Chapter 6 - The Arrival- Part 1

In a universe teeming with extraordinary beings and fantastical events, there lies a version of Earth. This Earth, a sanctuary in the cosmos, serves as both a home and a nurturing mother to a cadre of great champions. These champions, each unique in their own right, battle valiantly for justice, their methods as distinctive as their personalities and backgrounds.

Raised in a diverse array of environments, these champions are moulded by a unique set of principles and experiences. As a result, each individual has developed a unique interpretation of the term "Justice". Their ideologies are equally diverse, often leading to clashes amongst some of them. Some champions even find themselves in direct opposition to each other's methods. Yet, despite their differences, they all stand firm for the helpless, the weak, and the forgotten.

Their relentless pursuit of justice, their unwavering commitment to their cause, makes them heroes in their own right. They are revered by the populace of the cities or countries they protect and call home. Each champion grapples with their own inner demons and struggles on a daily basis. Some carry the weight of a traumatic past, having lost their parents at an early age to ruthless criminals. The haunting memory of their loss casts a long, dark shadow over their present lives.

Others battle the pain of losing loved ones to the ravages of war. These champions choose to live quiet, normal lives, becoming anonymous footnotes in the grand narrative of history rather than standing in the spotlight. Some champions fight feelings of helplessness as they strive to clear their parents' names from crimes they never committed. Others struggle daily to control their own powers, living in constant fear of causing harm even unintentionally.

A few champions bear the monumental responsibilities handed over by the higher powers of the universe. Tasked with the protection of entire worlds, they grapple with feelings of unworthiness and doubt their ability to shoulder such heavy expectations. Some are haunted by the painful memories of lives they couldn't save, while others have had their lives completely overturned due to an unfortunate accident.

These champions are the epitome of resilience and use their power to make the world a better place so, the future generation can live without fear and never have to face tragedies like they did only move forward for a better future.

In their ordinary lives, these heroes, these champions of justice, would never cross paths. They operate independently within their territories, each one a beacon of hope in their respective regions. The world had never been thrust into a crisis so dire that it required the collective power of all its champions. However, just three days ago, an event of cataclysmic proportions shattered this peaceful status quo.

An apostle of an ancient, malevolent entity, flanked by a small but deadly legion of parademons, set foot on their world. Their mission was ominous: to recover three ancient relics that were lost here during an epic war waged eons ago. This ancient war was not a mere clash of armies; it was a cataclysmic confrontation where the apostle's master battled against an alliance as diverse as it was formidable. This coalition comprised the army of man, the fearless Amazonian warrior women, the inhabitants of Atlantis, and the old gods of this world.

Countless lives were lost in this epic battle, but in the end, the apostle's master was defeated. Amid the chaos and destruction of the war, three ancient relics from the primordial era—an epoch before the birth of both old and new gods—were left behind on Earth. These relics, shaped like boxes, housed immense power, a power that the apostle's master had exploited to bring death and devastation to the worlds he had conquered.

During the battle, the defenders of the world caught only a glimpse of the relics' power, but it was enough to instill a deep wariness in them. Consequently, these relics were separated and hidden away by the forces that defended the world. For a long time, they lay dormant, their power contained, their existence all but forgotten.

But everything changed three days ago when a desperate father, in a bid to save his dying child, accidentally awakened one of the relics. The father, unaware of the relic's historical significance, was experimenting on it in the hope of harnessing its power to reinvigorate the regenerative process and save his son's life. As the relic awakened, it identified the dying boy as a suitable host, giving rise to a new entity - part man, part machine, a Cyborg.

The awakening of the relic sent out a signal that resonated with the other two hidden relics. This resonance, brief but powerful, emitted a wave of energy radiating from the planet, spreading across the cosmos like a beacon. Unfortunately, this signal was detected by the ancient evil, who promptly dispatched his apostle and a legion to retrieve these powerful relics.

