Chapter 4- The Prayer - Part 4

Sadala, Strategic Division HQ

The air inside the Strategic Division HQ was tense. The reports coming in were dire and the situation was escalating.

"Cannon fire confirmed," came SAGE's emotionless voice, echoing around the room.

"Target eliminated," SAGE followed up.

Silence fell over the room as the grim news settled. Each person present closed their eyes and a moment of silence was observed for the lost souls of their Vegeta brothers and sisters, their sacrifice a poignant reminder of the heavy price of this brutal war.

"Rudra is now retreating towards Sadala at full pace," SAGE reported, breaking the silence.

"Thank you, SAGE," Gula responded, her voice steady despite the turmoil she was feeling.

"Captain, the battle maps have been updated," Frisee informed, her eyes fixated on the display as she meticulously observed the changes. Her words brought a new wave of anxiety but also renewed determination.

Gula looked at the updated maps. Despite the victories they were gaining on each front and their efforts to deal with the corrupted, the numbers of Saiyan warriors had reduced drastically. It was as if these corrupted beings had made it their mission to hunt down all Saiyans. Recalling her last battle, the close encounters with death, and the relentless assault on her and her son, Gula was forced to confront a chilling hypothesis - these corrupted beings were specifically targeting Saiyans.

A surge of anger welled up within Gula, and before she knew it, her hand had clenched into a fist, gripping the armrest of her captain's chair tightly.

Her worst fears were becoming a reality. "That Evil God wants to eradicate us if he can't corrupt us," she said, her voice filled with a mix of anger and dread. Frisee, with a grim look on her face, agreed.

"The Evil God must have always been keeping tabs on Sadala. He must have known that the Saiyan God has ascended. That's why he had the audacity to come out," Frisee stated, her voice laced with anger.

"Agreed," Gula replied, her voice hard.

"Tris, how far are the enemy ships?" Gula enquired, turning her attention to the imminent threat.

"Captain, they are 2 hours out. The planetary defense net has already picked them up and engaged them. As you suspected, the ENDIVE class are protecting the Chariot," Tris informed, her voice steady despite the looming threat.

"Understood. Dispatch half of the reserved Elites and their mechas. Also, Frisse, when will Delta squad and the other reinforcements arrive?" Gula ordered, her mind already strategizing the next course of action.

"Yes, Ma'am," Tris replied, immediately moving to carry out her captain's orders.

"Captain, based on the data received, we should expect them in 5 hours, while the rest will be 8 hours out," Frisee reported.

"Got it," Gula acknowledged, her gaze fixed on the display as she continued to monitor the situation. The fate of Sadala hung in the balance and Gula was ready to do whatever it took to protect her home.

Defense Line of Sadala

"Damn that King Vegeta! He is nothing more than a traitor!" An Elite warrior roared, his voice filled with an unmistakable edge of fury. As he spat out his words, his hands deftly manipulated the controls of his mecha, angling it to meet the fearsome ENDIVE class ships that were rapidly closing in.

"I share your sentiment, but we need to steel our nerves and focus on the task at hand. Our priority is to deal with these invaders. And let's not forget, there's a Star Destroyer of monumental proportions looming ominously behind them," his squad captain responded. His voice remained steady, a rock amidst the raging storm of battle, despite the imminent and overwhelming threat they faced.

"Damn it! These two are proving to be a real headache," another squad member grumbled under his breath as he narrowly dodged a barrage of fiery attacks from the enemy ships. His mecha shuddered under the strain, its hull groaning in protest as it weaved through the onslaught.

"Captain, one of these brutes has reinforced armor capable of withstanding our most powerful attacks. The other seems to be equipped with advanced sniper capabilities. Our best bet is to stay on the move and avoid becoming an easy target," another squad member suggested. His voice was calm as he scanned the enemy ships with a critical and strategic eye.

"Good call. Men, let's engage the heavily armored one. Ladies, you'll need to hunt down the sniper. Let's get to work," the captain commanded, his voice resonating with authority and determination.

"Roger that, Captain!" the team responded in unison, each member bracing themselves for the tumultuous battle ahead.

As the battle raged on, the deadly game of cat and mouse continued. The tension was palpable, the stakes higher than ever. After a grueling two hours of relentless combat, the sniper was finally taken down by the two Saiyan Elite women. Their mechas, powered by the raw, pulsating energy of their Super Saiyan God Red form, were a sight to behold - strikingly formidable and awe-inspiring.

However, before the sniper was neutralized, it managed to cause significant damage. The relentless sniper fire had obliterated many mechas and defense outposts on the line. The battle was proving to be extremely taxing on the defense line. Furthermore, the armored ENDIVE ship continued to be a formidable opponent, particularly with the support from the intimidating Star Destroyer.

