
"Hurry up! You're dragging too much!"

'Am I some kind of monster to you that you demand such speed?'

Currently, both of us are walking through the forest, thanks to this monkey, I don't have to worry about hunger and thirst anymore. Nevertheless...

"Wukong, do you know the way out of the forest?"



Seriously? You're a powerful entity akin to a deity, and yet you don't know which direction to go?

"Well... do you know how to fly?"

"Oh yes, but I need nimbus to fly, and it's currently mad at me!"

'Mad? Does it have consciousness?'

"So... why is it mad at you?"

"Well, it's a long story! I don't think you want to hear it!"

"It's okay, go ahead, we have plenty of time."

Wukong's index fingers pointed at each other, then look at me.

"I lent it to someone... and forgot to retrieve it for 10 years, now it's still mad at me..."


WOW, that's quite a long story, isn't it? But how on earth did you forget something so important?

"So how do you fight in the sky without your nimbus?" I asked, curious about how she wreaked havoc in the heavens.

"It's simple! I can use fire to create staircases!"

Fire? Does all her skills involve fire?

"You seem quite curious, don't you? Hehehe, I'll tell you about my powers and the power system here! You should be proud to have me as your companion!" Wukong said arrogantly.

'I'm curious about how the power is used here too.'

We stopped near a stream, and I sat down next to a tree to listen to Wukong's explanation.

"Because you are a foreigner and you know nothing about this place, I will explain the most basic things to you!" Wukong pointed at me and chuckled softly.

'...I don't want to admit it, but she's really cute.'

"All creatures, including gods or undefined entities, have their own power system, called 'Level'. Essentially, it determines how strong you are and what you can do."

"Level 0 is the weakest, with no power at all, completely normal."

"While Level 1, 2, and 3 are very common for beginners who start using their powers. Level 1 is stronger than 10 normal people combined, while Level 2 is stronger than 10 Level 1 individuals combined! It continues like this up to Level 10!"

"Generally, it enhances the physical and bodily aspects of the person each time they ascend to the next layer."

"Of course, it also depends on the species, so Level 1 can still defeat Level 2."

I began to memorize the information, but I still had a few questions.

"Excuse me, teacher! I have a few things I'd like to ask!"

"T-teacher?!" Wukong blushed, looking at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, just a bit surprised... go ahead and ask!" Wukong forced a confident smile while still blushing.

"How do you determine who has power and who doesn't?"

"Hmm, it's quite easy. You just need to channel energy into your eyes."

"Energy? But I don't know how."

"Don't know? Well, then I'll explain further! Energy is something that all creatures possess, even those without powers, and to use it, you just need to concentrate and channel it into the part of your body you want by thinking about it. Absorbing energy is also easy; you just need to rest or meditate to gather the energy around you (Meditating charges faster than resting)."

'Got it, basically similar to mana in the games I play.'

I started following what Wukong said, channeling energy into my eyes.

'Everything is clearer now, I can see the energy particles around and...'

Looking at Wukong, I sweat when I saw the reddish-orange and purple energy she emitted.

'So powerful... but why is there purple? I thought Wukong only used fire?'

"Well? Do you see how strong I am?"

"Incredibly strong."

"What else! After all, I'm at Level 7!"

"So... does the color of energy relate to the power they possess?"

"No, it relates to the element."

"Element?" What's this now, why so many complications?

"It's similar to energy, everyone has their own element, like me! I'm a fire element!"

"How many elements are there then?"

"Fire, Water, Earth, Leaf, Wind, Lightning, Light, and Darkness."

"Got it... one last question, what is power then?"

"It's things like creating gravity or stopping time (Note: Basically like Quirks in MHA), but to obtain such abilities, you have to break through to Level 1, although you've already did it through."

"Huh? Do I have power?" I looked at Wukong in surprise.

"Yes, when you were running away from the wolf."

Then Wukong approached me and took my left arm.

"It's just that your power is something I saw for the first time" Wukong released my arm and smiled.

"That's the gist of it! Do you understand?"

"Yeah, yeah."

I understood half of it.