"Receive this blow! Shatter the bones of the divine power!!!"
'Ugh... this movie is more boring than I thought'
I was annoyed looking at the Chinese movie playing on TV
I'm very bored right now, partly because today is my day off so there's nothing to do, partly because I'm quite curious about the movie discs that my father kept as souvenirs for a long time in old wooden box
My name is Sugar Tarkus, 19 years old, don't ask why I have "Sugar" in my name, I don't know what in my father mind when call me like that
'Sigh what do I expecting from the movies that no one know'
I got up from the sofa and rummaged through the wooden box
'[Journey to catch a girl]? What the hell? And this one is... [The guy's path] why all movie in the box has such a strange title??'
Sighing, I set aside the discs until...
"[Journey to the West: The Secret Path]? Is there another Journey to the West movie produced that I don't know about?"
I'm not a die-hard fan or ever watch Journey to the West movies, but I still know the basics like Sun Wukong being the central character (I think?) and Tang Sanzang always falling into traps even though it's been several seasons already
"Anything else?" I thought to myself "Never mind, I don't really care what movie I watch, if entertainment then good"
I inserted the disc, and the TV began to emit a dazzling light
"What kind of movie starts by blinding the viewers??"
As I opened my eyes... something was not right here
"Huh?" All around me were trees, the sound of birds echoing through the forest, and the gentle flow of a stream
"Hey hey hey hey HEY HEY HEY!!!"
"This must be a dream, right? Definitely a dream! How did I suddenly wake up and end up in some place I have no clue about?"
However, reality hit me hard with a cruel and painful truth. "Ouch! Wha-" I froze, staring at the bear standing, let me repeat, it was STANDING, and it just threw a rock at me
All my senses and primal instincts were screaming that this bear, standing like a human, was eyeing me as if it wanted to devour my head
And at the moment, only a few tactics crossed my mind:
1. Play dead
2. Run
3. Punch it in the face to show who's the boss
Currently, I was leaning towards tactic 1 because there were plenty of articles about playing dead being a great way to avoid a bear... if the bear in front of me was a regular bear
Tactic 2 is extremely risky because right now, I have no idea if I can outrun it. Running away from a bear is like suicide, but since it's standing, its speed must be slower, right?
As for tactic 3, only a complete idiot would choose it. Who in their right mind wants to punch a bear? Maybe if you're Russian
"HAH?! What did you just say?"
"SORRY! I don't speak animal noises, I think you should focus on your mate rather than bothering me!"
Seizing the opportunity, I employed tactic number 4! Surprise, surprise? I always have a hidden card up my sleeve in case the first three tactics fail!
Climb a tree!
"$%#&@@@@@!!!!!!" The bear roared loudly before he started climbing the tree just like me
"What the heck?? You climb faster than Naruto running on trees!!!"
I climbed as fast as I could before the bear caught up to me
'It's getting close!! I have to do something!!' While thinking, I came up with a daring idea
'Hope it works' I continued climbing until I was near the top of the tree
The bear opened its mouth with teeth dirtier than if it hadn't brushed for over 1000 years, ready to eat my leg
"Hoping I'll survive!" I swung my arm off the tree, falling and hitting the bear, surprising it
"...I'm still alive? I'M STILL ALIVE!!!"
I rejoiced, realizing how incredibly stupid that idea was, almost like suicide, but I was out of options
Looking down at the unconscious bear, despite falling from a height of 100m, I was lucky to hit its stomach upon landing, making it bounce like elastic
"I have to finish it off" I grabbed a nearby large rock and smashed it into the bear's head, causing it to bleed
Sometimes violence is necessary if it's what helps you live longer, so I had to kill it as a way to protect myself from such a hidden danger
Sweat dripped onto the grass, my hand swollen from using the sharp rock against my skin. And the bear was dead, hopefully
"Shit..." Now I confirmed, this was reality, and I couldn't accept it at all
"I feel extremely regretful for touching my dad's DVDs, otherwise this wouldn't have happened"
Sighing, I walked away, leaving behind the corpse I just killed. Hopefully, I wouldn't encounter anything too unlucky
(Mysterious POV)
"...this smell... it's human."
Somewhere in the forest, a girl was pinned down by a simple-looking stone slab. A seal scroll was placed right in the middle
"...I don't want to stay here anymore."
The hatred was evident in her eyes, no one was sure who she was looking at or why she was so angry
But one thing was certain... this girl was extremely dangerous