The women had been pushed to their limits during the confrontation. Annoyed and exhausted, they unleashed massive area of effect attacks, their frustration manifesting in every explosive outburst. Their words, laced with profanities, echoed across the battlefield like a war cry, reflecting their unyielding determination to overcome the adversary.

Meanwhile, the armored ENDIVE ship continued to pose a significant threat to the defense line, especially with the ominous presence of the Star Destroyer lurking in the background. As the intensity of the battle escalated, the situation became increasingly dire. The Saiyan warriors fought with every ounce of their strength, determined to protect their home at all costs.

Despite the challenging circumstances, the Saiyan warriors on the defense line of Sadala remained undeterred. Their spirits were high, their resolve unyielding. They knew the stakes were high and that they were the last line of defense. Failure was not an option. They had to prevail, for the sake of their home, for the future of Sadala.

As the conflict on the defense line of Sadala intensified, the Saiyan warriors were pushed to their limits. Their mechas, bearing the brunt of the endless onslaught, were beginning to show signs of wear and tear. Despite the relentless assault, the Saiyan warriors held firm, refusing to yield. They launched counterattacks, their mechas darting across the battlefield like bolts of lightning. Every swipe of their weapons, every shot fired, was a testament to their indomitable spirits and unwavering resolve.

In the midst of the chaos, one of the Saiyan warriors managed to land a solid hit on the armored ENDIVE ship, causing it to reel back. The unexpected attack caught the enemy off guard, providing the Saiyan warriors a much-needed opportunity to regroup and re-strategize.

However, the victory was short-lived. The armored ENDIVE ship quickly regained its balance and retaliated with a devastating blow, sending the Saiyan warrior spiraling out of control. His mecha erupted into a fiery ball of wreckage, a harsh reminder of the brutal reality of war.

"We need reinforcements!" the squad captain called out, his voice echoing across the comm system. But his desperate plea was met with a chilling silence. The reality was harsh - they were on their own.

Despite the odds stacked against them, the Saiyan warriors refused to surrender. They fought on, their movements growing more desperate, yet more determined with each passing second. Every attack, every dodge, every maneuver was carried out with a single-minded focus - to protect their home, to ensure the survival of Sadala.

Hours went by, and the battle showed no signs of letting up. The defense line was holding, but just barely. The Saiyan warriors were growing weary, their energy rapidly depleting. But they held on, fueled by their unwavering determination and the hope that reinforcements would arrive soon.

And then, just when all hope seemed to be lost, a glimmer of light pierced through the darkness. Reinforcements had arrived. The sight of the incoming ships brought a renewed sense of hope and determination to the Saiyan warriors. With newfound strength, they plunged back into the battle, ready to fight until the very end.

The Delta squad was the first to arrive. They arrived swiftly, their resolve unyielding amidst the chaos unfolding around them. Empress Gula, had given them clear orders. They split into two groups, their strategy precise and calculated. One group was tasked with supporting the defense line and distract the STAR DESTROYER, keeping it from providing support to the remaining modified ENDIVE enemy ship. The other group, composed of Nach, Tessura, and Sasha, had a much more perilous task, they were to infiltrate the distracted DESTROYER.

The infiltration team donned their gravity suits, their hearts pounding with anticipation and fear. One by one, they jumped off towards the DESTROYER warship, blending seamlessly with the debris of the war zone. Their entry point had been provided by their ship, which concentrated its energy cannon on precise points of the DESTROYER's shield. Each member timed their jump perfectly, managing to slip through the shield of the warship with practiced ease. Using a damaged hull portion, they infiltrated the ship and activated their suits' stealth mode. This mode manipulated light laws and refracted the light around the wearer, making them nearly invisible to the observer.

As they sneaked deeper into the ship, they split into two teams. Nach and Sasha would navigate towards the control room while Tessura would find her way to the engine room. The ship was sprawling, its corridors winding and convoluted, but they moved with precision and purpose, their minds focused on their mission.

Once both teams were in position, they reported the situation they had observed. Nach reported the presence of King Vegeta himself onboard. The revelation was like a punch to the gut, shaking them to their core. "FUCK! That BASTARD is on board. We need a heavy hitter if we want to take this ship. Switching to Plan B. Tessura energize the damn space crystal and throw it in the engine core. Let their main engine disappear." Nach's voice crackled over the comms, his frustration and anger palpable.

"Roger that! On it. But what about the auxiliary power?" Tessura responded, her heart pounding as she pulled out the crystal and started infusing it with energy. This would activate the power of law inside it and disrupt the space around it.

"The cannon can only function if the main power is online. Once you take out the main power coming from the engine, this ship would be a sitting duck." Nach replied, his voice filled with a grim determination.

"Done. Jumping into the fray." Tessura responded, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and excitement. She leaped into the engine room, her body shimmering with the golden aura of a Super Saiyan. She fought off the guards, her movements swift and precise. But she quickly realized she was outmatched by a powerful warrior who was on the verge of reaching Super Saiyan level 2.

