and tremble, in the beginning he used his dou qi to resist the cold, but it was also limited, very quickly he exhausted his dou qi, clenching his teeth to endure.

The two Tanzya soldiers holding the pikes could apparently heard some sounds, and suddenly turned their bodies, they didn't have time to even see clearly, however a poison arrow had already pierced their throats.

When the distance is less, those arrow was enough to be fatal when penetrating a throat, moreover the poison would quickly act in a second, letting them meet a silent death.

By the time Federer could even understand what had happened, one of the elite troops had already cut open the ropes binding him with a dagger.

"You must not speak, follow behind us, we were sent by Commander Aiwa to come rescue and rescue you!"