The enemy forces arrived in their star system three days ago and made their way to Earth. They launched an attack with the singular goal of retrieving the relics. The parademons fanned out across the cities, wreaking havoc, consuming everything in their path, and kidnapping some individuals. In just three days, the situation escalated to a crisis point. The world, which had been aware of the existence of aliens due to Superman's presence but had never fully accepted the reality of a wider universe, was forced to confront the fact that they were not alone—and worse, that they were hopelessly outmatched.

For the first time, this young planet faced a crisis that no individual hero could overcome. This unprecedented threat brought about the need for all champions, whether active or retired, to rise up and join forces. They needed to band together as a team, as a league, to fend off this impending doom.

Upon witnessing the attacks and the ensuing chaos, each hero was stirred into action, taking up arms against the relentless threat. In the beginning, their approach was individualistic, each reacting based on their instinct and personal strategies. Heavy hitters like the invincible Superman, the Green Lantern who was responsible for Earth's space sector, and Wonder Woman, who had emerged from her long isolation after her last known appearance during World War II, were able to momentarily push back the parademons. However, despite their best efforts, they were ultimately overwhelmed, their individual strength not enough to withstand the onslaught.

Even the Flash, known for his incredible speed, could only manage to save a handful of innocent civilians while simultaneously fighting off the horde of parademons. It was a grim reminder of the scale of the threat they were facing. Batman, the Dark Knight of Gotham, later joined the conflict. Using powerful weapons onboard his batwing, a modified jet armed to the teeth with cutting-edge technology, he provided enough distraction for the other heroes to make a strategic retreat.

Guided by the strategic mind of Batman, each hero found their way to a safe location. Here, they took stock of the situation and realized the urgent need to join forces and attack together if they were to save this world they cherished. As they were getting to know each other and identifying their individual strengths and weaknesses, they were joined by two new individuals.

The first was Aquaman, a half-Atlantean and half-human loner who typically kept to himself. The other was a complete surprise - Cyborg, a previously unknown entity, part-man, part-machine, and entirely a mystery. Batman had personally invited Aquaman to join the fight when the aliens first invaded. Initially, Aquaman had refused, choosing to stay out of what he perceived as surface world issues. However, the aliens' attack on an Atlantean temple, which culminated in the theft of a centuries-old relic and caused many deaths, compelled him to reconsider. He agreed to join Batman, donning the Atlantean armor and stepping into the role of a champion.

Cyborg, on the other hand, had a far more challenging start. His transformation had left him shocked and dismayed. Seeing himself as a monster, he initially ran away from his new reality. However, the relic now fused with him started showing him visions of an ancient war, making him realize his transformation could potentially have triggered a chain of events that might resurrect an ancient evil. Recognizing the alien invaders and the parademons from his visions, he was filled with remorse and guilt, blaming himself for the invasion. In a moment of self-redemption, he decided to use his new-found powers to fight for the world and prevent the enemies from obtaining him and the other relics. He set out to trace down the heroes, fully aware that he couldn't fight this battle alone.

The heroes, now united, started piecing together the puzzle. They learned about the relics, the ancient war, and the series of events that had led them to this point. The situation's gravity became apparent as they understood that their enemy was an ancient evil that could not be reasoned with. Wonder Woman, understanding the enemy's true objective from Cyborg's explanation, contacted her people, only to find out they too had been attacked and their relic taken. A wave of dread washed over the heroes as they realized that the enemy now possessed two of the three relics. Their mission had just become exponentially more challenging.

However, in the face of despair, they held on to hope. They huddled together and devised a plan of attack. Hours of intense discussion and strategic planning later, they were ready. With a plan in mind and a resolute determination etched on their faces, they boarded Batman's carrier ship. They made their way towards the now nearly decimated city and engaged the enemy, knowing full well this would be the most significant fight of their lives. Their world was under siege, and they were its last line of defense. They were ready to fight until their last breath, to protect their home, their world.