Thinking quickly, she dashed towards the warrior and pushed him towards the engine while throwing the crystal with him. She grabbed onto a support beam, using it to propel herself away from the engine and dashed out of the engine room. As soon as she was clear, she heard a deafening explosion and felt the ship shake violently. The walls started to warp, and she quickly engaged the stealth mode of her suit and fled.

It was only later, when she rendezvoused with Nach and Sasha, that she realized the magnitude of the destruction she had caused. The explosion had hollowed out a large chunk of the ship, rendering it nearly inoperable.

With the destroyer shield out of commission, the Delta squad, along with some of the remaining defense forces elites, boarded the ship. Reinforcements started pouring in, their combined strength slowly turning the tide of the battle. The sky was filled with the clash of mechas and the explosion of weapons as the Saiyan warriors fought alongside the reinforcements, pushing back against the enemy forces.

But amidst the chaos, a small ship managed to slip away from the DESTROYER and breach the defense net shield of Sadala. The three occupants, Super Saiyan Evil God Sevich, King Vegeta, and Prince Vegeta IV, had but one sinister goal, to spread corruption among the populace and by doing so, rebuilt their army.

Sadala Strategic HQ

A ripple of shock coursed through the command room. "What in all the stars... did Delta Squad do?" Captain Gula's voice was filled with incredulity, her words hanging heavy in the tense air. The once formidable Star Destroyer, a symbol of raw power and military might, was now reduced to a trembling husk of its former glory. Its protective shields, were flickering and dying out, as if gasping for their last breath.

"Captain, Delta squad executed their mission successfully!" Tris announced, her voice quivering with a mix of awe and apprehension. She was nearly standing, her fingers gripping the edge of her seat, her eyes wide open as she added, "They had to switch to Plan B, taking out the engine, because of the unexpected presence of... King Vegeta!"

Gula's mind raced, rapidly processing this sudden revelation. Her heart pounded in her chest as she weighed the implications. With a firm nod, she issued her commands, her voice steady despite the chaos unravelling around them. "Have Delta Squad fall back and return to the surface immediately. Instruct them to report here at once and avoid engaging King Vegeta. Let the remaining soldiers aboard the ship continue their search for the enemies."

Frisee, who had been silently observing the rapidly changing situation, finally broke her silence. Her voice was low, meant only for Gula's ears. "If his apostle is here, then our suspicion is no longer a mere theory. The Evil God must be here as well."

Gula nodded, her gaze hardening at the grim reality of their situation. "I agree. It's likely he aims to make landfall during this skirmish," she speculated, her strategic mind already calculating their next move.

Frisee nodded in agreement, adding, "I suggest we have the remaining Elites move out and start scanning for any outsiders. They should notify others before engaging any enemy."

Gula concurred, "That's a sound plan. Make it happen." Her words were met with a chorus of acknowledgements as her subordinates set to work.

As the orders were relayed, the Super Saiyan God Elite warriors took to the skies. Their sharp eyes scanned the terrain below for any anomalies. But even their keen senses were taken aback when they noticed brawls breaking out in a region they were inspecting. One warrior descended to investigate further, his heart pounding as he discovered a brutal brawl underway. On closer inspection, he was stunned to see a dark aura surrounding those involved, a sure sign of corruption.

Reports of similar corruption sightings started flowing in from different parts of the planet, painting a grim picture of the situation. Gula's heart sank as the reality of their worst fears came to life. "He's indeed here!" she muttered, her fists clenching in frustration and resolve.

Despite the dire circumstances, Gula's mind remained sharp and focused. "SAGE, initiate lockdown protocols. I want this base to become an impenetrable fortress where, if necessary, we make our last stand," she commanded, determination seeping into her voice.

Meanwhile, the situation outside was becoming increasingly precarious. Gula's heart ached for her world, her people, but she knew she had to remain strong for them. "Tris, order all available warriors in space to return home. Despite our best efforts, it seems the enemy has infiltrated our soil. It's time to defend our world."

As the orders were relayed and actions set into motion, Gula found herself grappling with a heavy decision. The survival of her son, the future of their race, rested on her shoulders. With a heavy heart, she prepared for the impending confrontation, ready to do whatever it took to ensure the survival of her world and her son.

"Roger that, Captain!" Tris replied with a firm nod, swiftly setting in motion the transmission of the orders to the fleet.

"Frisee and Sage, I need you in my ready room at once," Gula commanded, her voice resonating with the urgency of the situation.

Once back in the privacy of her ready room, Gula turned to face both Frisee and the holographic image of SAGE.

"SAGE, provide an update on the condition of the escape ships," Gula requested, her gaze fixed on the hologram.

"Captain, the Dauntless Class ship is now fully loaded with all requested items and additionally equipped with an AI terminal. You need to input the parameters for the AI. I recommend modifying its visual representation to match either you or Lord Cress. The young master would feel significantly more at ease conversing with a familiar image," SAGE advised, its voice steady. SAGE was an advanced AI and its image mirrored that of the scientist who created it, projecting the wise and calm demeanor of an elder man.

"Great. I'll take that under advisement," Gula responded, her mind already turning over the suggestion. "Frisee, I need you and SAGE to transport the Attack pod back to my residence and start the process of loading Orach into the pod. SAGE, it's imperative that he remains asleep throughout the journey until he reaches a habitable planet. The pod should launch from my home, while the Dauntless Class ship should initiate launch from the base. In an ideal scenario, both ships will manage to escape, but if the enemy outpaces us, we need them to believe that the Dauntless Class ship is the true escape vessel," Gula instructed, her voice steady and commanding.

"Yes, Captain," both Frisee and SAGE acknowledged in unison, fully understanding the gravity of their tasks.

"SAGE, I have a quick question," Gula started, her gaze serious. "Do we have enough time to save any other children and place them on the Dauntless Class ship?"

"No, Captain," SAGE started, its synthetic voice revealing a hint of regret. "I understand your desire to save as many as possible, but the risk is simply too high. The Evil God is already on the planet, and it's likely absorbing God Ki as we speak. There's also the added concern of his apostle, who's currently spreading corruption. With the infusion of God Ki, they're bound to become more aggressive. Even if we manage to contact others to start sending their children in time, there's a significant risk of the enemy breaching our defenses," SAGE explained, laying out the stark reality of their situation.

"Understood," Gula murmured, the weight of the situation bearing down on her. "It appears my son will truly be the hope of our race." She leaned back into her chair, closing her eyes for a brief moment as she assimilated the information.

"Proceed with the launch. I want both ships to launch as soon as possible," Gula commanded, her voice echoing determination.

"Yes, Captain!" SAGE and Frisee acknowledged before leaving to carry out their assigned tasks.

"Being the last of your kind is a burden in itself," Gula thought to herself as she sat alone in the quiet room. "My son, please know that no matter your future path, Mumma will always be proud of you." With a steadfast resolve, Gula began designing the looks of the AI terminals of both ships. For the Dauntless, she chose the AI to resemble her husband, while the Attack pod's AI took on her own appearance.

"Gula, can you hear me?" a voice echoed through her communicator.

"Husband?" Gula responded, a surprised yet welcome note in her voice to hear from Cress on a private channel.

"Gula, we've realized the Evil God is indeed on Sadala. Going over the logs of the Chariot, we have identified two names we suspect have made landfall as well," Cress reported, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and concern.

"Yes, the corruption is already spreading among the Saiyans of Sadala. Once you land, make your way to HQ. I've initiated lockdown protocols. We'll make our stand here. Also, who followed him? One of them has to be that traitor King Vegeta, right?" Gula questioned, her voice reflecting her determination to fight.

"Corruption has already spread? Damn it! Yes, my love, it's indeed King Vegeta, but he's not alone. His son is with him. Most likely, both father and son have become apostles," Cress reported, the initial alarm in his voice slowly giving way to a calm resolve.

"Seriously? Even his son is involved? That entire bloodline has been a disgrace for generations," Gula retorted, her voice filled with disdain for Vegeta's royal family.

"My love, have you already started preparing the escape route for our son?" Cress asked, his voice gentle yet filled with concern.

"Yes. How did you guess?" Gula responded, a touch of surprise in her voice.

"Haah… Woman, like you know me, I know you. Anyway, I agree but I suggest you accompany him. I know you'll refuse because you want to fight, but consider how lonely he'll be out there without either of us," Cress suggested, his voice carrying a note of pleading.

"I've been haunted by that same thought. But for his survival, I must make a stand and keep that Evil God here on Sadala, ensuring our son's ships escape," Gula replied calmly, her voice betraying the heavy burden she carried.

After a moment of silence, Cress responded. "Understood. When the time comes, I shall stand by your side, my love, my wife."

"Won't have it any other way, my love, my husband!" Gula replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips despite the grim situation.

Alone in her room, Gula's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She was about to launch their only son into the vast unknown of space, away from everything familiar and comforting. It was a desperate measure, one she would not have considered under any other circumstance. But the survival of their race hinged on this one decision. She could not, would not, let her personal feelings stand in the way.

She turned her attention back to the AI terminal, her fingers deftly inputting the final parameters. With a final deep breath, she initiated the transfer. "SAGE, the parameters are set. Please ensure they are implemented without fail."

"Affirmative, Captain," SAGE acknowledged.

Gula sighed in relief, but her communicator beeped again. It was time to join her comrades and confront the menace. After a final look at her terminal, she left the room, prepared for whatever fate awaited her.